irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.27

09:27:36seletzerikm: hi
09:28:44seletzerikm: i got a patch from Urs Kaufmann "KuEdE" for his miniprint board. I'll integrate it, ok?
09:41:54erikmseletz: sure
10:00:00seletzok, done
10:00:45seletzerikm: been very busy lately? You have'ntg been around a long time ...
10:02:17seletzugh, siglunch
10:12:55erikmseletz: *nod* very busy
11:26:10seletzhi again
14:12:39seletzprpplague: hi
14:34:39prpplagueseletz: morning
14:34:39prpplagueseletz: how was italy?
14:52:43prpplagueerikm: is the chain booting on blob pretty stable?
15:01:26erikmprpplague: it should be
15:01:41erikmprpplague: I use it to chain boot blob on bootldr platforms
15:18:24prpplagueerikm: heres what i'm thinking, using a stable blob as primary bootloader which is modified only to load new blob images in a secondary location
15:19:10prpplagueerikm: this way ppl can update their blob without a worry of loading a bad image and bricking their device
15:24:31seletzprpplague: hi, Italy was cool. Loads of Pizza, pasta & pesce. Mhhh...
15:24:59seletzprpplague: and wondeful sights & people.
15:53:38prpplagueseletz: cool
15:53:48prpplagueseletz: try any cool beer?
16:09:58seletzprpplague: sorry, phone. Got some messy mails ....
16:10:17seletzprpplague: no, no birra. Vino rosso.
16:10:31seletzprpplague: (We had a couple of gin tonics, though...)
16:10:37erikmprpplague: that's already possible. just download a second blob as if it's a kernel, and boot it
16:12:01seletzerikm: yeah. prpplague just wants to have a fail-save system: He wants to disallow (lock) the first blob (fail-save) and boot into a second one (the one which is updateable).
16:12:13seletzprpplague: correct me if i'm wrong :)
16:12:53seletzerikm: that way you dont end up with an system not responding on serial line.
16:12:54prpplagueseletz: that is correct
16:13:52prpplaguei did some testes last week at the local college, i took 3 tuxscreens to the ee department and had them try to get started using them
16:14:05seletzprpplague: cool
16:14:08prpplaguethey bricked all three by the end of the day
16:14:17seletzprpplague: doh
16:14:18prpplagueof course i had a jtag to recover
16:14:37seletzprpplague: ok, that was not exactly expected :(
16:14:44prpplaguebut when we are talking embedded classes, that might cause a time issue
16:14:46seletzprpplague: what did they do?
16:15:46seletzprpplague: (thats why system testing is not for developers but for (l)users)
16:16:37prpplagueseletz: as i understand it, 2 used a blob compiled with gcc no arm-linux-gcc, and the other was unknown
16:17:32seletzprpplague: ok, but this is solveable with your 2-blob solution IMHO.
16:17:50seletzprpplague: so, arte they still interested?
16:18:36prpplagueseletz: ya still interested
16:19:45erikmseletz: already in place
16:19:53erikmseletz: just lock the first flash image
16:20:37seletzerikm: yes. And have a second blob image, issue "boot" at the first stage, chain-boot into the second.
16:21:20erikmseletz: and you can still brick the box, btw. just unlock the flash from the second blob. or do it in linux. or let the kernel crash in interesting ways
16:21:47seletzerikm: yeah, one does not get 100% safety.
16:22:32seletzerikm: but i think about bas images or stopped system updates (power-cycled during flashing cramfs).
16:22:33erikmprpplague: compiling blob with the native gcc compiler is impossible, it will at least barf about the inline assembly
16:23:22erikmseletz: yes, that's a  "don't try this at home, kids" problem. we can't protect against stupid lusers. note that flashing your PC BIOS comes with the same warnings
16:24:10seletzerikm: Yeah, exactly. I personally just want "technican" safety, not "luser"-safety.
16:24:11erikmprpplague: oh, and it will also not be able to compile the .S files
16:24:53seletzprpplague: The technican who powercycles during sysupdate i mean. He should have a secound chance.
