irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.30

06:53:46Sammyshake shake shake ...
08:20:40Russmorning erikm
08:21:15Russthis camion board is the most disorganized board I've ever seen as far as what goes where
08:23:45Russyou'd think that if there were a keypad of buttons, they would all be handled the same way...
08:24:00Russbut 4 are with ucb1300 gpio's, and 2 are with sa1110 gpio's
08:36:08SammyRuss: the camion board info url is ?
08:36:24erikmRuss: that sounds awful
08:42:03Sammyhello erikm ...
08:43:54erikmhi Sammy
12:37:17erikmFare: you can just use an arm-linux cross compiler
12:37:47erikmFare: the gcc-2.95.3 version available from or works pretty well
12:39:21FareI installed a debian package from wherever., I suppose
12:39:54erikmshould work as well
12:41:45Faredeb unstable main
12:43:41Farehum. WinCE is in ROM, not in Flash.
12:44:12FareI use a flashcard (seen as ide drive) for persistent RAM.
12:44:32Farecan blob help me?
12:44:43Fare(i.e. I *must* run from WinCE 2.11)
12:46:35erikmFare: sure, you can also chain-boot into blob
12:46:54erikmFare: I've done that for ipaq, chainbooted from bootldr
12:46:56Fareyou mean, using hpcboot to chain into blob?
12:47:09erikmthat's also possible
12:47:22erikmyou need to modify the chain loader to disable the mmu in that case, though
12:47:28Farewhat would you recommend?
12:47:32erikmRuss might have code for that
12:47:48erikmif hpcboot works, it's the easiest to let it chain-boot into blob
12:48:03Farehow can I check whether it activated the mmu, or whether it's just the framebuffer being physically mapped at 0xc0000000 ?
12:48:04erikmlater on you can do a native blob boot
12:48:20Fare(the latter seems more plausible)
12:48:38erikmFare: check out the SA1100 manual. there are some registers in coprocessor 15
12:49:26Farewait, lunchtime
12:49:34erikmFare: the sa1100 manual is available at
13:32:29Fareis back
14:04:53Fareshould I start my "port" with a mimick of the jornada 720 port, or with a mimick of some SA1100 board?
14:06:17erikmbetter take an sa1100 board
14:06:35erikmLART is a good one to take, it's waht I always work on
14:07:05erikmthe jornada 720 needs some kind of extra flash board
14:07:29erikmif you're first going to do the chain loader, you don't have to bother with the memory settings
14:09:12Farehum. will blob read files from the compactflash card?
14:09:56erikmFare: the CVS version contains code to do that, but it's not yet mature. seletz is working on it
14:10:07FareI think the 720 has flash ram. The 820 only has ROM, but it has a CompactFlash extension (reduced-size and reduced-functionality PCMCIA slot, where memory appears as an IDE device)
14:10:29erikmFare: does it run WinCE right now? if so, it has RAM
14:10:35Fareyes it does
14:10:43erikmok, so there is ram as well
14:10:59Faredoesn't even imagine a computer without RAM.
14:11:13Farebut well yes, it has a RAMdisk
14:11:15erikmsome embedded controllers don't have any
14:11:48FareI'm sure they have at least a few hundred bytes of on-board scratch RAM.
14:12:17Farebut ok, I see what you mean.
14:12:45erikm*nod* some 128 bytes of scratch ram. or a large register set
14:14:37Farewhat should I put instead of BLOB_FLASH_OBJS="intel32.o" ?
14:15:07erikmjust go with the dummy flash driver for the time being
14:15:47Farewhat's its name?
14:16:17erikmdummy.o, IIRC
14:17:32erikmno, nullflash.o
14:21:13Farefor 190MHz, what should CPU_SPEED be?
14:21:32erikm0x09, IIRC, but you don't have to care for the chain loader
14:22:00erikmjust make a note that you have to check that later on
14:22:24Farethe J820 has 16MB of RAM. I can't imagine that it'd be more than one bank, but who knows?
14:22:55Farethere is an optional 16MB RAM extension (wish I had one), and I don't know how to detect it.
