irclog2html for blob on 2002.06.03

08:50:17seletzmorning erikm, Russ
08:53:06Russevening, whatever
14:06:41Fareerikm: are you here?
14:29:59erikm*nod*, but very busy
15:40:21Fareerikm: I'm thinking of making a piggyflash for putting the "flash" as a piggy to blob
15:40:56Farewhich involves also replacing the current 64KB size of blob-rest
15:41:08Faredoes that sound ok to you?
15:41:21Farebtw, did you get my patch?
15:41:41Fare(apparently, disabling the led code made it work)
15:45:26erikmFare: yes, I got your patch
15:45:46erikmFare: what do you mean with putting the flash as a piggy to blob?
15:46:14Farealso, since hpcboot is already moving the things around, I intend to remove the start - just load the trampoline.
15:46:37Farejust like zImage is made by appending piggy.o to the header
15:46:54erikmah. ok
15:47:18erikmif hpcboot understands ELF images, you could try to feed it blob-rest-elf32
15:48:04Faremaybe I could link blob-rest-elf32 directly to the linux headers?
15:48:21erikmdon't think so
15:48:39Fareso as to avoid double-piggy and double-decompression?
15:48:49Faremaking a generic piggy should be ok
15:49:12Farethe main limiting factor in testing a kernel is the time it takes for WinCE to reinit, anyway
15:49:46Fareok, so I'll load blob-rest-elf, linked with a piggy.
15:50:15Faredo you have any hints about debugging the kernel?
15:50:30FareI guess I should make console initialization a priority...
15:50:51Farewhich kernel do you recommend to hack? 2.4.18-rmkX ?
15:51:39erikmyes, that one is pretty stable
15:51:56Fareok. thanks again for everything.

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