irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.15

03:30:32prpplagueRuss|werk: you get you package today?
04:09:51Sammycool prpplague :)
04:10:07well, that is the point you dumb idiot
04:10:07prpplagueSammy: whats that?
04:10:24Sammy: what?
04:10:24Sammyibot: sleep ...
04:11:01Sammyprpplague: I mean your shooting
04:12:18SammyOh. on tux , about the picture ...
04:12:43prpplagueSammy: just a concept right now, got alot of learning to do before it is real
04:12:58Sammyhow about your ram amd flash size ?
04:13:05Sammyer and
04:14:02prpplaguenothing big, probably 8meg flash and 16meg ram
04:14:22prpplaguewe are looking for more of an educational tool
04:14:57prpplagueSammy: seletz_ is also working with me on a larger design with 16meg flash and 32meg ram
04:15:27Sammywhy not use 32mb flash and 32mb ram ?
04:16:29prpplagueSammy: i'm trying to keep cost down very low
04:18:24SammyAmmm....yeah  $ is mout important thing we need to consider first ..
04:25:02prpplagueSammy: i hope to create a nice learning tool, maybe not a great embedded system, but a solid learning platform
04:43:26Sammyshake shake shake ...
04:43:35Sammyshakeing ...
07:07:13mmatten__morning :)
11:53:56hey, seletz
11:53:56seletzlyakh: hi
12:04:22lyakhseletz: hi
14:56:12prpplaguemorning guys
14:56:39prpplagueseletz: got a minute or two?
15:10:44seletz_prpplague: one minute pls, having LD troubles :(
15:17:50seletz_prpplague: ok, whatsup?
15:18:08prpplagueseletz_:having fun today?
15:18:16seletz_prpplague: grrr
15:18:21seletz_prpplague: not really
15:18:35seletz_prpplague: but now its ok
15:18:38prpplagueseletz_: i've started a rough sketch of a board
15:18:51prpplagueseletz_: just as a starting point
15:18:56seletz_prpplague: well?
15:19:46prpplagueseletz_: i had to start somewhere
15:20:12seletz_ok, cool.
15:20:53seletz_prpplague: but note that the layouter (your manufactorer) probably will place the parts differently.
15:21:08seletz_prpplague: to minimize layers used and so on.
15:21:39prpplagueseletz_: ya i figured as much, i was just trying to get a feel of where things might go and what it might look like
15:21:40seletz_prpplague: so you want one board and have abadoned the cpuboard/mainboard idea?
15:22:06prpplagueseletz_: two seperate projects
15:22:13seletz_prpplague: the mainboard could be _very_ low-cost
15:22:39seletz_prpplague: well, ok. i got you.
15:23:13prpplagueseletz_: are you saying using a cpuboard/mainboard combination would be cheaper?
15:23:40seletz_prpplague: ya. reasoning:
15:24:33seletz_prpplague: mainboard module _very_lowcost, single layer etc.
15:24:36seletz_prpplague: cpu module: large # of units, small, simple => lowcost
15:25:18prpplagueseletz_: my main concern doing it that way would be with the number of cpu boards that need to be purchased at one time
15:25:20seletz_prpplague: i think the sum of both parts is less than the costs of your all-in-one design.
15:25:30prpplagueseletz_: the 1000 qty is a big sticking point
15:25:58seletz_prpplague: ya, as i told you, i'll get into contact with manufactorers to avoid that point.
15:26:22prpplagueseletz_: ok, guess i wan't clear on that point
15:26:41seletz_prpplague: forget about 1000 units. I hope i'll be able to get a per-week basis or similar.
15:26:57seletz_prpplague: i'll have probably something in my hands by OLS
15:27:05prpplagueseletz_: really?
15:27:29prpplagueseletz_: core and main board?
15:28:07seletz_prpplague: to make things more clear: I'll get into contact with a manufactorer, and i'm not alone for that project. I'll have more funders, and more hackers. I'ts seen as a big opportunity.
15:28:40prpplagueseletz_: cool
15:29:26seletz_prpplague: nah, only a calculation based _not_ on big # of units, but on something like: "Whats the price if we order xx units per month?" And then We'll have to make sure there's a fallback with no added cost.
15:29:29prpplagueseletz_: great! so when do you expect we could get a couple of units to start working with?
15:29:37seletz_prpplague: i dont wnat to buy 1000 units and sell 100.
15:29:51seletz_prpplague: i want order 100, sell them, order 100 more.
15:30:00seletz_prpplague: that's the way to do it.
15:30:13prpplagueseletz_: gotcha
15:30:46seletz_prpplague: unfortunately i'm in a bit of pressure lately (agent meeting at 6th of june)
15:30:56prpplagueseletz_: so i'll be able to layout the hack-kit as well as other boards very easily using your core
15:30:59seletz_prpplague: but i'll definitely make it to OLS
15:31:11seletz_prpplague: yeah, exactly.
15:31:18seletz_prpplague: and no need of BGA process
15:31:23prpplagueseletz_: great, this is tooooo cool
15:31:24seletz_prpplague: very cheap ....
15:31:40prpplagueseletz_: looks like were going to have a cool deal
15:32:21prpplagueseletz_: i've set aside enough $$ to send evals to around 10 or 15 linux gurus for hacking help
15:32:29seletz_prpplague: i cant get this off my mind. I really want to be independent of my cuttent customer. I want my own board.
15:32:41prpplagueseletz_: freedom
15:33:02seletz_prpplague: s/cuttent/current/ grr
15:33:13seletz_prpplague: ya, thats it: freedom.
15:33:24prpplaguei make the same typos
15:34:05seletz_prpplague: the cool thing is: my ex-boss is willing to join me, hacking&funding. He has big connections to the german automotive sector.
15:34:32seletz_prpplague: he's a great C/perl hacker too. He wants freedom of his current customer too.
15:35:26seletz_prpplague: (my ex-boss and i quit at the same reasons from our last job, and we are both freelance hackers since)
15:35:53seletz_prpplague: i _really_ hope we can get this going.
15:36:29seletz_prpplague: i'll have a meeting with those technotron guys in two weeks.
15:37:05seletz_prpplague: technotron is one of germans biggest HW manufactorers for CPU boards and such.
15:37:19seletz_sorry, afk brb
15:37:24prpplagueseletz_: great, looks like we are on to something then
15:37:28prpplagueseletz_: ok later
20:14:14prpplagueseletz_: you around?
21:13:38prpplagueall hail the one hand master of the tuxscreen BZFlag
21:55:17BZFlagheh. yep one handed typing for a while.

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