irclog2html for blob on 2002.04.17

05:25:45pmisfitaaah. what a relief. just built a 38k4 blob instead of the default 115k2.
05:26:10pmisfitworks great with my ancient terminal server with the crappy uart that couldn't deal with 115Kbps
05:26:56pmisfitshares a happy moment
06:14:17pmisfitis away: nite-nites
07:11:13hugendublGood moring
08:13:02hugendublmmatten:willst du einen Einbrecher auf meiner Maschine jagen?
08:13:25hugendublich hab leider mal wieder ein paar Tage keine Zeit.
10:23:36Sammyhi all
10:33:11erikmhello Sammy
10:55:08Sammyhello erikm
10:55:24Sammyhow is the weater ?
10:55:49Sammyraining all day here ....
11:39:06Sammy_wmscute . this tool is IRC Toons
11:43:51erikmSammy: pretty nice weather. cloudy but the sun shines. bit cold, though (11 C)
12:08:47KuEdEhi guys
12:10:30erikmhmm, it's becoming crowded over here
12:12:11KuEdEis it right, that chkmem fails on blob 2.0.5-pre2... ?
12:12:16KuEdEi gets freezed
12:13:53KuEdEI think it overwrites its own mem where blob's running....
12:15:57erikmKuEdE: very well possible
12:16:25erikmKuEdE: you might want to try diag
12:16:38erikmKuEdE: or the latest CVS version of blob.
12:17:05KuEdEi added my hardware to 2.0.5-pre2
12:17:27KuEdEill send u my diffs when im really sure everything is ok
12:18:30KuEdEwhen i set the lower base of memtest  (+ 0x1000)  or so... then it works well
12:18:41KuEdEi mean the test-region
12:19:45KuEdEahh...  ( +0x10000)
12:19:53erikmKuEdE: so it's just a matter that blob gives you too much rope to shoot yourself in the foot? ;)
12:20:45KuEdEbut now... linux works well with the lart ramdisk
12:36:57erikmcontinues hacking
12:37:32KuEdEill add a rgb ramp test to lcd.c
14:11:06seletzhi again
14:11:18seletzgot his new digital scope :)
14:13:32erikmseletz: ooh, cool. what brand/type?
14:14:01seletzerikm: agilent 54621D
14:14:19seletzerikm: 2 analog channels _plus_ 16 digital channels :)
14:15:11seletzerikm: 60MHz and 200MS/s (i know, 60MHz is a bit, well, low. But i think it'll do for me:)
14:16:27erikmseletz: agilent... that's HP, right?
14:17:00seletzerikm: yup, it semms so. All equipment shipped is from HP (probes etc.)
14:17:46erikmhmm has a broken firewall. doesn't like the ECN bit set
14:17:52seletzerikm: i hope to get rid off my nasty irq lost bug when using PCMCIA/SA1111
14:18:03seletzerikm: want a PDF?
14:18:36erikmnah, just turned off ECN
14:19:24erikmhmm. are the 16 digital channels sampled, or do they mean it's a logic analyser?
14:20:22seletzerikm: well, you can for ex trigger on patterns, i2c frames etc
14:20:45seletzerikm: they mean it as some "mixed" concept i think
14:21:46seletzerikm: neat: 8MB ram
14:22:08erikmseletz: ok, got the pdf. it's a logic analyser as well. neat
14:22:24seletzplayin round and trying to capture IIC frames
14:22:50erikmlol, happy hacking :)
14:23:12erikm(it's just like a little kid with a new LEGO box ;)
14:24:18seletzerikm: no really: I _still_ have this nasty IRQ bug.
14:24:44erikmI know
14:24:54erikmbtw, do you still have an assabet?
14:25:14erikmseletz: or wait. *any* sa1110 design would do.
14:25:28erikmseletz: you could debug the clock scaling bug with this scope
14:27:23seletzerikm: 1) yup have an assabet
14:27:48seletzerikm: Give me some hints and I'll be happy to help
14:27:54seletzprpplague: hi
14:28:14prpplagueseletz: morning
14:28:23seletzerikm: You mean the bug "below XXX mhz assabe does not work"
14:28:38prpplagueseletz: hey did you have an approximate size of the board we are looking at?
