irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.05

19:45:05prpplaguehowdy seletz
19:45:13prpplagueseletz: is it monday already for you?
19:45:28seletzprpplague: no, not yet.
19:45:37seletzprpplague: have to finish CF reading
19:46:06seletzprpplague: tomorrow and tuesday i'll be in munuch, so i've to do it now
19:46:47seletzprpplague: hi, btw :)
19:47:23prpplagueseletz: ahh
19:48:09prpplagueis taking a break on dev work
19:49:01seletzdamned blocks get not read completely. grr.
19:49:15prpplaguei've getting into the mindset of "can't see the trees because of the forest"
19:49:35prpplagueseletz: still working on the psuedo tar scheme?
19:49:39seletzprpplague: i know that feeling
19:50:04seletzprpplague: hmm, yup. But there's no "pseudo". Its real posix tar
19:50:20seletzprpplague: and its only the first step
19:50:27seletzprpplague: cramfs is next
19:51:04prpplagueseletz: ahh, i didn't know all of the details
19:51:17prpplagueseletz: so is the fat16 option been dropped?
19:51:29seletzprpplague: no. _I_ need fat16
19:52:14prpplagueseletz: mind filling me in, if you got a sec?
19:52:15seletzprpplague: But i need time to get fat16 working. Have to decode the linux fs driver first and do a bit reverse-öengeneering. Have some docs, tho.
19:52:39prpplagueseletz: ohh
19:52:41seletzprpplague: np, whats the prob?
19:53:15prpplagueseletz: nothing, i was jsut curious what you plans were on the CF stuff, i get it now
19:53:58seletzprpplague: my final goal ist to have a simple way for system updates (system update=blob, kernel, initrd, cramfs)
19:54:29seletzprpplague: now peopla disagree on how to store the update file (i.e. fat, cramfs, raw tar).
19:54:43prpplagueseletz: ya that is a sticky area
19:55:08seletzprpplague: thus i thought it would be best if the CF code, the FS code, the Flash code the partition code know nothing of eachother.
19:55:55prpplagueseletz: i did play with some laptop memory yesterday, they used a smaller type of the connector you suggested on the   sa-1110 we talked about
19:55:59prpplagueseletz: nice idea
19:56:02seletzprpplague: It came to me that it would be best if we had some sort of chainable "io drivers". You caould define read and write chains.
19:56:26prpplagueseletz: i like the sound of that
19:56:41seletzprpplague: read chain: CF->DOSpart->FAT->FILES
19:57:01seletzprpplague: write chain: ->BLOBPART->FLASH
19:57:15seletzerm, sorry
19:57:38seletzprpplague: read: CF->DOSPART->FAT16->RAM
19:57:53seletzprpplague: write: RAM->BLOBPART->FLASH
19:58:26seletzprpplague: each of these blocks know nothing of echother. FAT16 is exchangeable with TAR,CRAMFs for ex.
19:58:58seletzprpplague: or leave it out completely. My test chains (which _do_ work) are:
19:59:53seletzprpplague: read: RAM0->TAR-> write: RAM1
20:00:15seletzprpplague: all i do is a io_copy( src, dest) and the selected file gets copied to ram1
20:00:30prpplagueseletz: smooth
20:00:47prpplagueseletz: sounds like you doing some nice work
20:01:08seletzprpplague: CF access is easy too: io_read( dest, src, amount, ptr_to_driver );
20:01:35seletzprpplague: like memcpy(). no blocking, no sectors, no heads/cyls. All managed by the driver.
20:01:37prpplagueseletz: what is "amount" blocks,bytes,records?
20:01:48seletzprpplague: memcpy()
20:01:51seletzprpplague: bytes
20:02:10seletzprpplague: the driver does the blocking
20:02:26seletzprpplague: so it looks like linear RAM
20:02:30prpplagueseletz: how are you determining how many bytes to read?
20:03:36seletzprpplague: well, you say src="0x420" as src address. i do a src/512. now i know it's block 2.
20:04:08seletzprpplague: there's some nasty shifting to do to get the offsets right.
20:04:21seletzprpplague: but _tat_ part works already.
20:04:37seletzprpplague: got me?
20:06:34prpplagueseletz: ya sorta, FS stuff was never my strong point
20:06:50prpplagueseletz: i guess i need to do some more reading
20:07:25prpplagueseletz: how long will the sa-1100 still be available?
20:07:27seletzprpplague: it's just like UNIX: do a open("/dev/hda") and do read()s. Don't worry about CHS and blocking.
20:07:38prpplagueseletz: ok gotcha
20:07:41seletzprpplague: IMHO quite long
20:07:54seletzprpplague: think all those mobile gadgets
20:08:09seletzprpplague: oh, sa-1100. Hmm.
20:08:56seletzprpplague: still i think they'll be available quite long. Maybe INTEL will licence them to others too.
20:09:43seletzprpplague: btw, something new on the we-want-a-small-board front?
20:10:29prpplagueseletz: nothing new, just struggling with budget issues
20:11:03seletzprpplague: well, we'll see i guess.
20:11:28prpplagueseletz: ya, i'm seriously considering funding the project myself
20:13:02seletzprpplague: well. _that_ would be great. I did that too. I have the strong feeling that one could make quite a bit of money with WLAN access points and such.
20:13:46seletzprpplague: or routers and similar small gadgets.