14:23:57erikmdon't care about the RAM. blob will detect it automatically and tell the kernel about the banks
14:24:21Farelart has 0xb, jornada720 (210MHz) has 0x9
14:25:11erikmit depends on the core crystal and the exact sa1100 version
14:26:09Farethere is a LED on the batteries. I don't know if they are GPIO-programmed, or directly wired to some circuit in the batteries (indicate if it's charging, etc.)
14:27:34Farethe j720 has a lot of additional #defines in arch/jornada720.h
14:31:29FareI suppose the ARCH number is the one rmk sent to me...
14:35:45Farewhat about stuff in memsetup-sa1100.c ?
14:35:53Farejust copy the LART entry?
14:37:46Faredo I need a flash descriptor for the nullflash, or can I do without?
14:52:37Farechecking whether the C compiler (/usr/bin/arm-linux-gcc  ) works... no
14:52:53Fareyet I've compiled a kernel with it
14:53:39erikmcheck configure.log
14:54:24Fare/usr/arm-linux/bin/ld: cannot open crt1.o: No such file or directory
14:54:54erikmhmm. probably a compiler without libc
14:55:22erikmshouldn't mater, but configure checks for it
14:55:37erikmtry to install an arm-linux libc as well
14:55:48erikmstrange that emdebian broke it up in several packages
14:56:09Fareanwhen I apt-get'ed it, the libc was broken
14:56:20Farelet's see if it's fixed since my bug report..
15:03:45Faredo I need C++? I hope not
15:04:44erikmblob is plain C and some assembly
15:06:11Fareusing dselect was a bad idea
15:07:41Farecancels and apt-gets packages on the command line
15:09:04Farewonders why the debian people use text files everywhere
15:09:41FareErr unstable/main libc6-dev-arm 2.1.3-8e4
15:09:51Farenot found
15:09:52erikmbecause that's the only way to do it right
15:10:10erikmFare: just get the tarball from or
15:11:20seletzhi again
15:11:26seletzreding back
15:13:42FareHi, seletz
15:13:59seletzFare: live-porting session, eh?
15:14:24seletzprpplague: hi
15:16:05Farethe .deb is _all in the repository, but the _all is missing in the listing files.
15:16:09Faregets the .deb by hand
15:16:45seletzFare: why dont you just take Erik's pre-compiled tool chain?
15:18:44erikmseletz: nah, if he can get the libc deb he's already ok, and it's less stuff to download
15:19:00seletzwell, ok
15:19:01Farethe one from january 25th 2001 ?
15:19:31erikmFare: don't know the date. the 2.95.3 version is ok
15:20:24Fareshould I --enable-maintainer-mode ?
15:21:17Fareok, now I get configure: error: Unknown board name, bailing out
15:21:26FareI suppose I have missed a step in porting.txt
15:23:12seletzhave you added your board to
15:23:13erikm--enable-maintainer-mode is nice, it automatically recreates things like configure, Makefile, etc. when you edit the source files
15:24:41Farein, yes
15:25:02erikmafter editing you need to run tools/rebuild-gcc
15:25:32seletzok, i need a break
15:26:07Fareerikm: ok, that was the missing step
15:26:13Farewhere was it documented?
15:26:24Faremaybe I should add it to porting.txt ?
15:26:27erikmFare: possible that I forgot :)
15:26:36erikmFare: sure. make it a separate patch
15:26:56Farehum. I don't know how to make separate patches
15:27:06Farebut well, ok
15:32:08Farehum. ./configure now runs fine.
15:32:34Farecompilation is underway
15:33:01Fareit fails on diag
15:33:18erikmdoesn't matter
15:33:21Fareshould I also dummy-port diag, or should I exclude it from compilation?
15:33:39erikmjust let it break on that, blob is alredy compiled
15:33:52Farenow for testing?
15:33:59erikma dummy port is fairly easy to do, it needs even less changes than blob
15:37:25Fareok, I dummy-ported diag, too
15:42:40Farehpcboot tells me: boot failed, can't jump into the kernel
15:43:28Russprpplague: do you have any idea what connector that debugging connector is (ie, who makes it)
15:43:55Fareshouldn't I be using something like "blob-chain-elf32" ?
