irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.10

07:51:34seletzhelp google
07:53:12Russibot: help google
08:00:43seletzRuss: flashing via io drivers now works. Now the process CF(TAR)->blob_partitions(int.flash) works nice and smooth.
08:01:41Russbtw, could you make it so pcmcia doesn't attempt to compile by default? or is that prpplauge
08:01:53seletzRuss: only thing missing is integrating (i.e. playing the autoconf/automake game).
08:02:23seletzRuss: ya, i'll look into it. I dont remember that i made it default, tho.
08:22:15seletzerikm: hi
08:22:20salut, erikm
08:33:17Russwb erikm
08:45:38erikmhi Russ
14:12:04seletzprpplague: hi
14:16:30prpplagueseletz: morning
14:16:52prpplagueseletz: when's my "hack kit" going to be ready? lol
14:17:37seletzprpplague: lol
14:17:51seletzprpplague: had problems compiling blob?
14:18:16prpplagueseletz: i'm still playing with 2.04 and had not problems lately
14:36:47prpplagueseletz: problems?
14:37:46seletzyeah. reached blob's stack limit probably (i.e. code overwrites stack).
14:38:17seletzstill investigating tho.
14:38:26prpplagueseletz: fun
14:38:50prpplagueseletz: i've been working on some legacy code, where the program actually expects and application to seg fault
14:39:14seletzprpplague: argh
14:39:21seletzprpplague: you're kidding
14:39:24prpplagueseletz: no
14:39:37seletzprpplague: oh my god
14:39:54seletzprpplague: is the one who wrote this still reachable?
14:40:19prpplagueseletz: ya i located him a few weeks ago
14:41:22seletzprpplague: what did he say to his mess?
14:42:00prpplagueseletz: he said he didn't have time to find out what was causing the segfault so he did what he could and wrote around it
14:42:11prpplagueseletz: time my ass, they paid him a fortune
14:42:50seletzprpplague: 3 weeks ago or so i got a phone call from a guy who works for my customer. He asked "may i add ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES to an #include preproc directive?"
14:42:58seletzprpplague: i asked "WTF?"
14:43:17seletzprpplague: he: "ya, my include files are located in another dir...."
14:44:18seletzprpplague: _this_ guy gets a fortune too. _and_ he was paid 1/2 year to actually do nothing than learn the UNIX way.
14:44:40seletzprpplague: he never looked at makefiles, gcc, info pages and such.
14:48:44prpplagueseletz: ya this didn't know what makefiles were either
14:51:52prpplagueRuss: that stuff is getting shipped today, seems shipping had a communications issue
14:52:20prpplagueRuss: ups tracking# 1z7495160344462534
14:52:43prpplagueerikm: gosh didn't notice that you had returned
14:53:06prpplagueerikm: been out in the caribean or something?
15:28:42seletzCF cards want LBA mode addressing.
15:33:08prpplagueseletz: fun
15:33:54seletzya. the diff is bit #6=1 in ide reg 6.
15:34:04seletzlove docs.
15:34:09seletzlove _correct_ docs.
15:59:32seletzenough for today
16:01:14seletzplaying dungeon siege
16:40:20prpplagueseletz: dungeon siege?
16:40:28prpplagueseletz: linux game?
16:46:57prpplaguei wonder is russ got moved ok
17:44:43seletz_prpplague: sorry, no. M$ game ....
17:44:50seletz_prpplague: pretty cool, actually.
17:44:50prpplagueseletz_: bummer
17:45:09prpplagueseletz_: i've got to find some early education stuff for my son that runs under linux
17:45:13prpplagueseletz_: doh
17:45:22seletz_tux racer, Xnethack
17:45:34prpplagueseletz_: sounds like a run away process to me
17:46:02seletz_fears the day SIGGIRLFIRIEND becomes SIGWIFE
17:46:30prpplagueseletz_: hmmm, that kinda like install windows(i.e. it takes over everything)
17:46:56seletz_anyway, gotta run.
17:47:00prpplagueseletz_: later
17:47:01seletz_see ya
20:09:15prpplagueerikm_food: you alive?

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