irclog2html for blob on 2002.04.10

13:14:27seletzhi all
13:19:01seletzerikm: hi
13:19:31seletzerikm: do you know if there is already code for i2c over GPIOs?
13:20:25seletzerikm: i only found l3 stuff ....
13:20:38erikmwhich is almost i2c, afaik
13:20:56seletzlooking harder
13:21:53seletzbit of a naming confusion out there....
13:22:13seletzl3 stuff contains also the i2c stuff. grrr.
13:23:37erikmand otherwise the parallel port i2c bitbang module could serve as an example for a GPIO version
13:24:16seletzto be honest i already started hacking a i2c-bit-sa11x0.c :(
13:24:50seletzOTOH perhaps it's better to rip out the i2c stuff from the l3 if and put it separate.
14:17:49prpplaguemorning guys
14:26:08prpplagueseletz: you worked with jdb before?
15:03:53erikmprpplague: I did :)
15:06:38prpplagueerikm: what? worked with jdb?
15:08:57erikmprpplague: we shared the same office
16:02:13prpplagueerikm: ahh, well i was just checking with seletz to see about working with jdb on the core module we discussed
16:35:47prpplagueerikm: i'm looking forward to your session at ottawa
19:26:16prpplagueRuss: howdy howdy
19:44:08prpplagueRuss: how goes it?
19:50:45Russclose to graduation
20:08:01hugendublhallo stefan
20:10:22hugendublSee you tomorrow...
20:10:35hugendublJust tried whether it works;)

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