irclog2html for blob on 2002.04.11

03:37:53BZFlagRuss: you around?
07:39:06RussBZFlag: ya?
07:46:57WeirdArmsanyone around?
08:04:21Russhey WeirdArms
08:04:51Sammyhello Russ : WeirdArms
08:11:33WeirdArmsanyone know much about dynamic libs on ARM?
08:11:45WeirdArmsI'm trying to find out how the code finds the data segment
08:13:35BZFlagandersee might know.
08:14:01BZFlagok, he's sleeping. try
08:34:11RussBZFlag: anything in paticular you want to know about these schematics?
08:34:18RussBZFlag: possible software problems?
08:51:47BZFlagoh you are here. ;-)
08:52:05BZFlagjust anything you think should be different.
08:52:43BZFlagcheck the gpio assignments. I would have put outputs on 11+ and inputs lower, but I don't see any that really need to move.
08:54:17BZFlagif you have done sa1111->ud1341 audio before, I'd like to know how similar this one is.
08:54:28BZFlagwell, gotta sleep. thanx!
09:17:00smhi all
09:17:16smgood morning mister mmatten...
09:19:08smCU. Michael
09:28:02mmattenargh missed him
09:55:53seletzhi all
10:01:23seletzerikm: hi
10:02:15seletzerikm: Well, marcus and I will watch your speech at the OLS...
10:03:16Sammyseletz: what's that , tell me tell me ....
10:03:44erikmseletz: right, that makes four people at least :)
10:04:40erikmSammy: OLS == ottawa linux symposium. one of the two main linux technical conferences
10:04:55seletzSammy: marcus and i will have a nice trip to Ottawa in july :)
10:05:11erikmSammy: the other one is ALS (australian linux symposium) in sydney
10:06:20erikmseletz: there's enough to see in the neighborhood. ottawa is nice: parliament hill is interesting.
10:07:51erikmseletz: botw the provinces quebec and ontario have a lot of nature/wilderniss
10:08:36Sammyso ga , that's means erikm will speech there :)
10:08:56seletzerikm: yup, one of my friends is from canada. He told me just that, though he said that ottawa is known in canada for its bars closing at 18:00 :(
10:08:58erikmseletz: and if you have a car: niagara falls is also nice. be sure to visit them from the canadian side, which gives a much better view than the us side
10:09:25seletzerikm: and you're not allowed to smoke, the whole area of ottawa is a non-smoking zone
10:09:46erikmseletz: I can't remember, but then again: I don't smoke :)
10:09:52seletzerikm: (i'm a non-smoker, so thatz pleases me :)
10:09:56Sammyme too ...
10:10:16seletzerikm: anyway, i think we'll have a great time there.
10:11:17Sammyseletz: if you take some picture there , remember to show me after you back ...
10:12:28seletzyup, i'll take my digicam with me and i'll post them on my web page :)
10:13:02Sammyk :)
10:14:05erikmSammy: I *always* take my SLR camera with me :)
10:15:58erikmhmm, I want a new lens tho. I've seen a nice 35-70 f/2.8 lens...
10:16:28Sammywhat's that brand name?
10:16:38erikmSammy: nikon
10:17:50Sammyhoho , someday before when I was at junior collage , I have one too ...
10:18:13Sammybut not play so long ...
10:19:30Sammybut  now , I have to save money , think to buy DV .
10:20:39Sammyerikm: do you  have any creations on the site ?
10:41:22seletzsm: hi!
11:29:59seletzerikm: do you have a hotel booked for OLS yet?
12:31:27erikmseletz: nope
12:33:48seletzerikm: the hotels seem a little bit full (at 1. june is Canada Day)
12:34:09erikmhmm, I'll try to book soonish
12:34:12erikmnext week or so
12:35:21seletzerikm: btw, we'll be on an AirFrance flight, which was nearly full as well (at last in our sub-tourist class :])
14:23:44seletzprpplague: hi
14:24:12prpplagueseletz: morning
14:36:17seletzprpplague: hey, we'll make it to the OLS, so we'll see us there!
14:43:23prpplagueseletz: cool
14:43:35prpplagueseletz: "we'll" who else?
14:44:32seletzmarcus and i
14:44:41seletzmarcus aka mmatten
14:45:08prpplaguewell i'm planning a dinner/beer get together, and i'm buying
14:45:48seletzprpplague: beware i can drink _lots_ of beer!
14:48:19seletzi'm not a bavarian native, though.
14:48:44erikmremembers getting his first beer in bavaria
14:49:07erikmI asked for a beer, not realizing that it means that you get a liter over there... ;)
14:49:50seletza "mass" is one liter. *grin*
14:50:03erikmthe default amount over here is usually 1/5 or 1/3 liter
14:50:56seletzcall for 1/5 liter and you'll probably get laughed at in bavaria...
14:51:10erikmseletz: there is a special beer cafe over here in delft. over 300 types of beer on stock, eight of them from draft
14:51:20seletz1/3 is unusual too. 1/2 is normal
14:51:31erikmseletz: in bavaria....
14:51:33seletzerikm: wow
14:52:12seletzerikm: agreed, only in southern germany (not only bavaria).
