irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.31

01:24:04Sammymorning everyone ...
01:31:55FareSammy: can you help with debugging blob?
01:32:02Fare(a new port of it)
01:36:36prpplagueruss__: hows things?
01:37:23SammyFare: what's new port ?
01:37:33Sammyhello prpplague :D
01:37:42prpplagueSammy: knee how
01:38:38Sammyhow's you going  today ?
01:39:20prpplagueSammy: fine, just getting a bunch of office politics out of the way today
01:43:50Sammyprpplague: |o|
01:46:47Sammygo get more coffee ...
01:50:24FareSammy: jornada 820
01:50:30Farea nice machine
07:15:02mmattenakira|work :Nickname is already in use.
07:15:47mmattenwrong channel and even server....
09:15:43seletzerikm: hi. Was yesterday's porting session a success?
09:22:55erikmsort of
09:23:22erikmblob booted, but we think it died after a IRQ or FIQ
09:23:34erikmmy guess was that the system wasn't in SVC mode
09:23:47erikmI don't know what Fare did to fix that
09:48:10seletzerikm: no LEDs?
10:14:28erikmseletz: no
10:17:31seletzerikm: Doh. I thought I'm the only one with no LEDs on his board.  
10:17:31seletzerikm: LEDS help soooo mutch. grrr.
10:17:31seletzanyway, SIGLUNCH :)
10:23:52Sammyevening all
10:25:34erikmafternoon, sammy :)
11:34:05seletzSammy: hi
12:00:37Fareerikm: are you around?
12:01:15Fareerikm: while you were away, I actually regressed!
12:01:31FareIf you go away on this summer day, then you might as well take the sun away
12:04:49erikmFare: hi
12:05:33FareNow I can't even get any output on the serial console
12:05:57Fare(not from blob, anyway - I realized I could get lots from hpcboot)
12:06:16Farealso, in its logs, hpcboot reports CPSR :600000df which seems just WRONG
12:06:18erikmFare: try to blink a LED from blob. or blink the LCD backlight
12:06:42Farewhat user mode is 11111 ? or can hpcboot report a false CPSR?
12:06:55Farehow can I determine where the LCD backlight is?
12:08:01FareAnd why does blob shut down the screen, whereas the hpcboot-misbooted vmlinux would crash with the framebuffer mapped and binary visible on it?
12:08:44Fareconsiders crashing blob early on to see if the framebuffer is still mapped - maybe we can put the framebuffer to good use if we don't disable it
12:08:51erikmFare: blob does not switch down the screen. it assumes the framebuffer is not switched on
12:09:14Farewhat's a good way to crash blob early on?
12:09:48erikmFare: the best way is to run it in something other than SVC mode
12:10:18erikmFare: another good way is to have interrupts enabled and bogus IRQ/FIQ vector at 0x00000000
12:10:21FareI mean, what could I put in a .S to crash it, if possible w/o modifying framebuffer settings
12:10:45Fareisn't 0x00000000 in ROM while the MMU is deactivated?
12:11:46Farecode that would basically "disable interrupts, blink a few pixels, flush buffers, go back to blink" would be great
12:12:11Fare(and why could I get output before and no more?)
12:16:24Sammyho ho , go weekend ...
12:16:48Sammylater all ...
12:18:30erikmFare: yes, such code would be nice
12:18:45erikmFare: and why no more output? I don't know what you changed...
12:21:24FareI don't understand what I changed either.
12:21:46FareThe change set is rather small, and I uncommented any special thing I did
12:22:12Fareat one time, I got mixed up with the link command, before I settled it in a way that looks like it works
12:23:19FareI can send you my current patch
12:27:44Farecould it play a role that I'm running on external power supply, without batteries?
12:30:34Faredoesn't seem to make any difference.
12:30:43FareThat CPSR:600000df bugs me
12:31:01Faredoes the SA1100 have a running mode 11111 ?
12:33:44erikmno idea, I don't have the documentation over here
12:34:21FareThe SA1100 docs doesn't say anything. It tells me to look for a separate architecture document.
12:34:42FareThe only architecture document I have is the ARMv7.pdf which doesn't have a 11111 mode
12:35:11Fare(SVC is 10011, user is 10000, other ones are all 10xxx)
12:42:08Farehum. I inserted a halt: b halt just after disabling interrupts in start.S, and the computer crashed with black screen immediately
12:42:55Fareif RAM is mapped at 0x00000000 as I believe, then loading at 0xc000000 could cause severe lossage, since it would overwrite the vectors!
12:57:58FareI don't understand what happens.
13:01:43Farehum. How come, when I touch start.S and make blob-chain, nothing happens?
13:03:07erikmbecause  blob-chain doesn't depend on start.S
13:03:23erikmRAM is not mapped at 0x00000000
13:03:42erikmphysical address 0x00000000 is *always* some kind of ROM
13:04:00erikm(and yes, that's on every ARM CPU)
13:06:55Farewhat's the first file in blob-chain? chain.S? trampoline.S ?
13:11:09Fareputs halt: b halt on the beginning of chain.S...
13:12:29Farewell, at least that works:
13:12:45Fareit hangs the computer w/o blanking the screen
13:13:20FareIs there a simple way to detect where the framebuffer is mapped?
13:15:27erikmthe shows the dependencies
13:16:51erikmif the framebuffer is on, it's mapped
13:21:11seletzerikm: marcus has a problem: We've updated our cramfs libs to libc2.2.3, now init won't start anymore. I've change the file to point to the right libs (its a text file). Is there something obvious i'm missing? (the libs are from your tool chain).
13:26:20erikmseletz: yes, has a hardcoded search path
13:26:38erikmseletz: the path is set to where your configure --prefix is
13:26:54mmattenmmm how to change ?
