irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.21 is, like, canada
02:38:18Gark0vit's .ca
07:13:56Sammy: Try a 4-letter station code (see for locations and codes)
07:13:56Sammyibot: weather ?
07:14:46Sammy: Try a 4-letter station code (see for locations and codes)
07:14:46Sammyibot: weather taiwan
07:15:09Sammy was last seen on #blob 0 seconds ago, saying: ibot: seen Sammy [Tue May 21 08:15:09 2002]
07:15:09Sammyibot: seen Sammy
07:15:21i think Sammy is now porting blob on PUPPY
07:15:21Sammyibot:  Sammy ?
07:15:31i haven't a clue, sammy
07:15:31Sammyibot:  ?
07:15:41Sammy: huh?
07:15:41Sammyibot: :P
07:15:53Sammy: i'm not following you...
07:15:53Sammyibot: [:-P
07:16:00sammy: i haven't a clue
07:16:00Sammyibot: [:-P why ?
07:16:12wish i knew, sammy
07:16:12Sammyibot: [:-P ?
10:00:48Sammyis away : nothing grow. ..... :(
14:50:43prpplaguemmatten: where's seletz today?
15:01:06mmattenhe's on holiday the whole week
15:01:20mmattengettin a tan in italy :)
15:05:28prpplaguethat sucker
15:06:06mmattenhehe :>
15:06:55prpplaguemmatten: how can he afford a holiday when he just started his own biz?
15:08:01mmattenwild guess: the biz is running fine, and his soon-to-be-wife carries home money as well :)
15:11:32prpplaguewhen your a geek, it always helps to have a cool chick that will support your gadget addiction
15:14:13prpplaguemmatten: i hope seletz can get a prototype done for OLS
15:14:41mmattenhehe well she's not into electronics at all so he'll have a hard time with THAT kind of budget talks :)
15:16:19mmattenhmm? maybe i missed some talk here but didn't you two want to wait until _after_ OLS?
15:16:50mmatten- or talk it over at ols which is about the same
15:17:28mmatten(don't nail me on it, you guys do most of the talking when i'm gone)
15:18:53prpplaguemmatten: ya we were going to talk about it at OLS,but the other day he said that he was moving forward and might have a prototype done by OLS
15:19:40mmattenoh i guess i missed that, but hey sounds nice :)
15:21:00mmattenis looking forward to (maybe) doing his final university project with that board :)
15:28:09mmattenif it works out that is
16:06:21mmatten_<- goin home

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