14:28:48prpplagueerikm: is jdb attending OLS too?
14:28:48erikmseletz: yes, that one.
14:28:53seletzprpplague: yup, was in the mail :)
14:28:56erikmprpplague: not that I know
14:29:04seletzprpplague: 85x85mm^2
14:29:20erikmprpplague: afaik he has a conference somewhere else at that time
14:29:20prpplagueseletz: ok, must have over looked it
14:29:28prpplagueerikm: ohh
14:30:36erikmI just mailed him
14:31:35prpplaguei need to email about our little board that seletz and i have been discussing
14:32:33erikmbtw, trizeps patch looks OK to me. just needs some minor cleanups
14:32:47seletzprpplague: well, cool. Would be nice if we could join forces :)
14:33:11prpplagueerikm: who submitted a trizeps patch?
14:37:19erikmprpplague: wolfgang mueller
14:37:51prpplagueerikm: ohh, i thought you ment someone on #blob
14:38:02prpplagueneeds more coffee
14:38:27prpplaguethe beer fairy visited me last night with 6 new(to me) brews
15:04:20seletzprpplague: any news from your management guys? You said something about meetings ....
15:04:52prpplagueseletz: ya we are still working on the budget for the $200k for the project
15:06:04seletzprpplague: sorry, i dont quite understand you here. You mean you talk about budgets with them? Sorry for bugging
15:06:41prpplagueseletz: ya, we have to go over the money vs. benifits
15:07:19seletzprpplague: so at last no decision agains yet? Fine.
15:07:56prpplagueseletz: most of our projects come in under $50k, so we have to go through a process of approval for the $200k
15:07:56seletzgetting coffee (lots of it...)
15:08:37prpplagueseletz: we won't get a final yes/no until around first of july
15:09:23prpplagueseletz: if the project was less the $50k i could push it through
15:13:31seletzprpplague: ok, fine. 1st of july: Canada day. For how long do you intend to stay in Ottawa?
15:18:21prpplaguejune 25-30
15:18:53prpplagueseletz: i was going to get there early for the beer festival, but looks like i can't
15:19:41prpplagueseletz: i'll have to settle for visiting some of the brew pubs
15:20:33seletzprpplague: 1st of july is canada day, so we stay until 2nd of july.
15:21:12mmatten(having a hangover during 10h flight is probably not a good idea tho)
15:21:22seletzprpplague: sure we find time to visit some pubs :)
15:23:00prpplagueseletz: i've budgeted $2k for a beer fling for the arm-linux group
15:23:46mmattenomg *twitch*
15:25:06erikmprpplague: ajh is still looking for some small sponsors for a couple of parties. if there is any budget left...
15:25:49seletzerikm: hmm, how "small" could this be?
15:25:57_rmk_did someone mention beer? 8)
15:26:05erikmhello _rrmk_
15:26:49prpplague_rmk_: yes, i'm going to "sponsor" a arm-linux-beer BOF at OLS
15:27:14seletzarm-linux-berr: lol
15:27:27_rmk_when are people going to be arriving/leaving OLS ?
15:27:39erikm_rmk_: I haven't booked a flight yet
15:27:56erikm_rmk_: want to do it at friday
15:28:10seletz25 of june arrival, 2nd of july departure
15:28:40seletz(just for me and mmatten, that is)
15:29:12prpplaguesame here
15:29:15_rmk_I'm looking at 22nd/23rd to the 2nd
15:29:18prpplagueon the 25 of june
15:29:31prpplague_rmk_: you can go to the beer festival!
15:30:10seletz_rmk_: want to see crazy canadians at canada day, eh? :)
15:30:18_rmk_prp: make sure it doesn't clash with any event that ajh plans tho.
15:30:34_rmk_seletz: ajh recommended it... we'll see.
15:31:00prpplague_rmk_: ya, i wan't planning on hammering it in stone, just when we can get most everyone together
15:32:54prpplagueerikm: think i need to contact ajh about it?
15:34:27_rmk_prp: its probably a good idea anyway.
15:35:01prpplague_rmk_: seletz and i are in discussion about producing a sa-1110 based module similar to the trizeps, what do you think the demand for a product like that is?
