irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.02

03:37:21BZFlagugh... load kernel != reload kernel. /me sees his bug.
09:22:33erikm was last seen on #blob 3 days, 18 hours, 1 seconds ago, saying: hello [Sun Apr 28 16:22:32 2002]
09:22:33seletzibot: seen erikm?
09:25:01Russmaybe he's at some conference?
09:35:07seletzi guess so
09:37:34seletzRuss: i designed an io abstraction layer for blob, which fits nicely into the current flash_driver concept. It's quite light-weight and simple. Works like some sort of "chained" drivers, one can have multiple read/write chains (read a file, write to a certain flash partition).
09:37:55seletz(let the flame begin)
09:38:43seletzgetting more coffee
14:37:50prpplagueseletz: morning
15:08:55seletzprpplague: hi
15:09:13seletzprpplague: everything fine?
15:12:44prpplagueseletz: yep , just struggling along with our migration
15:22:11seletzprpplague: *NIX->Linux migration, eh? Du you run into problems so far?
15:22:35prpplagueseletz: ya manly due to the lazyness of former programmers
15:22:45prpplagueseletz: lots of non posix stuff
15:23:35prpplagueseletz: and things like data files with 777 permisions
16:27:08seletzugh, cold coffee
16:27:14seletzgetting coffee
17:13:39seletzgoing home
17:15:03seletzbye folks, see ya

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