irclog2html for blob on 2002.04.23

04:46:27Russhappy b-day sammy
08:13:24seletzBZFlag: sorry for the CVS mess last thursday :)
08:20:46BZFlagno prob. fixed now?
09:07:17Sammyerikm: did you remember that problem about flash kernel receive at first eraseblock I asked yesterday ?
09:07:43seletzBZFlag: yup
09:08:09Sammyhello seletz
09:08:23Sammyseletz: got any photos ?
09:10:02seletzSammy: hmm, photos for what?
09:10:13seletzSammy: hi, btw :)
09:14:53Sammyseletz: ohhhh...I got wrong remember , you will go ottawa at july ....
09:15:46seletzSammy: ah, yes. I cant wait too :)
09:17:18seletzerikm: my PCMCIA irq problem seems to be solved :)
09:18:07seletzBZFlag: have you found time to review my pcmcia/ide hacks?
09:39:18erikmseletz: cool!
09:39:32seletzerikm: hint: CS4 timings ...
09:39:40erikmseletz: doh!
09:40:19seletzerikm: never rely on something you have'nt checked by yourself.
09:40:38erikmBZFlag, seletz, Russ: I do have two patches for new archs in blob, but right now I don't have time to integrate them. any of you interested in doing it?
09:40:57seletzerikm: gimme one!
09:41:32seletzerikm: no, serious: i will do some blob hacking today, so it will fit..
09:42:00erikmseletz: I'll forward
09:42:31seletzwatching demo ...
09:43:43erikmseletz: ok, one of them is the trizeps patch, you should have it as well
09:43:57erikmseletz: (the one from wolfgang mueller)
09:45:05seletzerikm: ok, i'll do at last the trizeps one.
09:46:30erikmok, found the other one as well
09:46:45erikmpatch is against 2.0.5-pre2, so it might need some work
09:47:32seletzerikm: if i got problems i'll get into contact with Wolfgang.
09:49:03erikmseletz: I think it's ok. it looked OK to me
09:53:03seletzerikm: did you forwad the mail already?
09:54:38erikmseletz: yes.
09:54:47erikmlooks in the mail queue
09:55:02erikmseletz: I've send it to
09:55:48erikmseletz: (oh, and I bounced it, so it looks as if it came from Matthias Gorjup)
09:55:59erikmseletz: you'd prefer another address?
09:56:20seletzno, please use
09:56:37seletzthe pruftechnik one is using lotus notes (urg)
09:56:58erikmok, I'll update .mutt/aliases and resend
09:57:36seletzerikm: where did you get this one? I moved to my own office in february.
09:59:01seletzerikm: thank you. I's all a mess with those pruftechnik edv guys :(
09:59:05BZFlagseletz: have not reviewed them yet. I should get to it tomorrow.
09:59:17BZFlagerikm: put the patches up on SF, and I might get to them.
09:59:19erikmseletz: I think you send me mail once from that address and I added it to my address book like that
09:59:30seletzBZFlag: well, ok. no problem.
10:00:46erikmBZFlag: you got wolfgang's patch, afaik
10:02:11seletzerikm: So one patch for me and one for BZflag, i suppose
10:03:12erikmseletz: lol :)
10:04:12seletzsee ya
10:05:16BZFlagerikm: I finally found the rmk bootp patch after much digging.
10:05:26erikmit's also on SF
10:05:35BZFlagweell, code. not really a patch yet. ;-)
10:05:50erikmyes, that's his EBSA bootloader
10:11:27erikmBZFlag, seletz: I've uploaded both patches to SF
10:11:46erikmBZFlag, seletz: you might want to assign it to yourself if you're working on one of them
11:42:07seletzerikm: ok, i just assigned the trizeps patch to myself. Set status to pending as well. Id is 547486 btw.
12:30:04seletzerikm: Ok, i integrated the patch. Removed some duplicate defines, dead code etc. Compiles well. I'll commit it now.
13:06:10erikmseletz: ok, thanks
13:11:24seletzerikm: i'll close the request
13:11:47seletzerikm: and i mailed wolfgang to test the code, btw.
13:11:57erikmalways a good idea
13:12:10erikmtell him to contact me if he wants CVS access
13:12:50erikmI think CVS access is only convenient for maintainers
13:13:20erikmand maintainers as in "maintainer of a certain hardware platform"
13:15:13seletzerikm: i will.
13:18:06erikmseletz: you forgot to CVS add include/blob/arch/trizeps.h, src/blob/trizeps.c and src/diag/trizeps.c...
13:19:21erikmcontinues working
13:22:48seletzahhhhhh ...
13:22:54Russwas wondering about that
13:23:18Russyou seem to have a habit of forgetting cvs add
13:27:17seletzOk, sorry. Should be fixed now.
13:32:49seletzok, there's more i forgot. I'm just fixing it.
13:46:25seletzOk, fixed.
13:46:30seletzSorry again.
13:47:30seletzerikm: What do you think, could we move xmodem.c from src/blob to src/lib?
13:48:39erikmseletz: for what?
13:48:49erikmcvs updates
13:49:28seletzerikm: to have the possibility to add the dlfile command to diag. Just fo example
13:49:57erikmseletz: diag doesn't need it. it's a diagnostics utility
13:50:34erikmseletz: in blob xmodem is just another kernel load method
13:51:54seletzerikm: yup, i do understand your reasoning. But what if i need to download a file in diag (to system memory)? Don't ask "what for?" :)
13:53:01seletzusing kdict
13:53:35seletzunderstands :)
13:56:04erikmseletz: ok, but than we should only have serial download methods in src/lib/, not other stuff.