15:35:01prpplague_rmk_: ok, i'll drop an email
15:37:00seletz_rmk_: specs: SA1110, UCB1300, 64MB SDRAM, 16MB flash, roughly 85x85mm^2, AMP SMD connectors 2x200 pins 0.8 pitch, HW watchdog.
15:40:20_rmk_seletz: shrug - there's lots of sa1110 based stuff out there already, and I don't track what sells/what doesn't sell.
15:40:56seletz_rmk_: np, was just a question :)
15:43:52prpplague_rmk_: np, thanks
15:50:26seletz_oops, network hiccups
15:53:52_rmk_seletz: must be all that beer. 8)
15:54:28seletz__rmk_: yup, could be :) Had some kilkennys lastly :)
15:58:56prpplagueseletz_: i had this last night -
16:02:02mmatten_is going home now
16:15:43seletzstopped playin around, reading digital scopes user manual
16:22:19prpplagueseletz: if all else fails, read the manual, lol
16:22:56Russmorning _rmk_
16:27:43seletzprpplague: nah, quite simple operation, but _lots_ of functions. Currently going through the tutorial. RTFM, so to say.
16:37:21prpplagueseletz: lol
16:40:34prpplaguewhat kind of numbers of folks you think will be there from the arm-linux group?
16:41:32erikmprpplague: l can count to 9 right now, and that's including you, me, seletz and matten
16:43:10erikmgoes home
17:02:34prpplaguewell i guess i should figure about 30-35, that sound accurate to you guys?
17:17:51seletzprpplague: hmm, what do you mean? 30-35 ppl?
17:25:51mmatten|homeseletz: and does it work ? :)
17:32:25seletzmmatten|home: yup
17:32:47seletzmmatten|home: just triggered onto address 0x51
17:32:59seletzmmatten|home: capturing works, too
17:33:16mmatten|homeah nice :) the whole sequence or just single bit ?
17:33:18seletzmmatten|home: you only have to specify "single" mode: Single shot mode
17:33:32seletzmmatten|home: no, the whole sequence
17:34:00seletzmmatten|home: based on the actual dt/div
17:34:20mmatten|homeand do the bits arrive as they should ?
17:34:27seletzmmatten|home: so one has to be careful to select the right dt/div
17:34:30seletzmmatten|home: hmmm
17:34:38seletzmmatten|home: well, hmmm
17:34:57seletzcounting bitd to decode iic address
17:38:48seletzmmatten|home: yup, it's 0x51 7 bit
17:52:53seletzwonders who's the right purple plague :)
17:56:57prpplague_seletz: follow the smell of hot solder and beer
17:58:17seletzmmatten|home: grrr, there's another rtc driver in drivers/char/ which gets compiled in if SA1100_RTC is set
17:58:45seletzmmatten|home: guess where hwclock got the date from :(
17:59:16mmatten|home2 possibilities: some hidden chip i don't know of, or the szstems date
17:59:43seletzmmatten|home: 1) wrong 2) right
17:59:54mmatten|homebut the time differed
17:59:55seletzmmatten|home: the sa1100 has timer registers :(
18:00:01mmatten|homeit was off for almost 30 seconds
18:00:21seletzmmatten|home: hwcklock wrote to the timer regs
18:02:26prpplague_argh, i need to make my hotel reservations, but i don't know where
18:02:46mmatten|homewe took the one from the OLS  page
18:02:59mmatten|homebut nevermind using the webinterface....
18:03:14seletzprpplague_: why dont you take the same?
18:03:31prpplague_seletz: just seems a waste getting such a large room for one person
18:03:42seletzmmatten|home: btw, i got an FAX answer, everything ok
18:03:43prpplague_seletz: guess i will anyway
18:04:10seletzprpplague_: yup, the confirmation i got said "# of persons: 3"
18:04:25seletzprpplague_: so i guess the rooms are _big_
18:05:29mmatten|homeah they did send ?
18:05:36seletzprpplague_: if it wasn't just one queen-sized bed i'd offer you to share the rooms, but ...