15:44:17Farebecause hpcboot obviously wants an elf binary to boot
15:45:29erikmFare: sounds broken. blob is a plain bootloader, no ELF involved
15:46:32Fareyes, but hpcboot is an elf bootloader
15:46:37erikmFare: see if hpcboot can load non-ELF objects. if it is also able to jump to arbitrary locations, you're saved
15:46:42Fareso if I want to chain from hpcboot, I need blob to be elf
15:47:04Faremaybe just objcopy blob into an elf ?
15:47:29erikmFare: that could do the trick
15:47:53FareI see other -elf32 blob files. maybe just copy the way they are?
15:48:05erikmFare: if not, you can use objcopy to put blob-chain in an .o file with the contents in the .data section. make sure there also is an entry point
15:48:21prpplagueRuss: no, i did a search for that but didn't find it
15:48:23erikmFare: then make a small piece of code that jumps to the entry point, and you'rer set
15:48:52erikmFare: you can't use the -elf32 stuff. it's what the compiler generates, but you can't use it to boot
15:51:50FareI hav something urgent to do, then I'll be back
15:52:11Fareshould I make it a statically loaded elf at 0xc0000000 ?
15:52:20Fareor at another address?
15:52:31Fareis it relocatable code?
15:52:44Fareor must I execute it from a fixed address?
15:55:00erikmFare: the chain loader will relocate itself
15:55:22erikmFare: but be careful that source and destination don't overlap
15:56:33Farehum. How can I determine source and destination?
15:56:43Farecan't it do a safe memcpy ?
15:57:08FareI mean , memmove
15:57:34Russprpplague: thats where jtag is
15:58:41erikmFare: the chain loader will do that for you . you aonly have to take care that the chain loader doesn't overlap with its destination
15:59:11erikmso if your BLOB_START is at 0xc01000000 don't put the ELF start entry at 0xc0000000
16:04:17FareI'm a bit baffled
16:06:44Farevmlinux has     LOAD off    0x00008000 vaddr 0xc0008000 paddr 0xc0008000 align 2**15
16:06:47prpplagueRuss: ya thats what i found out, time to get the soldering iron
16:07:07Fareshould I do the same with blob ? or otherwise?
16:07:20Fareapparently, this information is heeded by hpcboot
16:10:09Fareor should I use  0xc0100000 0xc0100000 for blob?
16:11:37FareBLOB_RAM_BASE is 0xc0100000
16:12:39erikmFare: don't look at what linux does
16:12:46erikmFare: blob will take care about that
16:13:34erikmFare: if BLOB_RAM_BASE is 0xc0100000, you have to take care that whereever you load the blob ELF'ed image, it shouldn't overlap with BLOB_RAM_BASE
16:16:56Farethen would 0xc0000000 be ok?
16:17:08Fareor 0xc0008000 ?
16:18:11erikmbetter take 0xc0100000 as the entry point
16:18:25erikmthat's BLOB_RAM_BASE, and that's guaranteed free
16:18:39erikmwas confused
16:19:01erikmI don't have the source ready right here, so I'm doing things from memory
16:19:16erikmBLOB_RAM_BASE is where blob should download a new blob image to
16:19:31erikmthere is another variable, BLOB_START IIRC
16:19:41erikmthat's the blob-rest entry point
16:20:01erikmso the start of the blob-chain loader should not overlap with BLOB_START
16:25:23FareI can't find BLOB_START by grepping
16:26:28Fareld -Ttext 0xc0008000 -b binary blob-chain -o blob-chain-elf32 seems to works, but produces 32KB of 0
16:26:29erikmFare: check chain.S and see what destination it uses. again I don't have the source right here, I'm doing things from memory
16:26:40erikmFare: that wil most definatively fail
16:27:09FareBLOB_START:     .word   BLOB_ABS_BASE_ADDR
16:27:25FareI was only grepping in *.[hc] which explains why I didn't find it
16:27:29erikmFare: for starters 0xc0008000 usually is BLOB_ABS_BASE_ADDR
16:27:49erikmand copying the second stage loader over the first stage loader *will* fail
16:28:42Fareinclude/blob/arch/jornada820.h:#define BLOB_ABS_BASE_ADDR       (0xc0200400)
16:28:49Fare(same as lart and jornada720)
16:29:29erikmok, there is *something* at 0xc0008000. I can't remember what, but there is something
16:31:12Farecan't get rid of those 32kb of 0, but that's ok, since hpcboot will handle a blob.gz
16:32:41Fareit blanked the screen
16:32:49FareI suppose it worked
16:33:06erikmblob doesnt' touch he screen
16:33:30erikmhow did you upload? through serial port?
