irclog2html for blob on 2002.04.13

18:39:12seletzerikm: real geeks have no weekend, eh? :)
18:39:58erikmnah, just got a new cable modem. have to try it, of course
18:40:55seletzerikm: wohoo, cable modem! Which sort of? real "cable" modem, i.e. over TV cables? Up&Downlink?
18:41:42erikmseletz: "real" over TV cable. 512kbit/s downstream, 128 kbit/s upstream
18:42:33seletzerikm: how much do you pay for this? Is it flat rated?
18:42:56seletzusing good ol' german t-com DSL
18:43:07erikmflat rate, 45 euro/month, which makes it about 5 euro/month cheaper than adsl
18:44:43seletzof course only cheaper when you have to order ISDN for DSL like in germany :(
18:44:55erikmhow much is dsl in germany?
18:45:38seletzerikm: well, 25 EUR flat rate + 8 EUR base rate + ISDN base rate
18:46:07seletzerikm: _and_ you have to use PPPoE :(
18:46:25seletzerikm: i guess your cable modem acts like a bridge?
18:46:33erikmseletz: the cable modem also uses PPPoE. not too bad so far
18:46:44seletzerikm: oh, hmm.
18:48:12seletzerikm: In vorarlberg (western austria, where i come from), they got cable modems with _fixed_ IP adresses, they are transparent and you just plug your RJ45 in abnd off you go ...
18:48:42erikmseletz: fixed IP is also possible over here, but you pay more
18:48:49seletzerikm: this came for 40 EUR (plus cable TV base fee)
18:49:34seletzerikm: pretty cool, my uncle set up most parts of it :)
18:53:01seletzerikm: well, actually i cant imagine using the internet without DSL anymore. Right now i'm connecte through 802.11b wireless lan to my Daytec router. Pretty neat, one gets used to that very quickly ...
18:53:31erikmseletz: yeah, I have to setup my wireless stuff as well
18:53:42erikmseletz: would make my gateway a neat router
18:53:55erikmseletz: ethernet, wavelan, cablemodem, isdn :)
18:54:01seletzerikm: pretty much plug'n play.
18:54:16seletzerikm: have a linux box as ruter
18:55:16seletzerikm: or do you use a boxed router? The daytec 2200W has wireless and dsl/cable and ISDN ...
18:55:35erikmseletz: much more fun if you do it yourself
18:55:56seletzerikm: yes, i know :)
18:56:37seletzerikm: but i got a veto from my girlfriend "What? Another box? And cables? ...."
18:57:17erikmlol :)
18:57:42erikmI think I'm going to convert a tuxscreen to cable modem router
18:57:55seletzerikm: One of my main interests at the univerity was networking.
18:58:13seletzerikm: oh, do they have enough IFs?
18:58:49seletzerikm: btw, the tuxscreen's phone, do they work with our telephone system in europe?
18:59:07erikmtwo is enough for a cable modem router/firewall
18:59:17erikmseletz: never tried it, actually

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