irclog2html for blob on 2002.04.27

00:24:00prpplagueis back like a bad case of athletes foot
00:39:10prpplagueerikm: working late?
00:39:48erikmno, watching discovery channel :)
00:42:57prpplagueerikm: ahh, anything good?
00:43:15prpplagueerikm: i'm preparing a glass of duvel for tonights episode of farscape
00:43:19erikmgerman u-boats. haven't seen this one yet
00:47:06erikmgoes zzz
01:09:37Russ|werkhow about, the irc user formerly known as prpplague
01:19:05prpplague_awayRuss|werk: sorry
01:20:52prpplague_awayi'm normally very netiquette aware, but i'm afraid the duvel is going to my head
02:07:13prpplague_awayRuss|werk: so what are you planning after you are evicted?
02:12:42prpplague_awayBZFlag: Russ is soon to be graduated
02:25:50prpplagueBZFlag: maybe with you being the big man around the company now, you need to get Russ to send in a resume
02:29:56BZFlagprpplague: well, I may have some contract work to dole out soon.
02:30:22BZFlagbut Lineo (embedix, whatever...) is not hiring at present.
02:30:40prpplagueBZFlag: i figured as much
02:31:36prpplagueBZFlag: you know i've never bought any of lineo products before, but i sure will take a second look, i'd hate to see lineo go the way of loki
02:34:07BZFlagprpplague: we should have a "free (or cheap) for non-commercial use" version of the sdk available soon.
02:37:19prpplagueBZFlag: ya well, i've come to realize companies like lineo return alot to the open source comunity, a like $$ here and there is worth it
02:38:37BZFlagthanx for the support. I have plans to improve our community relations even more.
02:39:24prpplagueanything i can do to help let me know
04:15:04BZFlagso is util/test/* compiling for people?
06:31:24BZFlagRuss---: why does zImage.o look for the kernel magic at [9] instead or [0x29] ?
06:44:39BZFlagahh.. u32 pointer cast. missed that.
08:00:44RussBZFlag: ya, its not exactly clear
08:14:56BZFlagno prob. so I'm converting "load kernel" over to load_kernel. I've added a "loadkernel" for the moment to test things.
08:16:08BZFlagif KERNEL_FLASH_BASE == RAMDISK_FLASH_BASE then jffs2 and/or cramfs should work, yes? "flash kernel" should check for that and refuse to flash. ;-)
08:17:16BZFlagI added a path name to the load methods and the code in jffs2 land. cramfs needs to pay attention to that still.
08:17:50BZFlagprep work for multiple kernels bases on param values.
08:20:18BZFlagzero second boot delay works. ;-)
17:00:23prpplaguemorning erikm
17:00:48erikmevening, prpplague
17:01:57prpplagueerikm: what kinda rat killin you up to today?
17:02:19erikmprpplague: just been shooting pictures with my new lens
17:04:19prpplagueerikm: some good pr0n eh?
17:05:00erikmprpplague: nope, taking pictures in and around the new church over here
17:05:34erikmprpplague: ("new" means that build around 1400. the "old" church was build around 1200)
17:05:41prpplagueerikm: cool
17:06:05prpplaguethe oldest build within 500 miles of where i'm at is 110 years
17:06:57erikmheh, the new church is about 1km away from here
17:07:50prpplagueerikm: 35mm camera or digital?
17:08:22erikm35mm camera
17:08:43erikmdigital camera's with exchangeable lenses are still too expensive
17:09:06erikmnikon D100 is *very* nice, but $4000 is too much

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.