16:33:40Farethrough ethernet, while in wince
16:34:08erikmbut I suppose the jornada has some kind of serial port
16:34:19FareI download files onto the compactflash card using internet explorer, from a hidden directory on my web server
16:34:42erikmI mean: it would be a bad idea not to do, especially if you get the serial ports for free in the CPU
16:35:35Farethe jornada has a serial port with a proprietary cable that I tested to work ok in WinCE (with some horrible software to synch with windows 98)
16:36:01erikmok, same with the compaq ipaq. the cable is proprietary, but it works
16:36:53Fareboth lart and j720 said they had serial3, so I left serial 3 here
16:40:27Farejust tested the cable at 19200 under WinCE -- can talk to kernmit just fine!
16:42:28Fareok, tried again with hpcboot & blob.gz
16:42:30erikmFare: blob usually starts at 9k6 unless you changed that
16:42:39FareI got ~` in my serial console...
16:42:51Fareoh, I didn't change anything
16:42:55erikmok, that's usually a sign that the baud rate is wrong
16:42:56Fareok, will retry at 9600
16:42:59erikmswitch to 9k6
16:45:15Farewow I just saw WinCE ask me a question in text mode !
16:46:05Fareblob booted!
16:46:28Fareit rul3z!
16:46:50Fareahem. well, now what?
16:48:13erikmok, now for the kernel.
16:48:49erikmwhat blob version did you take , 2.0.5-pre2 or the CVS version?
16:49:39Fareok, so where should I begin from?
16:49:48FareI'll remove those mov r1, #MACH_SA*
16:50:00erikmyes, that's no longer necessary
16:50:28erikmIIRC blob-2.0.5-pre2 automatically includes the xmodem download code
16:50:48erikmotherwise see if ./configure --help mentions it
16:51:08erikmthe xmodem download is much faster than the uuencode downloader, especially if you use a 1k blocksize
16:52:44erikmfor kernel port: take lart as an example so you get a basic port
16:53:27erikmfirst try to get the kernel at the point that it starts complaining about missing ramdisks
16:54:33Farewouldn't zmodem be better? though not if I'm sending a zImage, I suppose
16:54:34erikmfrom that point you can get the lart-ramdis-1.0 from , upload it as a ramdisk to blob and see if the kernel is able to boot it
16:54:51erikmFare: zmodem is overkill. we might want to do ymodem, though
16:55:41erikmFare: zmodem has all kind of nice features that allow it to work on bad telephone lines, but that's really overkill for direct serial lines
16:55:56erikmFare: plus that zmodem requires a lot of code to do it right
16:56:14erikmFare: and one of the design rules of blob is to keep it simple
16:58:10FareI suppose I should configure the kernel to have a kernel console
16:58:32Farecould I configure blob and the kernel to work at 19200, 38400 or 115200 ?
16:58:58erikmyes, there are hacks for that
16:59:25erikmthere already is a large #ifdef in src/blob/main.c that does it for certain args
16:59:33Farecertain args?
17:00:09Fareblob seems hung after it prints "Consider "
17:00:25erikmshouldn't happen
17:00:36erikmif it prints something it means that it reaches main
17:00:50erikmchech main.c to see what's happening after the consider part
17:05:00Russ|werkI saw a computer once
17:05:10Russ|werkwhere someone tweaked the settings in bios
17:05:14Russ|werkand it booted, and said
17:05:19FareConsider yourself LARTed!\n\n
17:05:28Russ|werk"Press DEL if you want to"
17:06:00Russ|werkkind of taunting you, press DEL if you want to, it won't get you back into bios, but try it anyway
17:06:00erikmBZFlag: hiya tim
17:06:13Russ|werk(the full message would be "Press DEL if you want to enter setup"
17:13:51Fare115200 doesn't look like it worked - I get ``````````````````````
17:14:50Russ|werkFare: do you have any leds?