16:25:43prpplagueerikm: thats what i thought, but i wasn't on hand when the incident occured,
16:25:58prpplagueerikm: i was only going on what the instructor porvided
16:26:07erikmseletz: no. we can expect that a technician reads the manual and knows what he is doing
16:26:42erikmseletz: though I admit that we have to warn in the manual against power cycling during flash
16:27:04erikmprpplague: I expect that they uploaded blob-start or so instead of blob
16:27:04seletzerikm: yes. One would expect that. Its not that way in the real world in my exp.
16:27:40erikmseletz: sure, I know. but a field technician also has the jtag device to put blob back into flash
16:28:08prpplagueerikm: i agree that techs should know better, but the target audience is new embedded techs, so mistakes do happen, i'd be nice to "see if you were working a full prototype your boss would be pissed"
16:29:32seletzerikm: Thats the question. On some systems JTag pins are hiden and only accessible when opening a case. Case-opening then may require proper sealing when closed again.
16:29:52seletzerikm: (its that way in our system3 and dafit handheld devices).
16:30:19seletzerikm: but this is probably "bad design".
16:32:17erikmseletz: right, so this additional pain for the tecnician to think before he power cycles the device. I consider that a Good Thing [tm]
16:32:55prpplaguei personally feel that failures and bad technique in the class room is acceptable if you have a procedure set in place to point out these problems and learn from them
16:33:09seletzprpplague: yeah.
16:33:23seletzprpplague: that is education all about.
16:33:31erikmseletz: much in the same way you could try to protect a Unix system against stupid mistakes as root, but in real life you should just discover the hard way that you have to think twice before you hit enter
16:33:56seletzerikm: yeah, i agree fully. You run in open doors ...
16:34:00seletzerikm: :)
16:36:13seletzerikm: Its just that i have to think about support costs too. JFlashing is considered as an in-house service. So Devices which need to be JFlashed have to be sent in. All the way from timbuktu. Thats why i want to minimize chances to render devices unusable if possible in an easy way.
16:36:27erikmlooks at his new NTFS recover tool recovering data at > 15MB/s
16:36:55seletzerikm: that is, its considered in-house for system3 devices. Not for the linux hack kit.
16:37:00prpplagueerikm: nice
16:37:02erikmseletz: write protect the blocks in which blob lives
16:37:21prpplagueerikm: then you can't upload new blobs
16:38:03erikmprpplague: of course you can, you only have to unprotect the blob flash blocks
16:39:11erikmseletz: you could even make a blob .init function that protects the blob flash blocks so that you are sure that the flash is protected each time you boot
16:40:03seletzerikm: yeah. i'll probably lock the whole system. I defined CF as the only RW media.
16:41:57prpplagueerikm: ya but that introduces the problem of destroying blob again
16:42:33prpplagueerikm: i mean i see your point, i'm on your side with the basic idea, but.......
16:43:27prpplagueerikm: i have to think about the possiblity of accidents
16:43:41erikmprpplague: yes, but you have to issue a specific command to unprotect the blob flash blocks. the probability that joe random luser a) unprotects the correct blocks and b) writes a flash image is very low.
16:44:53prpplagueerikm: but see thats just it, i my target audience is the education enviroment where newbie will be experimenting on things just like flashing a bootloader
16:45:57prpplagueof course, this might be a built in source of income....., flash reload server $25.00
16:46:29erikmprpplague: in an education environment you can expect an instructor with the flash hardware
16:49:06prpplagueerikm: ya i considered an instructor kit with flash hardware
16:49:39prpplagueerikm: anyway, i dodn't mean to pull you away from work
16:52:22prpplagueerikm: maybe we can discuss it more at OLS
16:52:37prpplagueseletz: still think you might have a prototype by OLS
16:52:49seletzprpplague: ...
16:52:55prpplagueerikm: don't forget, i'm buying a round of brew for you guys
16:53:08erikmhehe, no I don't :)
16:53:58prpplagueseletz: well, i've killed a PO for some trizeps untill october
16:54:20seletzprpplague: sorry? PO?
