irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.20

01:11:06SammyGood ?
01:16:20prpplagueSammy: morning
01:16:26prpplagueSammy: hows life in tapei
01:16:30prpplagueSammy: ?
01:17:27prpplagueSammy: i hear that the chinese government is starting to put more controls on the citizens of tawain
01:32:57Sammyprpplague: sorry,  just get the breakfast ...
01:35:45Sammymorning , and about the government thing I think there is nothing I can do so...
01:40:43Sammywe don't have enouth water this few month , and even our gobernment still have some problem to handle this , so ...
01:50:22prpplagueSammy: ahh
02:13:58prpplagueRuss: you ever done lqfp by hand?
02:16:59prpplaguei'm thinking about ordering 2 or 3 trizeps to play with
02:17:31prpplagueseletz is working on a sa-1110 core board, but i think i need something to experiement with
02:18:23prpplagueRuss: btw, you said your board is sa-1100 based right? aren't you going to have supply issues soon?
02:22:13Russdon't know
02:22:28RussI was really surprised with how small the bga case for it was though
02:46:55prpplagueRuss: i've really got to spend more time on the hardware side of arm]
02:47:16prpplagueRuss: this SCO2linux migration is waaaaay to boring
02:49:40prpplagueRuss: i wish i could get intouch with CIIT, i think they could have made a great inexpensive sa-1110 dev board
03:57:30RussI get the impression the contracted the design
03:59:54Russthen again, the amount of similarities to the assabet could be an indication they played with an assabet, then designed the board based on the assabet
04:06:37prpplagueRuss: ya i was using babel fish translating some stuff from the CIIT's board, there was some mention of some other companies that worked on the board
04:27:51prpplagueRuss: hey, looks like something is going on with ciit and samsung
04:51:16Russprpplague: try to find out more if you can, I'll hold off on registering the board before you find out if there is a better name for it than camion
04:51:43prpplagueRuss: i'm going through it now
04:52:02prpplagueRuss: looks like something is going on between ciit and samsung
04:52:28prpplagueRuss: it seems to have started around the time ciit stoped returning my emails
05:22:26prpplagueRuss: just got a return email from mizi, looks like they could not contact ciit either
05:22:46prpplagueRuss: from the email i gather mizi has now severed all ties with ciit
05:33:13RussI recently learned that "load usercode" in bootldr is actually short for "download usercode, flash usercode"
05:33:23Russso I'm having to redownload some stuff
05:36:17prpplagueRuss: doh
05:41:44prpplagueRuss: from what i can tell the xilinx chip is suppose to be a hardware mp3 decoder, does that make sense to you?
05:44:37RussI looked it up
05:44:40Russits a CPLD
05:47:14Russbe quite a trick to make that output an analog signal
05:48:09RussI would guess the CPLD is performing the BCR functionality
05:48:34Russthere is a 16-bit D-type flip flop on the board, but the BCR apears to be 32 bits
05:49:59prpplagueRuss: hmm several of the translations referenced a hardware mp3 decoder
05:50:22Russthe sa-1110 is hardware, isn't it?
05:50:31prpplagueRuss: ohh well, i'm going to send one more round of emails and faxs monday
05:50:44Russ there is a DAC/ADC
05:51:49prpplagueRuss: true
05:52:23prpplagueRuss: mizi seems to what to have use eval the hnt 104 unit
05:53:52Russthe parts list matches up prettry close with the intel sa-1110  evaluation board, which I think is the assabet
05:54:43prpplagueRuss: it does, i've been reading them over in the last hour
05:59:45prpplagueRuss: well off to bed, got a long boring day of SCO2Linux migration
11:23:22KuEdEanyone time to check my patch for BLOB ?
17:00:44prpplagueRuss|werk: morning
17:04:28prpplagueRuss|werk: the guys at mizi thinks that CIIT isn't going to produce any more of the Camion's
17:04:47prpplagueRuss|werk: he's wants to send me some samples of the exilen104

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