irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.16

12:33:47bonjour, seletz
15:04:34niihau, seletz
15:04:34seletzprpplague: hi
15:04:51seletzprpplague: ever read from _keyboard_ on linux
15:05:16seletzprpplague: i'm in serial/console/lcd/keyboard confusion
15:05:38seletzprpplague: i need to read _keyboard_ input, attached to my board.
15:06:12seletzprpplague: when i press a key, it appears on LCD, but my app does'nt read it
15:06:24seletzany idea?
15:11:14prpplagueseletz: where is the keyboard connected?
15:11:32prpplagueseletz: are we talking a serial keyboard, or something else?
15:12:43seletzprpplague: its a PS/2 keyboard connected to a PS/2 controller on my board
15:13:25seletzprpplague: the controller works, and the low-level driver, because i can type and see the keys on my LCD
15:14:00seletzprpplague: i tried to od -x /dev/console and such, but i only see the output om my LCD, nothing more.
15:14:26seletzprpplague: i disabled console on serial
15:14:38seletzprpplague: i enabled virtual consoles
15:16:02prpplagueseletz: ohh, you got me there, i've not made the leap to ps/2 interfaces on the sa-11xx yet
15:16:35seletzprpplague: how does this work on a PC?
15:18:01seletztime to ask the LAK list i think
15:18:31seletzi searched the lists but found nothing helpful
15:19:05prpplagueseletz: sorry, i can't help, its just not something i've gotten to yet
15:21:30prpplagueseletz: i'm trying to learn one step at a time
15:22:40prpplagueseletz: btw, had a quick question
15:23:10prpplagueseletz: how many bus connectors will be on the cpu board we've been discussing? 1 or 2?
15:37:44seletzprpplague: i think 2 (mechanical stability and # of pins)
15:38:27prpplagueseletz: thats was what i'm thinking
15:39:31prpplagueseletz: idea......
15:39:41prpplagueseletz: 1. we have our core board
15:40:19prpplagueseletz: 2. we have a core board with only a slot for using a trizeps core
15:40:43prpplagueseletz: this way the main boards we design can use either our core or the trizeps
15:41:46seletzprpplague: ok, but why use the trizeps? Consider you'd have to build some sort of so-dimm => hack kit conn adapter
15:42:28prpplagueseletz: i just thinking flexiblity
15:42:50prpplagueseletz: i think it would be easy AFTER we have all off our stuff running to create the adapter
15:45:45seletzprpplague: flexibility is good, no doubt about that. But such an andapter would be quite expensive i guess: 2 connectors, a SO-DIMM socket, layout etc.
15:46:34prpplagueseletz: $50-$100USD?
16:02:33seletzmingetty was running on tty1
16:02:58prpplagueits always something simple
16:02:58seletzLAK is SUPER
16:03:12seletzwriting thank you mail
16:46:23seletzRuss|werk: hi
18:58:07seletzargl, 21:00
18:58:21seletzgoing home
18:58:33seletzsee ya
19:11:54mmatten|homelater :)

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