16:54:27prpplagueseletz: Purchase Order
16:54:42seletzprpplague: ok, october is reasonable.
16:55:02seletzprpplague: how many # did you order ? :)
16:55:22prpplagueseletz: the original order was for 10
16:55:37prpplagueseletz: but by october we will probably need 25
16:56:00seletzprpplague: prototypes?
16:56:15seletzprpplague: or for edu market already?
16:56:24prpplagueseletz: ya for prototype development
16:56:32seletzprpplague: ok
16:56:53seletzprpplague: for edu market the numbers are quite low, actually.
16:57:26prpplagueseletz: we are really starting to move towards arm as the core of choice
16:58:06prpplagueseletz: well, once we get the initial board ready, i expect along with our own needs, to see about 100-200 core units per month
17:00:10prpplagueseletz: quick question, the uarts from the core board are going 3.3v levels right?
17:00:47seletzprpplague: i've included a MAX chip for the first uart un the core board, so we'll have TTL
17:00:59seletzprpplague: for the first serial, that is.
17:01:28seletzprpplague: so one can have a core board and connect power, serial and JTAG and off you go.
17:01:53prpplagueseletz: cool
17:02:08prpplagueseletz: which max chip are you using? max3232 ?
17:02:21seletzprpplague: one moment ...
17:02:27seletzdigs out specs
17:03:15seletzprpplague: basically the same as on assabet
17:04:30seletzprpplague: its a MAX3244
17:05:21prpplagueseletz: ya thats the one with low battery function IIRC
17:07:53seletzbtw, anyone knows good (i.e. big name, well-known) companies which use ARM Linux and StrongARM cores?
17:07:53prpplagueseletz: ahh no thats the one with full hardware handshake
17:08:35prpplagueseletz: no, but there is a pretty full list at
17:09:01seletzhas to answer silly emails :(
17:09:28erikmprpplague: you mean the 3223 people, sign this:
17:10:59prpplagueerikm: ya thats the one i was thinking of
17:12:07prpplagueerikm: you sure know you IC's :)
17:12:43erikmprpplague: heh, this is the one we used on the LART
17:19:51prpplagueya, i'm looking forward to meeting jdb as well as the rest of you guys at OLS
17:20:26prpplaguesounds like LART was a great learning experience for you guys
17:20:53seletzprpplague: i hope the hack kit core will be for us ...
17:21:07prpplagueseletz: lol, me too
17:22:18erikmprpplague: AFAIK jdb won't come to OLS
17:27:48seletzprpplague: have any specs/proposals/ideas 'bout the hack kit i could include on my web page?
17:58:00prpplagueseletz: ya, i could get some stuff together
17:58:15prpplagueerikm: ahh, thats right you told me that earlier
17:58:21prpplagueis slow today
17:59:43prpplaguei hope to break 200 at OLS
18:00:15seletzprpplague: man, what the hell are you drinking there??
18:10:17seletzgoing home
18:11:42prpplagueseletz: a yard of bass ale
18:16:25seletzprpplague: ugh?
18:16:32seletzprpplague: whats that?
18:17:12prpplagueseletz: a yard? english style glass size
18:17:14seletzprpplague: looks like you drinking out of a lenghty cow horn
18:17:58seletzanyway, i'm off
18:18:01seletzsee ya
19:05:48Russafternoon erikm
19:08:24erikmhey Russ
19:20:34prpplagueRuss: howdy
19:30:52prpplagueRuss: you get rid of /proc/sys/gf ?
19:57:20Russ/proc/loadavg has gone down considerably
20:12:46prpplaguehas been victorious over my pcmcia issue!
20:33:39prpplaguemmatten|home: !
20:38:02Russwhich blob image do I load if I want to chain-boot? blob-rest?
20:39:53mmatten|homeprpplague: !
