irclog2html for blob on 2002.04.20

00:18:52Russ|werkwhere's OLS again? canada?
00:19:18erikmottawa, ca
00:19:45Russ|werklittle out of range of my budget
00:19:48erikmca as in canada, not california
01:05:56BZFlagseletz_: ide/pcmcia headers?
13:51:13prpplagueRuss: might be someone you could sell too
15:16:33Russvery non-specific
15:21:47prpplagueRuss: yep
15:22:00prpplagueRuss: hows school?
15:22:18Russalmost done
15:22:26Russjust some busywork to finish out basically
15:22:58prpplagueRuss: so you got plans for after you get out of school?
15:23:12Russnot yet
15:35:15prpplagueRuss: have you worked with any of the other ARM core besides SA?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.