irclog2html for blob on 2002.04.21

13:09:06erikmhello prpplague
13:09:24prpplagueerikm: hows the head blob-ster today?
13:10:54erikmprpplague: pretty well. nice weather over here
13:22:23prpplagueerikm: cool
13:23:27prpplagueerikm: its pretty nice out here too, though i won't get to do anything outside
13:24:08prpplagueis converting a 20 year old c app to use "make"
13:27:04prpplaguemigrating all this SCO stuff to linux is going to be great when its done, but its a real nightmare right now
13:28:48erikmyou might want to use autoscan. it generates a configure.scan script. you don't have to make the package autoconf'ed, but it gives nice hints what you should look for in case of compatibility problems
13:30:05prpplaguethanks, i'll have a look, this is my first complete system migration
13:30:36prpplaguethe group that did this apparently had no knowledge of the word "posix"
14:09:24erikmbtw, if you want to do it right once and for all, you should try to use autoconf. when done right, it makes really portable code.
14:10:56erikmI once wrote a piece of software with autoconf+automake on a linux platform. it used some system specific stuff like the time functions (which can be fairly messy). I had no problems compiling the same code on sunos 4, irix 5, irix 6, hp/ux 9.x, hp/ux 10.x, ultrix, and convex/ps
14:12:35erikmgoes to friends for chat and dinner
19:54:53prpplaguehowdy BZFlag
19:55:11prpplagueBZFlag: any chance that you received my $$?

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