20:41:15mmatten|homejust checkin my mail :)
20:47:10mmatten|homeKuEdE: btw i've played around with your sourcecode from the miniprint, added a couple of bitmasks to make lcd.h a bit more intuitive when it comes to configuring those LCCR Registers... if seletz_zz agrees with what i did we'll probably add that to the cvs as well (i'm fiddling with the lcd stuff for our board as well, so i just included your stuff in the bitmask work)
20:47:10Russ---er, duh, blob-chain
20:47:39mmatten|homei hope he's not idling or i wrote all for naught :)
21:02:01RussConsider yourself BLOBed!
21:05:04mmatten|homeugh i'm doomed :)
21:05:11prpplagueRuss: m$bootloader - Consider yourself BLOAted
21:05:29mmatten|homeprpplague: ugh we're all gunna die :>
21:06:33prpplaguemmatten|home: why?
21:06:56mmatten|homei got m$ here :P
21:07:26mmatten|home(preparing to deflect thrown stones)
21:08:40prpplaguemmatten|home: hmm, friends don't let friends use winblows
21:08:57prpplaguemmatten|home: can i recommend a good counsler?
21:19:34RussI musta missed something
21:25:40mmatten|homeprpplague: *unfortunately i need windoze :)
21:26:17Russno one "needs" windows
21:26:38mmatten|home1. there are no linux ports for my audio software
21:26:47mmatten|home2. i'm a student and need to do stupid tasks :)
21:27:07mmatten|homeso there ain't much choice...
21:27:09RussI made it though all four years not needing doze
21:27:33mmatten|homebut, to make it up i got a 2nd (linux) box in the other room :)
21:27:52mmatten|homehmm well i guess u didn't have my windows-fanatic professors :P
21:28:34Russwe had to write code to run on sco for most of my classes (or m6800 for some)
21:29:05KuEdEmmatten:  im back...  cool some guys awake
21:29:10Russone of my classes, I used gtk instead of msvc++ and demoed with a laptop
21:30:00mmatten|homeruss: they made me use borland c++ builder, which to be honest, would be reason enough for me to quit a company
21:30:13Russanother one, I was in the team, and I did the backend, and everyone else did the frontend in msvc++
21:30:23mmatten|homei didn't have a choice <sniff>
21:30:25RussI rarely had to write anything in c++
21:30:39mmatten|homewell if it's c++ class....
21:30:49Russabout half of my coding hours were spent with assembly
21:31:16prpplaguecollege days were spent with fortran77
21:31:20Russcourse, now after I left, its all java
21:31:33mmatten|homethat we didn't do to much, unfortunately... i rarely learned any assembler which is a pity considering the low level linux stuff
21:31:37Russeven for computer systems engineers, those damn cs freaks are taking over stuff
21:31:41mmatten|homeassembler i mean
21:32:31prpplagueRuss: lol
21:32:39mmatten|homewell i guess thats the fate of the late-born, struggle with the overhead instead to learn the basics
21:32:44prpplagueis not java fan
21:33:07KuEdEups...had a crash
21:33:44prpplagueKuEdE: was the driver ok? i hate to see what happened to that big brown truck,lol
21:34:00KuEdEmmatten: im working too on lcd.c ...  
21:34:10mmatten|homei know i've seen it
21:34:14KuEdEso ive got to get newest CVS
21:34:27KuEdEi added 12bit rgb support
21:34:37KuEdEfor my nice boot logo. or so
21:34:56KuEdEbut its still messy
21:35:43KuEdEQ: is in diag data-cache enabled ?   no ..ithink
21:36:05Russno, because it would require setting up the MMU
21:36:19KuEdEahh.. i c
21:36:23Russthe instruction cache generally does the job though
21:37:06KuEdEplayed around with some high mem bandwith graphic effects
21:37:41KuEdEso it seemed not so fast... trying to do som asm for core grx routines
21:38:31mmatten|homelike what ?
21:39:11Russdude, why are you doing that in blob?
21:39:40KuEdEcos i want to have some simple boot gfx... so its not only "dark" for some seconds
21:39:53mmatten|homeguess for the same reason as usual: customer requirement
21:40:00mmatten|homea sec
21:40:09RussKuEdE: I have a patch for that
21:40:11KuEdEnope... building my own mp3 player ;-)  for my car..
