irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.09

00:54:54BZFlagRuss: builds, yes. but should not be linked in.
01:28:51prpplagueSammy: morning
05:25:16RussBZFlag: I don't have pcmcia on my board
05:25:23Russit won't compile
12:47:27seletz_network hiccups
13:35:25seletzsee ya
14:06:40Russ was last seen on #blob 8 hours, 41 minutes and 17 seconds ago, saying: it won't compile [Thu May  9 06:25:23 2002]
14:06:40prpplagueibot: seen Russ
14:07:03prpplagueRuss: when your drop in, give me a msg
14:07:15prpplagueseletz_home: working at home today?
15:23:46Russmorning prpplague
15:26:11prpplagueRuss: morning, have you tested picogui on sharp lh79520 ?
15:37:07RussI don't have a sharp lh79520
15:57:42prpplagueRuss: oops, what i meant was had you done anything with lh79520? got too many converstations going this morning
15:57:57prpplagueRuss: ok, just checking
16:00:02Russhaven't gotten it yet, may have come in in the past day or so, but I'm not home at the moment
16:00:11Russgraduating and packing today
23:44:01prpplagueRuss: you alive?

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