20:14:43prpplagueseletz: ya i bet, but the main thing i want is something to be able to learn on and incorporate into products with ease
20:19:29seletzprpplague: What products do you have in mind?
20:21:29prpplagueseletz: what i envision for lack of a better description is a "hack kit"
20:22:11seletzprpplague: lol
20:22:44seletzprpplague: well, i guess you'd not need those kits in numbers? Sys 1000?
20:23:05prpplagueseletz: good docs with examples, a board that is easy to develop i/o;s to, and some sort of generic box thats easy to work modifiy
20:23:24prpplagueseletz: ya qty1k would be nice
20:23:45seletzprpplague: you're kidding, are you?
20:23:55prpplagueseletz: no
20:24:37prpplagueseletz: i get 2 or 3 calls a week from universities wanting to buy my tcsx-1 to teach embedded systems
20:24:56seletzprpplague: Ahhh, edu merket. Sweet.
20:25:29seletzprpplague: One would have to make linux geeks want to have it.
20:25:57seletzprpplague: Like, say, show how to build a mp3 player for a car HiFi with the hack kit.
20:26:05seletzprpplague: or similar.
20:26:06prpplagueseletz: exactly
20:26:22prpplagueseletz: even promote a "hack contest" we freebies
20:26:48seletzprpplague: Sounds good.
20:27:08prpplagueseletz: it all comes down to funding
20:27:12seletzprpplague: well, why not just make those hack kits?
20:27:58seletzprpplague: well. funding is ok if we get at last some of the kits sold.
20:28:37seletzprpplague: for me this was a good year so far. Last year was ok too.
20:29:13seletzprpplague: Those kits could take the same concept fro cpu modules we talked about.
20:29:34prpplagueseletz: IMHO we could 1k units easy of the cost is less than $600
20:30:47seletzprpplague: boxed. It's a hack kit, so no real need of a case. No display needed too.
20:31:42seletzprpplague: One could produce that for say $400 IMHO.
20:32:26prpplagueseletz: hmm that would be nice, and if we picked a standard pactec box and made sure that the mounting holes match that would be perfect
20:33:00seletzprpplague: yeah.
20:34:54prpplaguedrools with anticipation
20:35:02seletzprpplague: the big part of the funding is to get the terms right with the manufactorer. You always have some initial costs. The initial cost are moderate. But once the production runs, you have to sell constantly.
20:36:09seletzprpplague: constantly, that is: You order say, 500 units. Then those units need to be sold.
20:36:42prpplagueseletz: what kind of lead time between orders and finished production?
20:37:53seletzprpplague: well, i guess it's all in 2-3 months range (with beta boards and so on. Tests etc.)
20:38:11seletzprpplague: maybe even quicker, as the design is already done.
20:38:26seletzprpplague: schematics i mean
20:39:21seletzprpplague: how many units could be sold quickly?
20:40:34prpplagueseletz: initialy i think we could sell around 100-200 per month
20:41:01prpplagueseletz: with more press coverage i think that it might go as high as 200-400
20:41:34seletzprpplague: you really think that so many geeks are out there?
20:41:51seletzprpplague: well, EDU market. Hmm.
20:42:11prpplagueseletz: in the US, ya
20:42:25seletzprpplague: Embedded processing is still hyped in the US?
20:43:37seletzprpplague: i mean, do universities give courses in embedded computing?
20:44:16seletzprpplague: if so, they'd need many units. 10-20 for ech course.
20:44:55prpplagueseletz: ya its a hot topic
20:45:12seletzoh man.
20:47:35prpplagueseletz: so what do think? can we crank out something pretty easy?
20:47:47seletzprpplague: well, yes.
20:48:08seletzprpplague: i really mean it. That would be quite easy.
20:48:42prpplagueseletz: are we still looking at purchasing 1000 units at once to make this work?
20:48:55seletzprpplague: no display, no case. Take paktec if you want a case. take serial LCD module if you want a display. cool.
20:49:14seletzprpplague: no, that's a different story.
20:49:43seletzprpplague: That would be better done in "xxx units a month" or so.
20:49:52seletzprpplague: open ended, so to say.
20:50:18seletzphone. brb
20:57:19prpplagueseletz: why not sent me an email with everything you think can squeeze into the "hack kit"
20:57:36prpplagueseletz: i'm think like a 5x7 board
20:58:50seletzprpplague: inches or cm :)
21:01:36seletzprpplague: How do you think the cooperation would work between us?
21:02:14seletzprpplague: your compyny (absinc i think) would have nothing to do with it, would it?
21:03:44prpplagueseletz: i probably would get them to "sponsor" the project and provide web space and phone services
21:05:07seletzprpplague: if i could get some sort of "buisness plan" done, i could raise some money to get some backup.
21:05:50seletzprpplague: i hate those buzzwords, btw.
21:06:03prpplagueseletz: lol, np
21:06:12prpplagueseletz: btw, inchs
21:11:05seletzgrrr, only 0x100 bytes read. rest is junk. Why is this
21:11:26prpplagueseletz: bad i/o day?
21:12:30seletzlooks as if yes
21:12:59seletzprpplague: i'll keep the hack kit in mind, that's for sure.
21:16:27prpplagueseletz: we can talk more about it at OLS
22:25:26seletzdoesnt work & im tired
22:25:43seletzneeds sleep
22:25:51seletzsee ya

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