18:05:45seletzmmatten|home: yup
18:06:20mmatten|homeno he will not sleep on my pullout sofa! :)
18:06:53seletzhmmm, i thought about that
18:07:13prpplague_well, i'm going to lunch, bbiaf
18:17:27seletzhacking blob
18:23:47mmatten|homemy m$ word just tried to act as a sever (according to my firewall) i haven't started it in MONTHS!
18:24:56seletzM$ word
18:25:33seletzanyone here ever used param blocks in blob?
19:12:06prpplague_seletz: negative, i'm still hard coding alot of stuff
19:24:07Russseletz: I have
19:24:13Russhello prpplague
19:24:26seletzRuss: :) guess you coded it, no?
19:25:29seletzRuss: i checked out mkparamblock, and used it to create a param block file :), now, how do i get this into flash?
19:25:45Russjust like with the ramdisk and kernel
19:25:49seletzRuss: do i have to do some dd tricks?
19:26:48seletzRuss: yes, some sort of dd ing blob and param blocks together and flashing them, never mind
19:27:02Russnot that I know of
19:27:06Russjust download param
19:27:08Russflash param
19:27:14Russas long as everything is setup right
19:27:26seletzRuss: ok, so i need to specify a address for it in my arch/system3.h
19:27:44Russseletz: ya, you probably want it on a seperate erase block
19:27:57Russunless you want to do the dd thing, and flash blob and the param block together
19:28:17Russmight make sense in production
19:29:18seletzbtw, i added some more commands, for flashing and erasing. And a arbitary xmodem file dl command
19:29:47seletzwill CVS commit in the next few minutes
19:30:18_rmk_umm, the param blocks/tagged list is supposed to be built by the boot loader... user changeable stuff should be via the kernel command line.
19:31:12seletz_rmk_: yup
19:33:16_rmk_I get worried when people start sticking them in flash
19:34:45seletz_rmk_: the paramblock i need would only contain autoboot wait time, ethernet hw address and similar stuff. Eventually a default command line. So nothing of interest for the "normal" user.
19:35:34seletz_rmk_: this stuff should be "hidden" from the normal user IMHO. Too dangerous if they start to fiddle around with that.
19:35:41_rmk_ah, different param block 8)
19:36:41seletzyes :)
19:37:38_rmk_continues to twiddle fingers while bk rattles the disks
19:38:25seletz_rmk_: my PCMCIA IRQ problems are not quite resolved. We have modified our board to separate IRQs (i.e. SA1111 and the rest), this helped a bit, but i get still lost Interrups
19:39:08_rmk_on 2.5 ?
19:39:17seletz_rmk_: I got my digital scope today, so i'll soon be able to debug this, so more info to follow. But i tend to blame the IDE drivers
19:39:40seletz_rmk_: no, on 2.4.
19:39:59_rmk_well, don't forget 2.4 has the old irq handling code.
19:40:08seletz_rmk_: but i separated the whole IRQ stuff
19:40:45seletz_rmk_: yes, you're right.
19:43:18seletz_rmk_: is there a general way to interface a RTC clock to the kernel? I mean, some API? Or do i just hook to linux/arch/arm/kernel/time.c::set_rtc
19:43:27seletz(sorry for bugging)
19:45:56_rmk_not really - the kernel set_rtc isn't guaranteed to set the complete time anyway
19:46:30_rmk_set_rtc is only really designed for keeping the RTC in sync (with small updates) when you're running NTP
19:47:45seletzSo, what's the "Right Thing To Do" when it comes to a RTC clock? I have a iic RTC, i modified the acorn RTC stuff for that. The driver works AFAIK. Is that enough?
19:48:19seletzi mean, i do register /dev/rtc and that all.
19:48:54_rmk_yes - /dev/rtc is the expected interface.
19:49:01seletzah, ok
19:49:07_rmk_the user space 'clock' tool knows how to read/write the time via /dev/rtc
19:49:51seletzbtw, does the i2c stuff get a redesign somewhere in 2.5?
19:50:24_rmk_don't think so - its been changed in the past, the last update happened early 2.4 or late 2.3 iirc
19:50:55_rmk_if you're looking at the acorn rtc stuff, I did add some extra support in there recently.