17:15:34erikmFare: for some designs 115k2 is too fast. try a bit slower
17:15:38Farethere is one on the batteries, but I'm not sure it's software-controllable
17:17:21Russ|werkFare: what about the backlight?
17:19:54Fareat 38400, I get the Consider yourself LARTed!\n\n
17:20:14FareI suppose I should tell kermit to do lf->crlf translation
17:20:49Fareit's still a crash
17:20:57Farebecause main.c outputs lots of things
17:21:08Fareaccelerating output makes me get more stuff before crash
17:21:24FareI suppose some interrupt is generated and the system crashes
17:21:32Faremaybe a FIQ?
17:21:44Farebacklight? the LCD dies black
17:22:35FareIt smells like a crash
17:22:39erikmFare: blob expects interrupts to be disabled because it normally runs as the first program
17:22:57Fareerikm: maybe that's a bug in hpcboot
17:23:19erikmFare: it *could* be that the CPU is not in SVC mode, and blob tries to enable the I-cache, which is a priviledged instruction
17:23:56erikmFare: so the CPU generates a trap, and it tries to execute the trap handler which might already be overwritten
17:24:25Fareit crashes while outputing stuff on serial
17:25:12Farethe current function is SerialOutputString(...)
17:26:47Fareat that point, it's not trying to mess with SVC mode
17:27:10erikmwell, I know there is some kind of deadlock on the serial input driver, haven't seen it crash in the output stuff
17:27:10Fareit looks like only one of the two \n got printed, too
17:28:16Faremy guess is that it isn't the serial driver, but another interrupt source, that is causing trouble
17:28:43Farea source that leaves us just enough time to print a few characters
17:29:33Fare(also, the first line I get is fffffffffff~`f so maybe the ~` does indicate trouble with the serial line)
17:30:02Farethe fact that the faster the console, the more characters I get might mean a clock interrupt after a fixed time or so.
17:30:04erikmcould be garbage still in the output queue
17:31:05Farelet's assume it's garbage.
17:32:15Fareor maybe my eth nic is generating interrupts?
17:32:36erikmcould be
17:33:20erikmthere is some code in the sa1100-start.S that disables all interrupts, you could try to paste that into chain.S
17:35:16Fareby setting the console at 19200, I can see that the first line was actually HPCBOOT sending stuff
17:35:39Fareand without the pcmcia NIC, it dies after "Consider y"
17:35:39erikmset blob to 19k2 as well, so you can see what it says
17:35:55FareI did set blob to 19.2 too of course
17:38:17Farewhere is sa1100-start.S ?
17:38:46Fareyou mean memsetup-sa1100.S ?
17:40:34erikmFare: sorry, I'm confused with the CVS version
17:40:42erikmFare: in your case it's in start.S
17:47:12Farepasting the code that says "disable all interrupts" early into chain.S prevents anything from being output by serial line.
17:48:08erikmso probably the CPU doesn't run in SVC mode
17:48:35Farehum. Bad.
17:48:58FareSo I need to hack hpcboot ?
17:49:40erikmI'm affraid so
17:49:43Fareis there some way to detect whether we are in SVC mode, and to output it to the console during our fraction of second of life?
17:50:29erikmyes, there is. check head-armv kernel stuff in the linux tree. it checks out if it runs in SVC mode for the Assabet+angel bootloader
17:50:47erikm(well, angel is not a real bootloader, it's actually a piece of crap)
17:54:55FareI won't discuss that
18:07:10BZFlagnotes that erikm's option might be biased, but it is accurate none the less. ;-)
18:07:18BZFlager opinion...
18:07:23erikmBZFlag: lol :)
18:14:17erikmgoes home
19:19:05FareI'm doomed
19:19:12FareI can't even print stuff anymore!
