irclog2html for blob on 2002.03.28

15:55:43seletzhi *
16:01:20hey, erikm
16:30:15seletzerikm: hi
16:50:40seletzprpplague_: are you here?
17:13:42seletzwell, i'm off
17:13:47mmattensame here....
17:13:57seletzhappy easter to you!
18:52:16Russhey prpplague
18:52:21Russany luck with the koreans?
19:00:12Russoh god my network is fucked
20:23:17prpplagueRuss: no, no luck on the koreans
20:23:30Russprpplague: do they plan on exporting to eu or the us?
20:23:57prpplagueRuss: they are suppose to be selling mainly in Eu and Asia
20:24:17Russtell them you'll block their export to eu due to gross copyright violations
20:24:59prpplagueRuss: at this point i'd be happy to just get someone on the phone
20:56:46i heard here was a pic, the silk screening isnt perfect, it is more of a cream than white, but it was just a test
20:56:46seletzprpplague: still here?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.