irclog2html for blob on 2002.04.25

01:17:13Sammymorning *0*
08:58:05que tal, seletz
08:58:05seletzBZFlag: hi
08:59:48seletzBZFlag: i hope you got the newest CVS blob? There's PCMCIA/CF in IDE mode working. I'm planning to get a simple raw tar archive scratched from the CF card now. How's networking?
09:02:22BZFlagseletz: slowly. I've been a little more swamped than normal.
09:04:12seletzBZFlag: no, serious: i now can read 512 byte sectors from my CF card in true IDE mode.
09:05:29seletzBZFlag: The next thin i'll do is to tar cf /dev/hda somefile in linux and get somefile back in blob. Should be quite easy.
09:10:12BZFlagducks patch include vfat (perhaps just fat) support.
09:11:34seletzBZFlag: ya, I'll look at this too.
11:07:30Sammygo go go ...
12:12:50seletzRuss: hi
12:13:19seletzRuss: Do you know where to get some _simple_ vfat filesystem code?
12:13:26seletzRuss: or even msdos
14:33:37Russdunno, maybe grub?
14:34:49seletzwell, i'm implement TAR archives at first anyway.
14:39:53prpplaguemorning guys
14:40:13prpplagueRuss: hows your board?
14:48:49prpplagueRuss: is your board sa-1100 or sa-1110 based?
14:57:01seletzprpplague: hi
15:43:34prpplagueseletz: having fun today?
15:45:06seletzprpplague: implementing update blob/kernel/images from CF card using tar archives
15:47:06prpplagueworking on compiling driver for legacy multi-serial card(ya loads of fun)
15:52:35Russprpplague: sa1100 based
15:52:48Russbeen working on backporting stuff to x86/doc2000 lately
15:57:44prpplagueRuss: are you going to sell any of your boards?
16:33:02seletzgoing home
16:33:07seletzbye, see ya
19:10:34hola, prpplague
19:10:34prpplagueseletz_: howdy
19:52:22prpplagueerikm: howdy, your up late
19:53:33prpplagueerikm: well, got all my reservations done for OLS, including tenantive reservations for a arm-linux-beer BOF
19:54:40prpplagueerikm: got ajh's approval
19:56:32prpplaguenow i could only conquer these darn ksh to sh conversions....
19:56:39prpplagues/i/if i
20:09:36Russprpplague: yup, the idea is to sell them
20:11:54prpplagueRuss: got a price range in mind?
20:14:10Russprobably $300-$400
20:14:21Russif I go BGA and sa1110, I can probably reduce it a lot
20:15:09prpplagueRuss: when will you have one for purchase?
20:15:46Russmarking sucks
20:15:51Russer, marketing
20:15:56Russsame with management
20:16:14prpplagueRuss: so this isn't a one man show?
20:16:35Russclose to it
20:17:09prpplagueRuss: well, when you get ready to beta, please let me know
20:17:34prpplagueRuss: we are currently using the snapgear lite, but would be interest in your unit
20:20:41Russwell, we ran three betas
20:20:50Russand now we are running 25 for investors
20:21:01Russif we get money, then we can run quantities
20:21:45Russit'd be really nice if I could convince them to go with making it the first open source firewall/nat/router/whatever box
20:33:18prpplagueRuss: we have about 5200 locations that will be needing firewall/nat/vpn stuff in the next 18 months
20:41:35erikm(just testing the "get ops" button I just made)

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