irclog2html for blob on 2002.03.29

16:43:21prpplaguemorning folks
16:43:25prpplagueerikm: hows it going?
16:43:32erikmhello prpplague
16:43:36prpplagueerikm: keeping blob evolving?
16:43:47erikmyeah, I'm just playing with pcmcia
16:43:57erikmit even looks like the hardware works
16:44:15prpplagueerikm: in a fe wmillion year blob might have a spine and a centralized neverous system, lol
16:45:33prpplagueerikm: you know when i first was looking at bootloaders i thought blob was not as nice as other bootloaders, ohh how i was wrong
16:45:48erikmheh :)
16:46:23erikmI just found out that my commandlist stuff is pretty neat
16:46:57erikmI just added 12 lines of code to add a command that detects PCMCIA cards on LART
16:50:48erikmnow needs a 5V power supply for the card
16:52:44erikmneed to solder some stuff on the board, brb
17:22:47prpplague_erikm: so the pcmcia is working pretty well?
17:25:33prpplague_erikm: got a question for ya
17:26:24prpplague_erikm: if a company called you and asked you to get linux running on their board for free what would you say?
17:27:20prpplague_so long lxrbot
17:27:30prpplague_wb lxrbot
17:53:14erikmprpplague: depends if they allow me to keep the board
18:30:39erikmright, the hardware seems to be working, I can detect a PCMCIA card in the socket
19:30:00prpplague_erikm: thats the kicker, not only are they wanting you to do it for free, they want you to pay $3k for the board?
19:30:21prpplague_erikm: is that crazy or what?
19:31:13erikmif the board is worth $3k, it'll cost them about $1.5k. I don't know what an engineer costs per hour in the US, but I'd say that's almost for free for them
19:31:42prpplague_erikm: the guy said "i guess this open source community really just doesn't work...."
19:32:18erikmprpplague_: did you explain that giving a board to you would mean they get linux support for free?
19:32:47prpplague_erikm: ya, and they thought that was crazy, "why should we give a free board?"
19:33:46erikmprpplague_: what did you ask? "why should I work for free?"
19:34:43prpplague_erikm: yep
19:35:18prpplague_erikm: and they said "we thought you guys were all into the this free software stuff..."
19:35:45prpplague_erikm: actual quote afterwards - "Regarding Linux, we're debating here whether or not the "open" system model really works - and struggling to decide how to best support Linux on our hardware."
19:36:18prpplague_erikm: another quote "We're trying to decide if pooling this diverse group of people will really result in a usable product - or if the idea of GPL development really doesn't work.
19:36:33erikmprpplague_: point them on the huge success of the ipaq. that's only because compaq gave away some odd 20 ipaqs to key developers
19:36:39erikmprpplague_: or the intel assabet
19:37:09prpplague_erikm: exactly, one of their biggest contracts has been moved to the ipaq since they don't support linux currently
19:37:35prpplague_erikm: anyway, i was just feel a little frustrated and wanted to make sure i wasn't out of line
19:38:04erikmno, it's pretty normal that they either give or loan you the hardware
19:38:58erikmeven ARM Ltd gives/loans hardware to rmk

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