13:27:01mmatten(without recompile)
13:27:19erikmeither binary edit, or make the correct path+symlink on the cramfs
13:29:24mmattenerikm: ok thanks, i#ll have a look :)
13:38:20seletzman, this is bad design.
13:38:27seletzIMHO, that is.
13:45:46Fareok, so I can debug, now that I can distinguish between on and off
13:45:53FareI have an output bit per run.
13:46:13Farelet's work towards increasing the throughput.
13:46:41Farethe goal is: identifying where the framebuffer is mapped.
13:47:21Fareany hint?
13:52:37Farelet me get things right: if hpcboot did its job correctly, we'd be in SVC mode with MMU off, so that 0x00000000 would be ROM, isn't it?
14:06:53erikmframe buffer map can be figured out from the frame buffer registers, see SA1100 manual
14:10:29prpplaguemorning all
14:10:53erikmhi prpplague
14:11:12prpplagueerikm: whats cookin today?
14:29:21Fareso when hpcboot says the framebuffer is mapped at 0x0000000, it might as well be a failed access to the register, due to lack of privileges?
14:29:48Farecan you recommend a hacking environment under wince?
14:39:42Fareif we aren't in SVC, how come we could go as far as outputing a few characters on the serial line?
14:44:48prpplagueseletz: hows work on the cpu core?
14:47:40erikmFare: you probably get an exception before the serial output buffer is slushed.
14:47:56seletzprpplague: fine so far. Have the specs and BOM mailed to a HW manufactorer. Next week on Friday we'll have a meeting about layout and design issues. Then i'll get a price offer.
14:48:43seletzprpplague: They are fine with our "order xx per month" idea.
14:49:04Farehum. If I was writing zeros over the palette, it might have explained the black screen.
14:49:04seletzprpplague: so we dont have to order 100 units first.
14:49:46prpplagueseletz: cool
14:49:55Fareerikm: how come I could output more characters when the serial was at higher speed? isn't the output buffer fixed-size?
14:50:02seletzprpplague: erm, s/100/1000
14:50:15prpplagueseletz: we've started plans to move our thin clients from x86+crt to SA+lcd
14:51:26seletzprpplague: cool. Next week i'll meet a guy who's interested in embedded on PC104. I hope i'll get him to use ARM. He wants LCD+Touchscreen. Fits fine with our core....
14:52:11seletzprpplague: for now i'll show him my board from PT and claim its my own ond :^}
14:52:18seletzprpplague: s/ond/one/
14:52:41prpplagueseletz: lol
14:52:41Fareseletz: how much costs a custom-built ARM board + LCD + touchscreen ?
14:52:51seletzFare: lol
14:53:00prpplagueseletz: i ws thinking about ordering one of these -
14:53:57seletzuargh, thats cheap
14:54:18|Server O/S Windows 2000 Terminal Service,
14:54:18|WindowsNT 4.0,(with Terminal Service edition)
14:55:42seletzFare: depends on what _exactly_ you want
14:57:12|Texas School District Chooses ThinSoft
14:57:12|The Poth Independent School District joins a growing list of US schools and universities implementing the BeTwin solution to meet educational computing requirements.
14:57:33seletzprpplague: what do you think?
14:59:39prpplagueseletz: whats that from?
15:00:05seletzprpplague: your url
15:00:23seletzprpplague: just followed some links
15:00:38seletzprpplague: the no where say that they support linux
15:01:47prpplagueseletz: ohh, for the thinclient, ya, i don't even bother looking for linux support these days, i just find the hardware and make linux work
15:03:36prpplagueseletz: we remove the "made for winblows" or "powered by windows ce" logo off 75% of the hardware we resale
15:04:22seletzprpplague: lol, cool
15:04:24mmattenerikm: neither link nor replacing the path in the seem to work, i still receive:Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!
15:04:24mmattenoot: erro r while loading shared libraries: cannot read file data: cannot load shared object file: Error 21
15:05:07mmattenerror 21 is supposed to mean: hey i'm a directory not a file
15:05:12mmattenbut that makes no sense to me
15:05:57prpplagueseletz: that arm based thin client is supposed to be $351, but without all the licensed software, its only $289
15:06:12seletzprpplague: thats really cheap
15:08:47seletzprpplague: i wonder what the TCO with citrix server licenses and win2k licenses is ...
15:09:20prpplagueseletz: alot
15:09:42erikmmmatten: try to link init statically
15:09:50prpplagueseletz: we go up against other accounting systems that use citrix and win2k stuff, and they are usually 3x our costs
15:18:33Fareseletz: I want an (interactive if possible) (free software if possible) low-level development environment to help debug a bootloader for linux
15:18:42Fare(and/or another OS)
15:23:00Farehum. look like blitting a VGA screen at 25Hz requires 3 to 4 MHz of memory access bandwidth
15:24:33prpplagueerikm: what do you think, think i could get blob working on that thin client?
15:25:21erikmprpplague: should be doable. does it have flash and a serial port?
15:25:55prpplagueerikm: ya, and the jtag is clear marked on the pcb
15:26:33erikmprpplague: ok, should be doable. I wonder about their video specs, though
15:26:47erikmprpplague: but that's not necessary to get blob working on it :)
15:28:53erikmgoes home
15:49:17mmattengoes home too
15:49:55Russmorning prpplague
15:51:06seletzgoing home
15:51:11seletzRuss: hi
15:51:24seletzsee ya all ....
15:53:35prpplagueRuss: morning
15:53:45prpplagueRuss: hows the camion hacking?
16:09:07Russtracing the audio paths and some remaining BCR bits and gpio's
16:10:31prpplagueRuss: sounds like you've done  nice job
16:10:51prpplagueRuss: maybe i can send you that thin client to play with next, lol

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