irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.14

01:54:05Pam19Anderson8,4 UPDATED 30/04 - Add 21 Full Movies ( 16.4 GB ) - Punheteiros HQ (12,0 8,4) UPDATED 30/04 - FULL MOVIEZ : "Nurses 3", "Back Seat" (vol.: 2,3,4,8), "Blondes", "Nineteen College Girls", "Swing Teens Vol 4" 325 Mb, "Britney Spears Fuck Full" 132 Mb, "Pscycho Pussy" 270 Mb; PhotoZone : Playboy, Sexy, Penthouse (Full - All Editions). JOIN NOW 12,0
04:26:44prpplagueeven BZFlag
04:26:57prpplagueevening that is
04:27:07prpplagueBZFlag: hows the new job?
07:05:36seletzhi *
07:38:50niihau, mmatten_
08:31:06seletzsomeone here who knows about damned IOCS16 wrt PCMCIA?
09:20:41Sammysorry seletz :(
14:20:20prpplaguemorning all
14:21:14que tal, seletz
14:21:31prpplagueseletz: i've been doing some more research on the "hack kit"
14:21:54prpplagueseletz: did you have a CF slot in mind for the board?
14:22:20seletzprpplague: why not? CF is built into the SA1110
14:22:35seletzprpplague: it's only a layout and socket cost issue IMHO
14:22:50prpplagueseletz: thats what i thought, i just wanted to double check
14:23:01seletzprpplague: IMHO the CF socke shold go onto the base board, like the eperimental PCB area
14:23:07prpplagueseletz: what kind of flash/ram configuration are you thinking?
14:23:32prpplagueseletz: agreed
14:23:33seletzprpplague: flash 16 RAM 32 MB, probably 64 MB
14:24:17prpplagueseletz: how much difference in price between 4/16 and 16/32 ?
14:24:51seletzprpplague: dont know really. Not much probably, flash is expensive, tho
14:25:06seletzprpplague: my calculations based on 16/32 IRRC
14:25:15prpplagueseletz: ok, i'll keep that in mind
14:25:24seletzprpplague: look into my mail i sent you ....
14:25:33prpplagueseletz: here is some of what i was thinking
14:25:40prpplagueseletz: ok i'll double check
14:26:12prpplagueseletz: power connector on board is like that used on a floppy driver, w/ 5v and 3.3v input
14:26:33prpplagueseletz: all the gpios available on a idc header
14:26:46seletzprpplague: sorry, whats an idc header?
14:27:08prpplagueseletz: like what you'd use on a ide connector on a motherboard
14:27:19seletzprpplague: ah yes. thats fine
14:27:35prpplagueseletz: a seperate idc header for all related lcd i/o
14:28:07seletzprpplague: power: use PC power supplies?
14:28:19seletzprpplague: watch out: GPIO and LCD are the same
14:28:41prpplagueseletz: i know gpio0:7 are used on the lcd when using a dual panel
14:28:49seletzprpplague: you'd really want only GPIO0-27
14:29:01prpplagueseletz: so basically the gpio0:7 would be duplicated on two headers
14:29:20seletzprpplague: leave it to the user what he'll make of it
14:29:26seletzprpplague: IMHO, that is
14:29:40seletzprpplague: save layout and PCB size
14:30:28prpplagueseletz: ok, i'll note that
14:30:48seletzprpplague: provide a second header for PCMCIA and SA1111 bus stuff
14:31:26seletzprpplague: in that case we'll leave out the UCB1x00
14:31:45seletzprpplague: no touchscreen then
14:32:00prpplagueseletz: that brings up the other issue, lcd
14:32:38seletzprpplague: IMHO provide apps for use with simple serial LCDs (
14:33:06seletzprpplague: leave out expensive LCDs. Provide them later as an add-on
14:33:38prpplagueseletz: i can get those in qty on a regular basis
14:34:36prpplagueseletz: an i also can get these -
14:35:04seletzwell, ok, they're fine. The problem ist the connectors and stuff IMHO
14:36:58seletzprpplague: the latter ones are fine & cheap. They could be hand-soldered/wired to the GPIO headers.
14:37:24prpplagueseletz: ya and don't require a device to run the touch screen
14:37:38seletzprpplague: all hires LCDs i saw as of yet have flex band connectors. They're crap.
14:39:15seletzprpplague: you'd have to provide a doughterboard with flexband connectors hidden (sandwich, sort of) so users cant destroy them.
14:41:31prpplagueseletz: ya that was a concern as well
14:42:48prpplagueseletz: the pulpit model is designed for use with the l4034 size lcd
14:48:26prpplagueseletz: have you done any ethernet interfacing using arm ?
14:48:48prpplagueseletz: i was looking at the schematics for the LART ethernet board last night
14:52:03prpplagueseletz: btw, any idea on what night would be best for our beer bash?
