irclog2html for blob on 2002.06.05

01:47:05Sammyhowdy all
06:27:36BZFlagseletz_: you around?
06:27:56BZFlagthis new io stuff messed up my cf support. (well. I messed it up upgrading.)
06:28:17BZFlagcan you send the results of a debug cftest on your board? and what card you are using?
07:05:48mmatten_morning all
07:06:31mmattenBZFlag: seletz ain't here yet
07:07:03BZFlagshould he be soon?
07:07:50mmattenhmm in 50 mins latest, but i guess he'll be here in a couple of minutes
07:09:12mmattenhis io stuff works pretty fine here on both our boards, strange that you run into trouble...
07:09:17BZFlaghmm. ok. you know if he has a system3 there with working cf reflash?
07:09:44mmattenAFAIK it works fine on our system3s
07:09:53BZFlagI think it's something I'm just overlooking and I just can't see it.
07:12:39mmattenhmmm what exactly isn't working?
07:15:00BZFlagnot finding the cf card now.
07:16:16mmattenand it works if you remove the IO stuff ?
07:16:24BZFlagnot anymore. =(
07:16:41BZFlagI didn't backup the source that worked either. ugh.
07:17:15BZFlagI swear I saw it identifying the card before. can't recall what I've done to break things though.
07:47:26mmattenBZFlag: as for the cf cards we're using: it definetly works on a toshiba 64mb, a jenoptik 32mb card
07:48:09BZFlaggot a debug version of blob you can do a cftest capture from?
07:53:37mmattendon't think so let me have a look
07:57:52mmattennope, he should be comin soon though (actually i expected him to be here before me)
07:59:20mmattensporry don't think i can help you :( tho it seems weird it should work with our CFs and not yours, do you have another CF card to try with or any means to check the cards functionality ?
08:01:15BZFlagyeah, I've tried a few. I'm sure I just missed someplace that I have to patch for my hw.
08:02:10mmattenjust gave him a cal lhe'S already on his way
08:02:19BZFlagwell, I'm gonna head to bed. have him mail a dump to the list (or me) if he get's a chance.
08:29:09Russmorning erikm
08:29:34erikmmorning, Russ
11:22:53hugendublhi all
14:10:53erikmuni doesn't want to pay my hotel :(
14:11:17erikm(for OLS)
14:11:53erikmconsiders youth hostel (single room half price of a room in a hotel)
14:15:33erikmhiya prpplague
14:16:16prpplagueerikm: morning
14:16:25prpplagueerikm: hows work?
14:16:42erikmeasy right now
14:17:13erikmworked hard to get rid of the backlog because I expected more work, but the more work doesn't show up
14:18:17erikmand considering a youth hostel for OLS. uni doesn't want to pay for my hotel (I don't work anymore for them), so I'm looking for cheaper stuff
14:19:17prpplagueyou check with seletz and see about sharing a room?
14:19:26erikmping seletz!
14:20:07erikmdoesn't hopes for the "seletz not alive" reply :)
14:20:22erikms/not/is/ even
14:20:55erikmprpplague: you could do that with SunOS: ping elvis --> elvis is alive
14:21:07erikmprpplague: (if you have a host called elvis on your network)
14:22:09prpplagueerikm: well, i've got a two run suit with three beds  
14:22:24prpplagueerikm: i'm suppose to have one person sharing the suite
14:22:43prpplagueerikm: but the extra bed might be available
14:23:42erikmprpplague: what's the hotel policy on it?
14:24:12prpplagueerikm: the "les suites"
14:24:19prpplagueerikm: the one listed on the OLS page
14:25:54erikmprpplague: ok, but what's their policy at adding a third person to the room?
14:26:46prpplagueerikm: i already told them 3 ppl just in case
14:27:00prpplagueerikm: beside we will have more than 3 with all the hookers, lol
14:27:06erikmheh :)
15:10:37erikmconfirms flight
15:51:58prpplagueRuss: what?
15:52:18Russis ols in france
15:53:17erikmheh, OLS in france is doable by car
15:54:57prpplaguenot for me, that'd be a heck of a drive
15:56:00prpplagueerikm: btw, i hope you don't smoke........
15:58:27erikmprpplague: no, I don't
16:26:15prpplagueRuss: wb
16:26:39prpplagueRuss: mizi sent me another round of emails about buying their sdk platform
16:29:37erikmmizi... mizi... rings a bell...
16:33:04erikmhmm, their website crashes galeon
16:33:47prpplagueerikm: ya its nasty
16:34:30prpplagueerikm: the koreans seem to have problem understanding that if you are pushing linux, you support (i.e. web page and documents) need to be in a format for linux users
16:46:41Russlooks great to me in galeon
16:47:42Russ(galeon 1.2.3/moz 1.0rc3)
16:48:25erikmRuss: ah, I have galoen 1.2.0
16:49:01Russsid? or woody
16:49:29erikmwoody (that's testing, right?)
16:49:45Russsid has 1.2.3 and moz1.0rc3
16:49:52Russwoody is in deep freeze
16:50:18Russyou can install some packages from unstable, but keep everything else at testing
16:50:39erikmI think I'll install moz and galeon from unstable
16:50:42Russsomething like apt-get install mozilla/unstable galeon/unstable, but I don't remember excactly
16:54:28erikmeek, apt wants to remove quite some applications
16:54:57Russapt-get install galeon/unstable <application it wants to remove>
16:55:03Russit should tell you what the problem is
16:55:13erikmyes, but the list is quite long
16:55:28Russjust choose any one
16:56:23Russanyway, got to go to work
16:56:35prpplagueapp-get tall_blonde-1.0
16:57:13RussI'm only 5'7" probably wouldn't hurt me to find out how tall I am in just about any other country
16:57:49prpplagueapp-get sexy-blonde-2.0
16:58:04Russah, 170
16:58:16erikmis 1.93 m
16:58:32prpplagueis same as Russ
17:07:14erikm1.93 is 6'5" or o?
17:23:08Russ|werkerikm: what is the problem?
17:23:38Russ|werkabout right
17:34:34erikmgoes home
19:07:33prpplagueBZFlag: howdy
19:07:45prpplagueBZFlag: quick question....
19:08:02prpplagueBZFlag: you guys put out a sdk for the zarus right?
20:35:40BZFlagprpplague: not yet. we have one, but there are legal obstacles.

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