19:51:23seletzIMHO its quite ugly now. An adapter has to know RTC stuff
19:51:58_rmk_there were some plans (if enough people get together) to write a generic /dev/rtc driver
19:51:59seletzAdapters should only know about "sda" and "scl" IMHO
19:53:03_rmk_search a linux-kernel archive for message id:
19:53:11_rmk_the mail was sent on Sun, 28 Oct 2001 09:58:19 -0700
19:58:33BZFlag_rmk_: where has your net code been placed?
19:59:02BZFlagerikm told me you had resolved the licensing and that it could go into blob.
19:59:19BZFlagwe've got a board contract that could use it.
19:59:43BZFlagrather than adding etherboot stuff I'd like to take a look at what you have.
20:00:03_rmk_BZ: I'm not sure where erikm put it, but erikm does have it.
20:00:39BZFlagcan you send it to me as well? erikm said he had sent it to me, but I can't find it in any of my archives.
20:00:48seletzBZFlag: ethernet tftp/bootp is on my todo as well
20:01:06seletzBZFlag: what chip are you going to use?
20:01:21BZFlagone's a arm7 the other is a sa1110
20:01:33BZFlagoh, you mean ether.
20:01:43seletzBZFlag: yup, on the SA1110
20:01:56seletzBZFlag: I got a SMC 91c96 here
20:01:59BZFlagthe sa1110 is a cf ne2k, the arm7 is a .... hmm. don't recall at present. Duck is doing that one.
20:02:29seletzBZFlag: ah, the one shipped with the assabet?
20:02:55seletzBZFlag: then my PCMCIA stuff for blob might come in handy ...
20:02:57BZFlagnope. the sa1110 is the vercel idr board. similar to the neponset though.
20:03:31BZFlagseletz: yes. ;-)
20:03:33_rmk_... brb (editing an ircd motd file)
20:04:17seletzBZFlag: two things are that i want to teach blob: 1) ethernet updating 2) update on-board flash via an specially formatted CF card
20:04:39seletzBZFlag: plug'n play update, you know. For _dumb_ customers
20:04:48BZFlagI've got the old bootloader Lineo korea did for hp that includes etherboot. it's cf with ne2k and works but it ugly code imho.
20:05:31seletzBZFlag: send CF card, have customer plug it in, reset, blob detects a special cf card, re-flashes finternal flash, reset and off you go
20:05:47BZFlagseletz: 2 looks like a "romimage" or "rootfs" file on vfat for me. duck has this working on the arm7 version at lineo.
20:07:01BZFlagvercel will have the cf update. I hope to also finish the kernel-from-jffs2 and params-from-jffs2 for that board.
20:07:03seletzBZFlag: the ARMboot guys have network too. I looked at the code. Most "drivers" are copied from the kernel source and hacked to get it going.
20:07:32seletzhmmm, then we should join forces somhow
20:07:33BZFlagseletz: that's fine with me too. ;-)
20:08:12seletzok, at first we should have PCMCIA working under BLOB
20:08:49seletzmy code has basic PCMCIA stuff (SA1111 though), detects cards and parses the CIS
20:10:01BZFlagvercel has a sa1111 as well.
20:10:07seletzBZFlag: it never got committed to erik, because i did'nt had the time to do more. But now my customer wants those features in blob :)
20:10:13BZFlagone cf slot, 3.3v only.
20:10:21seletzcool, like the system3
20:10:37BZFlagit's slot1, not 0. same on your end?
20:10:51BZFlagsweet! ;-)
20:11:06seletzslot 0 is full PCMCIA, needed for our analogue measurement board :)
20:11:17BZFlagwe don't have a 0.
20:11:26seletzdoesn't matter
20:11:52seletzi stopped coding when i came to this weird IDE stuff
20:12:58seletzbasically i wanted to verify wether or not PCMCIA/CF works on my board. Then i switched to kernel mode and stopped BLOBing
20:13:26seletzlooking up patches
20:16:36BZFlagseletz: heh. same here. ;-) but the contract I'm on requires cf flashing.
20:16:46BZFlagso I have to get back to it sometime.
20:17:04BZFlag_rmk_: you alive? is the net code out there someplace?