19:25:10FareI'm baffled
19:25:28Farenow I can't get blob to output anything on serial anymore!
19:25:45Russ|werkFare: like I said, do you know how to control the backlight
19:25:57Russ|werkits probably either a gpio or in the BCR (if there is one)
19:26:00Faredo I?
19:26:08Fareno I don't know how to do it
19:26:25FareI suppose it's in a gpio
19:26:30Farewhere would I find out?
19:26:32Russ|werkwhat do you know about the hardware besides "assabet-like"
19:26:48FareI've been told more "brutus-like", but then, that's all.
19:27:02Russ|werkhave you cataloged the chips on it?
19:29:00Farea friend has gathered docs around
19:31:30Russ|werkvery nice
19:32:51Russ|werkwhere is the LED?
19:33:01Fareon the front - in the batteries
19:33:11FareI wouldn't bet that it is GPIO-controlled
19:33:19Russ|werkwhere does the trace go?
19:33:24Faremight as well be hardwired to the led charge/discharge status
19:33:33Farethe trace from the GPIO ?
19:33:39Farethe trace from the LED ?
19:33:43Russ|werkthe LED
19:33:54FareI haven't dismembered the batteries yet
19:34:06FareI would rather program the backlight, actually
19:34:20Russ|werkyou want to locate the rs232 transceivers and see where the line goes that turns them off and on
19:34:43Russ|werkyou may have a BCR, which would be a set of d flip flops, or a CPLD
19:34:57Russ|werkyou want to find out what's controlling the backlight ower
19:35:00Russ|werker, power
19:35:13Russ|werkbasically, you just get some probes, and place one at the signals you are looking for
19:35:27Russ|werkand run the other one down the sides of the chips you think it might go to
19:35:42Russ|werkif you put the first probe between two pins, you can search for two at once
19:36:10Russ|werka lot of times, all the pins an the bga will be available on the opposite side of the board in a feild of via's
19:37:06Russ|werkthe ucb1200 has its io lines going out to places
19:37:23Russ|werktoo bad all the vias are masked
19:39:05Russ|werkif you are probing, and you think it matches the brutus pretty close
19:39:12Russ|werkthen check the brutus locations first
19:39:26FareCan it be done all in software?
19:39:55Russ|werksome of its easier in software, some of its easier in hardware
19:39:56FareIt's not like I've ever been a hardware hacker (or have any hardware probing tools)
19:40:11Russ|werkyou use an ohmmeter
19:40:23Russ|werkones that beep when they get 0ohms are helpfull
19:40:33Russ|werkjust make sure its not one thats putting big voltages in
19:43:10FareI don't trust my ohmmeter, and it doesn't have useful tips
19:43:16Farebut I will consider that
19:46:23Russ|werkI have a cheap rat shack one I use
19:47:08Russ|werkits also usefull to grab all the sa1100 registers while CE is running (or after you've chain booted blob)
19:47:13Farewhat baffles me is why I can't capture any blob output anymore, while I could a few hours ago
19:47:30Russ|werkit gives a good indication about whats an interrupt, whats an input/output, memory timings, what serial port does what, etc
19:47:42Russ|werkdo you have flow control turned on or off
21:14:11Farehow can I tell about flow control?
21:14:29Fareit's hardware flow control, as far as I know, but I'm not sure
21:56:27Farehum. Now hpcboot rejects my files with "not a native architecture. machine = 3"
21:56:34FareI seem to be *regressing*
21:57:12Faremaybe erikm emitted computrons while he was here, and now there's only I left, who emit bogons
22:07:16russ_flashes the router again
22:10:01russ_ah, cool
22:10:09russ_the ircd connection stayed up though the router reset
22:28:45FareCPSR :600000df
22:28:51Farelooks like we are in SVC mode
23:09:14Farehpcboot reports CPSR :600000df which seems just WRONG
23:09:53Faremy ARMv7 spec sheet reports no mode with mode bits 11111
23:20:15Russ|werkare the others reserved?
23:51:27russ_is having too much fun with make image ftp

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