13:56:47seletzerikm: why limit to uuencoded uploads?
13:56:58erikmseletz: well, uuencode and xmodem
13:57:36erikmseletz: diag is for diagnostics. if you can't see serial output, something is seriously wrong with your board anyway
13:57:54erikmseletz: so you can't do *anything* with it
13:58:02seletzerikm: yes, of course.
14:06:25seletzprpplague: hi
14:06:28prpplaguewow, nice group this morning
14:06:35prpplagueseletz: morning
14:10:11seletzcoding pcmcia/ide stuff
16:00:34here is a pic, the silk screening isnt perfect, it is more of a cream than white, but it was just a test
16:00:34seletzerikm: still here?
16:00:54seletz: sorry...
16:00:54seletzibot: cool!
16:02:21prpplagueseletz: lol
16:02:41prpplagueseletz: i don't know about you, but i sure am looking forward to OLS
16:02:50seletz: huh?
16:02:50seletzibot: nice little bot
16:02:56prpplagueseletz: btw, have you looked at the nanoEngine?
16:03:06seletzprpplague: yeah, i cant wait till june :)
16:03:26seletzprpplague: no. I just did _some_ basic QT/embedded stuff
16:05:17prpplagueseletz: check this out -
16:06:06seletzahhhh $750
16:06:22prpplagueseletz: yes very expensive
16:06:31seletzprpplague: btw, nanoengine: Isn't there some gui stuff also?
16:06:40prpplagueseletz: ya i think so
16:06:54seletzhence the confusion :)
16:07:02prpplagueseletz: i was more interested in the design rather than price
16:07:17prpplagueseletz: isn't that the same type of connector you wanted to use?
16:07:22seletzhmmm, what's this nanoBridge
16:07:57seletzprpplague: not quite the same, but similar
16:09:40seletzprpplague: hmmm, only GPIO10-20 available
16:14:02seletzprpplague: well, they do some weird PCI stuff
16:14:18seletzprpplague: that's why they have a "nanoBridge"
16:14:54seletzprpplague: do you consider buying those?
16:22:44erikmgoes home
16:38:56seletzmmatten|home: hey!
16:39:09seletzmmatten|home: you made it!
16:39:12mmatten|home<- still alive ye
16:39:44seletzmmatten|home: blob> pcmciatest 1
16:39:53seletzmmatten|home: note the "1"
16:39:55mmatten|homeworks ?
16:40:15seletzmmatten|home: on slot 0 is nothing connected. doh...
16:40:20mmatten|homeurgh :>
16:40:29mmatten|home<- shower
16:40:31seletzSKID doesnt work tho
16:43:09prpplagueseletz: negative, not interested in them, they are WAY too expensive
16:43:33seletzprpplague: guessed so :)
16:50:35mmatten|homeah i feel _much_ better now :)
19:17:14seletz_Read from CF card in IDE mode first ten sectors!
19:17:36seletz_CHS also correct
19:18:33seletz_And now gimme some vfat code to access tha filesystem!
19:20:22erikmtry ext2 first
19:20:31erikmwe could link against libe2fs
19:20:40seletz_erikm: hmm
19:20:45erikmSILO does the same
19:20:57erikm(SILO is the SparcLinux loader)
19:21:04seletz_erikm: dont we need some sort of libc then?
19:22:08erikmseletz_: afaik not. you just need to implement some basic functions to fetch blocks
19:22:53seletz_erikm: ok.
19:23:26erikmseletz_: it's called e2fslibs in debian
19:24:41erikmsource package is e2fsprogs
19:25:12seletzfiring up yast
19:25:41erikmhates yast
19:26:09seletzsearching on local dvd copy ...
19:26:46seletzok, found it
19:29:47erikmit even has documentation: file:///usr/share/doc/e2fsprogs/html-info/libext2fs_toc.html
19:32:27erikmseletz: you need to define an "IO manager" for libext2fs. it comes with a "unix_io" IO manager which can do normal UNIX file IO. you need to write a blob_io manager that handles the dirty IDE tricks
19:33:23seletzwell, i have fa function which reads arbitary sectors to a 512 byte buffer
19:35:02seletzreading ext2_io.h
19:35:05erikmlooks like it can be used. the IO manager structure needs basically needs a read and a write function
19:36:46seletzhmmm. ext2fs_get_mem
19:38:40erikmhmm, we need a simple malloc routine
19:38:53seletzand free
19:39:05seletzwhy not take the one from k&r
19:46:25seletzuargh. tired&hungry
19:46:36seletzwell, enough for today.
19:46:40seletzsee ya
20:52:14Russerikm: maybe look at the fsys_ext2 in grub?
20:52:50erikmRuss: also possible. or in SILO
20:53:13RussI was thinking about making blob use the fsys_ stuff, but its way too messy
20:53:35Russthe grub people are a little braindead
20:53:46Russall their autogenerated files are in CVS
20:54:07erikmthat's braindead indeed
21:29:12prpplagueBZFlag: howdy
21:29:29prpplagueBZFlag: got my tux+jtag today, guess my $$ wasn't lost after all
21:31:06erikmBZFlag: you might be interested to know: 21:20 <seletz_> Read from CF card in IDE mode first ten sectors!
21:36:10BZFlagprpplague: huh? hmm. ok, I send so many I guess I just missed your entry in the receipt book. ;-)
21:37:32BZFlagerikm: cool.
21:39:52prpplagueBZFlag: thats ok, we know you wife really does the books and shipping, lol
21:55:11BZFlagheh. yep, she's the other part of "Guru Group, LLC" ;-)

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