irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.03

01:14:45Sammymorning ::
01:23:35prpplagueSammy: morning
01:23:50prpplagueSammy: anything interesting in tapei today?
01:35:23Sammyprpplague :no , but I just update my web site yesterday .
01:35:46prpplagueSammy: url?
01:37:03Sammymaybe I still need to add something on today.
01:38:24prpplagueSammy: looks nice
01:39:03Sammybut you can't read that chinese word in middle right ?
01:40:22Sammyprpplague: do you have personal page ?
01:46:21Sammygood , some useful stuff inside :)
01:47:53prpplagueSammy: i've been busy with work and had no time to update, i hope to do some updates next week
01:49:53Sammyprpplague: Add to my bookmark already .
01:51:15prpplagueSammy: being in tapei, do you have any contacts for cool products?
01:55:35Sammynope , a weeks ago here have Electric part and chips show , but I didn't saw anything special
01:58:34Sammybut I got one mail today this is interesting you can take a look ...
02:11:38prpplagueSammy: that seems pretty cool
08:03:29Russquick, commit everything you have before erikm gets back
08:03:36Russsomeof it is sure to slip though :)
08:16:36mmattenhas to think of seletz' latest submission ;)
09:22:05seletz_any_ comments on my io code? Please?
09:22:23seletzgetting coffee
09:37:32Russdunno yet, studying for final
09:38:03seletzRuss: alt last someone is looking at it :)
09:38:21BZFlagI agree with the basic concept. the various portions should not rely on direct addressing.
09:38:28seletzRuss: hacking CF io driver right now
09:38:57BZFlagConsider that with CF (mmc?) and other media the entire device can not be copied to ram.
09:39:00seletzRuss: cramfs io driver should be quite easy to code
09:39:17Russcramfs needs updating
09:39:22Russ(the code)
09:39:28BZFlagsame is true of some boards where flash >= ram.
09:39:39RussBZFlag: ew
09:39:41seletzBZFlag: yup. io_read() and write() will check bounds
09:40:00BZFlagwe are lookint at a board that might have >256M of flash onboard for example.
09:40:04seletzBZFlag: they can, because they know io_size
09:40:13RussBZFlag: that ain't cheap
09:40:19Russwhat are you using it for?
09:40:25BZFlagRuss: it will not be linear.
09:40:49BZFlagconsider it a build in mmc card. will be used for media storage. ie: mp3s etc.
09:41:17seletz256M is neat for mp3s .. :)
09:41:52BZFlagagreed. ;-) I'm even talking to one guy thinking of making a flash based movie player.
09:42:11BZFlagI think it's a bit early for that, but as flash get's cheaper, I can see it happening.
09:47:23BZFlagwell. must sleep. nite
10:02:08seletzRuss: cf code submitted now. Compiles, no test atm, will test after lunch.
15:03:39seletzprpplague: hi
15:07:15Russprpplague: what happens if you try to go to
15:07:19Russ(or seletz)
15:12:13seletzRuss: redirect to
15:12:31seletzRuss: some sort of login
15:12:50seletzRuss: httpS
15:13:01Russyou get a login
15:13:09seletzRuss: yup
15:13:19seletzusing konqueror/kde
15:13:51Russstopped working this morning at the scheduled maintaince time
15:14:06Russand has been giving me a "myASU is temporarily unavailable." ever since
15:14:51seletzRuss: delete the cache?
15:14:56Russtried that
15:15:31seletzRuss: proxy?
15:15:41Russnot that I know of
15:15:59seletzWhat browser do you use?
15:16:23seletzi know its silly, did you try another one?
15:16:48Russgiving netscape 4.7 a try
15:17:01Russno help there
15:17:24Russapt-get install  konqueror...
15:17:29seletzare you inside that domain?
15:17:57seletzseparate dns server inside?          A129.219.125.220
15:18:35seletzyup, same
15:19:11seletzhmm, have you somehow disabled http redirect? Just guessing...
15:19:20seletz(in your browser)
15:19:20Russsame thing with konq
15:19:35seletzok, no browser issue.
15:19:41Russmust be my IP
15:22:45seletzmaybe they routed the ip to another box, and forget so change routing (internal
16:04:57Russbufferoverrun bad
16:14:43prpplagueseletz: sorry, just got back, i just get a blank page
16:14:49prpplagueseletz: using mozilla
16:15:34seletzprpplague: russ had the web page problem
16:16:10prpplagueseletz: ahh, didn't read enough
16:16:20prpplagueseletz: its a mad  house around here today
16:16:51seletzprpplague: np.
16:17:10seletzRuss: found a bug im my code?
16:19:53Russits definately my IP address
16:19:59Russtried the NAT box, same thing
16:20:07Russseletz: saw your commit message
16:20:54seletzRuss: i guessed so. Well, the fix works :)
16:21:27seletzwants to get CF sytem update via TAR ready before erik is back :)
16:21:42prpplagueseletz: where is erikm?
16:21:50seletzprpplague: no idea
16:22:31seletzi guessed he's at some sort of conference or so.
16:23:01prpplagueseletz: ohh
16:23:11prpplagueis looking forward to OLS
16:23:43seletzme too. Cant wait to meet you guys. We'll have a lot of fun, don't we?
16:25:12seletzprpplague: i thought of get some good ol' german beer to canada, but it's illegal to import alcoholica to canada.
16:25:28seletzprpplague: quite sad, actually.
16:27:21prpplagueseletz: yes we have similiar problems in texas
16:54:54seletzwell, have to get to dinner
16:55:14seletz_homesee ya later
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