21:40:15mmatten|homeu do the image for the boot in blob ?
21:40:35RussI just stored a logo in the paramater block, in the form that the fb memory needs it (palette and all)
21:40:45Russthen just enabled the the fb code
21:40:47KuEdEyes.....after reset
21:40:57Russits very simple
21:41:13Russalso used mini_inflate so I could store the image deflated
21:41:26mmatten|homeruss: that ets pretty mem intensive with color display no ?
21:41:47KuEdEgood idea...but i want some cool stoff...
21:41:49mmatten|homei mean if he did it from blob
21:42:13mmatten|homeoh sry parameter block
21:42:25mmatten|homei take everyting back :)
21:42:44RussI just did BLOB! in big white letters
21:43:06Russcompressed, that takes up very little space
21:43:20mmatten|homehmm well we need to do something similar to Kuede, screen for sysupdate for example
21:43:36KuEdEi want to do some animated (but low mem) "linux"  than small in the corner a "powered by blob".... thats what i think of
21:43:45mmatten|homethat will have to reside in blob directly
21:43:54RussKuEdE: how long to you plan on being in blob?
21:44:32KuEdERuss: 1/2 year i think.. because i do my "Diplomarbeit" on this stuff
21:44:46mmatten|homekuede: hmm russ is right, i mean, there are already a couple of solutions to display logo during bootup (tux-logo i.e)
21:45:33RussI mean, when most boards boot, blob is running for about 2 seconds
21:45:47Russso to say you want not just a logo, but an animated logo...
21:46:01KuEdEyou dont have to include it in the CVS ;-))
21:46:29mmatten|homei think erikm would send paid assains if u did :)
21:46:46mmatten|home(at least if u put it in the standard build) :)
21:46:55KuEdEhmm.. ure right .. ill think about it
21:47:37mmatten|homeKuEdE: you're still student as well ?
21:47:56KuEdEin .ch
21:47:57prpplagueRuss: so when blob turns over the boot to the kernel does the "BLOB" image clear?
21:48:14Russif you make it
21:48:30Russotherwise, your image data will probaly get overwritten by random data
21:48:43Russso its a good idea to disable the LCD before booting the kernel
21:49:16KuEdEi think too... when mmu is enable things will corrupt i think
21:49:21mmatten|homehmm doesn't the display/fb gets reinitialised on kernelboot? (newbie question i know)
21:49:41Russnot immediately
21:50:23mmatten|homewell before that it can go corrupt and afterwards blank...
21:50:26prpplagueRuss: btw, done any more with the Camion?
21:50:36Russworking on the kernel  right now
21:50:43prpplagueRuss: cool
21:50:55prpplagueRuss: its a shame we can't some more of those
21:51:12mmatten|homeack - almost midnight
21:51:16prpplaguemizi, wants to seem me some exilen104 units
21:52:07mmatten|homei better get some sleep -.-
21:52:17prpplaguemmatten|home: night
21:52:26mmatten|homenight all :)
21:57:05prpplagueRuss: so what do you think of the Camion?
21:57:16Russits a nice unit
21:58:03prpplagueRuss: ya thats what i thought, we would have bought 50 if we could get them
21:58:26RussI think we'll be able to extend battery life in suspend quite a bit too
22:00:25prpplagueRuss: find some bugs?
22:00:31prpplagueopps, brb
22:09:42Russprpplague: there was a recend discrussion on arm-kernel about pm
22:09:51prpplagueRuss: ahh
22:10:13prpplaguethats the 4th time the latest mozilla has kernel paniced my system
22:10:29Russumm...thats a bad sign for X
22:11:22prpplagueRuss: so whats the story on pm?
22:11:43Russjust a lot of improvements
22:13:11prpplagueRuss: cool
22:14:25prpplagueRuss: i need to get with those triad guys for a price quote
22:52:37Russnice, too bad it doesn't have more ram

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