20:18:24seletzBZFlag: there's a DOS ata driver example (freeware, no license, source) from sandisk
20:18:39seletzBZFlag: this driver uses PCMCIA as well
20:19:05seletzBZFlag: maybe we want to rip out the DOS stuff and merge it with blob?
20:19:23seletzBZFlag: does nice polling i/o
20:21:24BZFlagduck took the ide code posted to the list 6-8 months ago and got that working already.
20:21:40BZFlaghis slot is just an ide slot though, not cf/pcmcia
20:21:49BZFlagand it needs some cleanup.
20:21:52seletzBZFlag: as soon as i got this RTC / I2C stuff working and verified some PCMCIA stuff on 2.5 i'll get back to this. Then at first i'll revive the PCMCIA stuff.
20:22:06seletzBZFlag: well, post it :)
20:22:39BZFlagI can get it to you if you like. keep in mind it's not intended to be ready to release. we have not gone through and cleaned things up vs copyright notices etc.
20:23:09seletzBZFlag: As soon as i can do PCMCIA, we have access to the IDE regs on a cf card, so if the IDE code works then ...
20:23:25mmatten|homeseletz: still @ work ?
20:23:28seletzBZFlag: what license is it?
20:23:30seletzmmatten|home: yup
20:23:46seletzwill get SIGGIRLFRIEND soon
20:23:46mmatten|homeSIGGF eh ? :)
20:23:50BZFlagbut erikm has a copy. you has sf access yes? There is a tarball of the ugly hp version up there that has etherboot in it. I'll put duck's version up there as well.
20:24:23seletzBZFlag: url please? Or is it on the blob page?
20:24:31BZFlagthe ide code that was posted to the list was... hmm. either gpl or compatibile. might have be public domain.
20:24:47BZFlagblob group directory on SF. use ssh/scp
20:25:07seletzhmm, never done it
20:25:14seletzlooking at sf docs page
20:25:20BZFlagplease do NOT release it anywhere. Lineo Korea did nasty things like removing copyrights etc.
20:25:47BZFlagI am not happy with that code at all. I put it up there so erikm would have access to it.
20:25:58BZFlagbut the project has been killed and it will never be released.
20:26:31seletzwell, then i dont even download it.
20:26:35BZFlagjust ssh <username>  (or an alias, I use ;-)
20:27:14BZFlagthen cd to the group home dir. I think thats /home/groups/b/bl/blob or some such.
20:28:03BZFlagseletz: the bits that are there are either blob (gpl) or etherboot (gpl) or lineo hackup (should be considered gpl)
20:28:29BZFlagbut they broke automake and dropped everything in one directory, etc. a poor job, but it does work.
20:28:36seletzhmmm, only htdocs there
20:29:03BZFlagso it could get used and released,
20:29:11BZFlag.. ah it's in htdocs ..
20:30:15BZFlagso the code could get cleaned up and used, but as I said they ripped out copyrights etc which is why I insisted that the code not be released.
20:30:29BZFlagthey were supposed to get back and fix it, but the project died as well.
20:30:53prpplagueBZFlag: which project is that?
20:31:12BZFlaghp calypso. a $199 sa1110 handheld.
20:32:02BZFlagmoves the file out of htdocs
20:32:58BZFlagit's in the home directory now. only readable to blob group members.
20:33:37seletzok, got it
20:35:20seletzpcmcia.c is public domain
20:37:16seletzthis code is yuck-bleah
20:37:17BZFlagadds a bloader.txt
20:37:25BZFlagas I said. =(
20:37:44seletzi know, "You Have Been Warned."
20:40:05seletznah, at best the ethernet suff is usable. Needs lots of reworking.
20:41:12seletzBZFlag: i think i'll get the pcmcia stuff working. Then low-level ethernet stuff via pio. Neatly separated. Neatly encapsulated for different eth chips.
20:41:36seletzanyway, im tired now
20:41:51seletzsee ya, guys
20:48:04BZFlagseletz_home: sweet. keep up posted.
22:12:23prpplagueBZFlag: got a sec for a question?
22:14:44BZFlaghit me
22:18:28prpplagueBZFlag: thanks, i posted on the #tuxscreen

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