14:52:09prpplagueseletz: at OLS that is
14:53:01mmatten_a sec he'S on phone
14:54:04prpplaguemmatten_: np, sometimes i get some questions going i can't stop
15:06:04prpplaguemmatten_: you going to OLS also?
15:06:43prpplaguemmatten_: cool
15:07:22prpplaguemmatten_: i'm looking forward to buying you guys a pint of beer
15:07:45prpplaguemmatten_: i'm up to 132 ratings
15:08:02prpplaguemmatten_: i'm shooting for 200 by the end of the year
15:08:32mmatten_you've got to work hard for that :)
15:09:52seletzsorry, phone
15:09:55seletzreading back
15:10:54seletzprpplague: ethernet runs fine on my board. SMC91c96 chip
15:12:00seletzprpplague: running in 8bit io mode tho. We're planning a 100Mbit chip anyway. for the next revision, that is.
15:12:17seletzprpplague: well, why not after the ARM linux BOF
15:12:32prpplagueseletz: thats what i was thinking
15:13:12prpplagueseletz: hmm the LART used the CS chipset, was there a reason you went with SMC?
15:13:20seletzprpplague: btw, we should plan active LCDs. Passive displays look like s*** due to the ARM dither logic
15:13:39seletzprpplague: simple interface and it was on the neponset board :)
15:13:46prpplagueseletz: ahh
15:13:46seletzprpplague: and has drivers under linux
15:14:08prpplagueseletz: noted on the lcds
15:14:18seletzprpplague: all we dit was in fact copy assabet+neponset => new board
15:14:41prpplagueseletz: interesting
15:15:16prpplagueseletz: i've got the schematics for assabet(intel sa-1110 dev board) and have been looking them over
15:15:33seletzprpplague: and we left off everything we do not need. actually, we left off just about everything but ucb1200, eth and pcmcia/CF
15:16:24mmatten_i'm still here
15:17:18seletzprpplague: well, the neponset board has ethernet, pcmcia and cf, sa1111 etc.
15:17:55prpplagueseletz: i was about to say, when i get back from OLS i hope to layout a board and get it made, just for educational purposes
15:18:14seletzprpplague: actually what i want is a assabet without the audio and debug stuff, w/o the CPLDs and board registers and much smaller.
15:18:14prpplagueseletz: ya, i've not made it to the sa1111 stuff yet
15:18:42seletzprpplague: well, have a cheap manufactorer?
15:18:58prpplagueseletz: no, i'm expecting around $1500-2000
15:19:16seletzprpplague: per unit
15:19:33seletzprpplague: or prototype?
15:19:41prpplagueseletz: prototype
15:19:47seletzprpplague: hmmm
15:19:56prpplagueseletz: just a one unit run
15:20:08prpplagueseletz: i'm still shopping around
15:20:32seletzprpplague: well, perhaps i'll get some more infos untill OLS
15:20:36prpplagueseletz: i'm hoping that this place Russ is using will give me a better price
15:21:30seletzprpplague: that would be cool.
15:22:27seletzprpplague: btw, please do include some LCDs on the base board
15:22:40seletzprpplague: w/o LEDs you're lost
15:23:04prpplagueDIY board $1500 <  TRAINING
15:23:42prpplagueseletz: gotcha, how many would you suggest? two should give 2^3 posibble out puts
15:23:52seletzprpplague: yup
15:24:11seletzprpplague: just let them away for production.
15:24:32seletzprpplague: 2^2 actually
15:24:40prpplagueon,off, blinking
15:25:02mmatten_add blinking in weird patterns :)
15:25:34seletzuse a dual colored led. gives 4 stati: off, green, orange, red
15:25:40seletz2 gpios
15:26:13seletzand 2^3=8 IIRC :)
15:26:44seletzhave to code my ISR ....
15:26:59prpplagueseletz: ok, thanks for info
16:52:11prpplaguehowdy BZFlag
16:52:27prpplagueBZFlag: must be keeping you busy
17:05:06prpplagueruss_: !
17:05:48prpplagueRuss|werk: would you mind droping me an email with some contact information on the board house you used?
17:07:43salut, seletz
17:07:43seletzRuss|werk: hi
17:07:53seletz: sorry...
17:07:53seletzibot: gnarf
17:09:15prpplaguehmm i wonder if its tuxscreen surgery or surgery on BZFlag ?
17:09:35seletzme too
17:10:01seletzhope the tuxscreen is the victim ...
17:10:12BZFlagSurgeryhad a cyst on my wrist removed. typing with one hand
17:10:35seletzthat's bad
17:11:12BZFlagSurgeryIt had been buggin me for a while now.
17:11:13seletzhumming "where have all the IRQs gone" ....
17:11:46prpplagueBZFlagSurgery: should have come down to texas, i'd a cut it out for free
17:11:54seletzhope everything is ok now?
