irclog2html for blob on 2002.05.01

05:23:34RussBZFlag: did you check your instruction cache?
05:28:36BZFlagseems to be on by that point, yes.
05:38:40RussBZFlag: hello?
06:09:47Russk, make sure of that first
06:09:53Russalso, are you setting your flash timings
19:23:40BZFlagok, where do I read up on flash timings for blob?
19:25:15prpplagueBZFlag: seems like intel had a nice timming form on their web page, let me see if i have the url
19:33:23prpplagueBZFlag: sorry can't seem to recall the url
19:34:08prpplagueBZFlag: beside, i thought on the ram timings were needed for a blob port?
20:05:06RussBZFlag: sa1110 manual and your flash manual

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.