irclog2html for blob on 2002.04.22

02:36:16prpplagueRuss: you around?
08:04:38Russhey prp
08:04:42Russhe's not here
08:10:05mmattenwould be a bit early for him (or late) ;)
11:58:36Sammyseletz : had take any photo ?
12:00:54Sammyerikm: when I download kernel into ram, and then after I flash into flash , it's show a  boundless cycle write to first block , why ?
12:15:01Sammysee ya tomorrow ... sometime need to go ...
15:09:56prpplaguemorning all
15:10:33prpplagueerikm: hey does the LART use a FPGA?
15:17:29erikmthe lart doesn't
15:17:36erikmthere are two CPLDs on the KSB, though
15:18:47prpplagueerikm: ok thanks
15:19:04prpplagueerikm: heard anything about baloon going into production?
15:19:53prpplagueerikm: bummer
15:20:10prpplagueerikm: made your hotel arraingments yet for OLS?
15:20:38erikmnot yet
15:21:33prpplagueme either
15:21:39prpplagueguess i better do that today
15:35:04prpplagueerikm: have you worked with on of those nanoEngines?
18:44:40Russhey prpplague
19:02:23prpplagueRuss: howdy howdy
19:07:45Russwouldn't happen to know much about power mosfets, would you?
19:19:38prpplaguesorry no
19:19:45prpplagueis hardware challenged
19:44:55seletzhi *
19:45:43what's up, Russ
19:46:02prpplaguehowdy seletz
19:46:03seletzsorry for the CVS mess last tuesday :(
19:46:47Russseletz: you know much about power mosfets?
19:47:41seletzugh, no. Last time i heard abot FETs was in our semiconductor course (eeek!)
19:48:03seletzRuss: why?
19:48:26Russseletz: wondering how "safe" they are to use in automotive applications as far as voltage spikes
19:49:10seletzyou mean antistatic issues?
19:49:38RussI mean voltage spikes due to the nature of the voltage system in the car
19:50:51seletzRuss: sorry, i guess erik is maybe of betther help here.
19:52:06Russdoing the artwork for someone and they speced a transistor sourcing a relay with a 80 ohm coil and 30A rating
19:52:42Russ80 ohm at 12V is a lot of amperage, which means a bit transistor, and the relay is 1x1x1
19:52:50Russwhereas a power mosfet is 5mmx5mm
19:54:12Russand its surface mount
19:55:20seletzruss: hmm. that's only 125mA. But "Ohm" is'nt for coils either. Should be Henry. The unit i mean.
19:56:24seletzah, i see.
19:56:44seletzyou mean the relay coil is 80 Ohm in rsistance. Ok.
19:58:09seletzruss: A FET should drain considerably less, tho.
20:03:08Russyou are missing the point
20:03:35Russto turn on the relay, the equivelent circuit would be a 80 ohm resistor hooked up to 12V and gnd
20:04:09Russthat is 1.8W
20:04:53Russ(but, yes it is 150mA, at 3.3V, its about a half watt, but at 12V, its considerably more)

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