irclog2html for blob on 2002.04.24

00:08:30prpplaguehowdy howdy
01:20:52Sammymorning.......    -_8
07:16:41mmattenmorning -_-
12:07:04hola, seletz
14:18:07bonjour, seletz
14:18:07seletzprpplague: hi
14:38:27prpplagueseletz: morning
16:38:19seletzheading home
20:17:39prpplagueerikm: howdy howdy
20:18:00erikmhello prpplague
20:34:40prpplagueerikm: i see aleph is making a new production run of LARTs
20:34:54prpplagueerikm: guess i need to save my beer money and order one
20:34:55erikmit surprised me as well
20:35:13prpplaguei just wish they were a little cheaper
20:35:24prpplaguebut, hey , you get what you pay for
20:58:28BZFlagwhat will follow the lart? clart?
20:59:04erikmBZFlag: I think clart can be considered dead
20:59:50erikmBZFlag: jdb is working on a cotulla based design right now
21:00:26prpplagueBZFlag: i'm hoping to hear something about the baloon going into production

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.