14:52:23erikmseletz: and austria
14:53:13seletzerikm: hmmm, yup. a "grosses bier" in austria normally means 1/2 liter, 1/3 liter is a "normal" one. sigh.
14:53:32erikmseletz: yeah, you're right
14:54:31erikmseletz: what do you consider a good beer in austria? I know goesser is quite large
14:55:01erikmseletz: everybody knows heineken, but over here in the netherlands it is regarded as an inferior beer.
14:55:44seletzerikm: well, i like "mohren bräu", thats a beer made in the town i grown up. heineken is not usually drunk in austria.... :)
14:56:23erikmseletz: no, I can imagine. but americans like it and wonder why I (being dutch) don't want it
14:56:54seletzerikm: from vborarlberg (west most part of austria, where i come from) "mohren bräu" and "fohrenburg" are known good. "gösser bräu" is from eastern austria
14:57:00mmattenprobably because it tastes like being mixed half with mineral water
14:57:11seletzmmatten: shhhh
14:57:18erikmmmatten: lol :)
14:58:00seletzhe refers to it because i usually drink a "radler", which is just that.
14:58:50prpplaguei'm more into stouts and ales
14:59:22prpplaguechimay blue is one of my favorite belgian abbey style brews
14:59:54seletzprpplague: well, i specially like "kilkennys", which i drink in a local irish pub
15:00:00erikmprpplague: you'd probably like hoegaarden double and triple in that case
15:00:26seletzhas to visit the netherlands some time
15:00:36prpplagueprpplague: ya i've been trying to get some in for awhile
15:00:48prpplagueerikm: that was for you
15:01:03prpplagueis on mental breakdown mode
15:01:46erikmI have to go home
15:02:06prpplagueseletz: kilkennys sounds familiar
15:02:23seletzprpplague: what caused your current running mode? beer++?
15:02:31seletzprpplague: or sleep--?
15:03:04seletzgrrr. iic wont work.
15:04:42prpplagueseletz: /usr/sbin/management --bitch_mode --extra_work --less_time
15:05:30mmattenas lomg as you don'T start a killall management :)
15:05:57seletz(depends on who's root)
15:06:00prpplagueno, just having fun with /var/spool/mail
15:06:58seletzprpplague: ever used i2c with GPIOs on StrongARM?
15:07:19seletztrying to interface a RTC chip over i2c
15:07:44prpplagueseletz: i've been doing some reading about it, the ELF series from inhand controls some of the lcd interface through i2c as well as the power managment
15:08:21seletzhugendubl: play'n aroud, eh?
15:08:24prpplagueseletz: god knows i've been guilty of poor documentation, but IMHO the i2c docs seem really vague
15:08:33hugendublfirst time
15:09:03seletzbtw, hugendubl is a _real_ bavarian guy....
15:09:43hugendublsitting in munich at the university and doing nothing
15:10:21prpplaguehugendubl: well get out there and pack up a box of real brew and ship it to me!
15:10:52hugendublhow many bottles?
15:11:21prpplaguehugendubl: bottles, lol, i'm talking kegs!
15:11:56hugendublwell its a good time at the moment.
15:12:11hugendublthey have strong stuff only for some time in the year .
15:12:14prpplaguemorning BZFlag
15:12:31seletzhugendubl: how many vol % alc
15:12:40hugendubl12 %
15:12:55seletzprpplague: how does that sound? beer with 12 vol % alc?
15:12:58hugendubljust 1/2 and you made your day
15:13:05hugendublits very good
15:13:52prpplaguehugendubl: 12% sounds good
15:13:55hugendublits called Andechser
15:14:11hugendublfrom a old monastery
15:15:34prpplaguehugendubl: the double bock looks very nice
15:15:47hugendublthat it is
15:15:48seletzwoha: andechser doppelbock got 4.25 stars
15:17:01seletzhugendubl: they say andecheser doppelbock has only 7%.
15:17:10hugendublthat export yes
15:17:25hugendublbut you get another here just from the keg
15:18:03hugendublbut just for some weeks in the year
15:18:31prpplaguehmm, just emailed my brew distributer to see if we can get some
15:18:42mmattenomg :)
15:19:02seletzprpplague: you're one of the quick guys, eh?
15:19:19prpplagueseletz: quick guys?
15:19:37seletzprpplague: quick in ordering new beer...
15:19:50prpplagueseletz: ohh ya, i'm a beer freak to the max
15:20:23hugendublGot to go now. singing in the rain.
15:20:27hugendublCU later
15:22:31prpplagueseletz: i plan on inviting the rest of the arm gurus to the get-together, i wonder if rmk will show
15:39:10seletzprpplague: well, i think he's actually a rather nice guy. Depends wether or not he'll find time i guess.
15:45:20prpplagueseletz: cool
15:45:51prpplagueseletz: btw, erikm said that jdb is interest in a similiar project as the sa-1110 core we've been talking about
15:46:41seletzprpplague: hmm, interested in producing one or interesed in buying one?
15:48:40seletzprpplague: maybe we should all just join forces and get the ultimate module done
15:48:50seletz(just a random thought, tho)
17:20:57seletzsorry wrong window :(
18:58:01seletzuargh, late
19:12:04seletzbye, see ya
19:12:19Russsee ya

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