17:12:01seletzprpplague: doh ....
17:12:12prpplagueBZFlagSurgery: no lasting effects?
17:15:18BZFlagSurgeryjust need some healing time. should be no big deal.
17:19:39Russ|werkprpplague: its called triad electronics, its a local shop
17:27:33seletzRuss|werk: do they BGA chips?
17:30:02prpplagueRuss|werk:   ???
17:31:22prpplaguemmatten|home: wb
17:31:35prpplaguehmm, i wonder where erikm has been lately
17:31:45prpplaguemaybe he got tired of all the questions
17:32:36seletzi guess he's very busy with his new job
17:33:40prpplagueseletz: erikm got a new job? whats he doing now?
17:34:02seletzprpplague: unix development
17:34:13seletzmmatten|home: do you remember the URL?
17:34:19mmatten|homeehm lemme thikn ?
17:35:31mmatten|homethats the one
17:35:37seletzah, yes
17:35:59mmatten|homewell i guess they do better coding then webdesign :)
17:36:13seletzhope so
17:36:27prpplaguealways glad to see ppl making money supporting *nix
17:37:08seletzwell, actually asit looks now apple is making big $$ with unix now ...
17:43:55prpplaguei don't know about you guys, but i don't think someone could pay me enough to do legacy unix to linux migrations on a daily basis
17:44:36seletzprpplague: oh well .... why not?
17:44:49seletzprpplague: you have to charge just enough.
17:45:46mmatten|home'enough' is a very flexible amount of money it seems :)
17:47:40seletzthe exact amount of 'enough' is to be determined _after_ looking _very_ close at the source to port.
17:53:59mmatten|homewell if the code gets _too_ evil... well at some point the self-preservation instinct will overcome capitalism :)
17:55:09prpplaguefor me its a bordom factor, reading through 20 year old scripts with no comments gets boring quick
17:56:09seletzprpplague: ya, that's a BIG point. boring work isn't worth doing for long.
17:56:57seletzprpplague: that's why i quit my last job and now run my own buisness and do LINUX. Because its fun. And i get money of it.
18:00:03mmatten|homea sec seletz
18:00:34mmatten|homewe gonna eat tomorrow evening as well ? coz i'll stay at work then until we leave...
18:00:50seletzmmatten|home: ya, zapatas
18:00:59mmatten|homebecause i don't think i'll get up earlt on thursday :)
18:01:31seletzmmatten|home: sure ....
18:01:32mmatten|home-_- <-coding like this won't work :)
18:01:55seletzok, i'm off
18:01:57seletzsee ya
18:02:00mmatten|homek see ya
18:07:37Russ|werkprpplague: that would be them
18:07:42Russ|werkI think they do bga
18:10:23prpplagueRuss|werk: didn't they do you bga package on the sa-1110 ?
18:12:54Russ|werkI have an sa-1100 board with a QFP-208
18:13:14prpplagueRuss|werk: doh, for some reason i though you had sa-1110
18:13:52prpplagueRuss|werk: hmm, are the sa-1100's still readly available?
18:35:58Russ|werkseems to be
18:36:13prpplagueRuss|werk: hmm, do you have contact there? seems that they are giving me the run around
18:36:57Russ|werkI have the cell phone numbers of both owners
18:37:31prpplaguelol, i'd say that is a good contact
18:37:34Russ|werk(the owners are curtis and nhu if you are looking at the contact page)
18:38:41prpplagueRuss|werk: ya, the bimbo at the switch says they won't be back till tomorrow
18:38:59prpplagueohh well, i'll try again tomorrow
18:39:14prpplagueRuss|werk: did they provide the parts as well?
18:39:24prpplagueRuss|werk: or did you purchase them serperatly?
18:49:36Russ|werkthey located the parts
18:53:44prpplagueRuss|werk: just got off the phone with curtis
18:54:01prpplagueRuss|werk: looks like thats where i want to do biz
18:54:19prpplagueRuss|werk: btw, he says they can bga's no problem
18:55:35prpplagueRuss|werk: thanks
19:14:24Russ|werkya, he just called me
19:17:40prpplagueRuss|werk: and complain about me droping your name?
19:18:53prpplagueRuss|werk: well if they work out, i'd rather send them all the stuff we've been doing overseas
19:35:20Russ|werkcool deal
19:35:29Russ|werkI do layouts for them occasionaly
20:18:34prpplagueRuss|werk: that feasible?
20:40:36Russ|werkmight not be the best way to lay it out, but probably
20:40:54Russ|werkand I've give more room the the ps
21:01:11prpplagueRuss|werk: the ps is just a connector for 3.3v and 5v
21:01:48prpplagueRuss|werk: it'll be a learning experience
21:02:29prpplagueRuss|werk: i'm just doodling ideas right now

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