irclog2html for blob on 2002.03.27

08:30:55mmatten_prpplague_: alive now
15:19:30prpplague_mmatten: where seletz this morning?
15:26:19mmattenhe's in munich all day
15:26:30mmattenbig system3 powwow
15:27:36mmattengrmbl... brb -> init 6
15:35:40mmattenprpplague_: if you have any news concerning the boards/modules i can pass them to him... i don't know whether he comes here tonight but he can contact you from home as well
15:37:09prpplague_mmatten: nothing special, i was just wondering how many units we needed to comit to on the contract
15:37:35prpplague_mmatten: i can wait till he gets back from his "pub crawl"
15:41:27mmattenyou don't possibly know where i can get info about pcmcia troubleshooting (except in the official faq, which doesn't apply to my symptomes)?
15:51:21prpplague_pcmcia is a problem as far as docs
15:51:41prpplague_i ordered a book off of amazon about pcmcia development
15:53:21mmattenit's not even about development right now (altho thats what it aims at) but as soon as i insert any pcmcia card into the slot my sys freezes, when i remove it it gets back to normal. and yes i receive the nice beep beep that says init. and config. worked out....
15:54:45prpplague_what kinda card?
15:56:49mmattenwell actually it's a compactflash-pcmcia adaptor with a ne2000 comp. network module in it
15:58:57prpplague_mmatten: when inserted the system stop responing, and when you remove it, it returns to life?
16:00:39prpplague_mmatten: my two guesses would be a service related to starting the card is failing and is waiting for a timeout, or you have some network config thats creating an is
16:00:57prpplague_are you connecting to the unit via rs-232, or via ppp?
16:03:41mmatteni got an pci card with pcmcia adaptor on it, i'm supposed to write a (kinda) generic testing app for pcmcia that will be extended for a not-yet delivered hardware
16:04:34mmattenjust generic linux trouble :< not really meant for THIS channel usually, but i don't know my way round openprojects too well so far
16:16:00mmattenshutting down sys now... maybe it doesn't like hotswap after all (altho it should)
16:32:32erikmmmatten: probably a PCI card with a TI cardbus/pcmcia bridge
16:35:18erikmmmatten: fixed in recent kernel, and otherwise easy to fix for unknown TI bridges
16:35:45erikmmmatten: (recent kernel == recent 2.4 kernel)
16:35:45mmattenPCI to PCMCIA host bridge
16:35:56mmattenhmm i got 2.4.10 kernel running
16:36:03mmattenso it _should_ work
16:36:14erikmmmatten: no, that's probably a cardbus bridge
16:36:53erikmmmatten: but that doesn't matter
16:37:01mmattencould be, the specs in the manual lack detail
16:37:13erikmmmatten: you can check it with lspci
16:37:21erikmmy laptop says:
16:37:29erikm00:0a.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI1420
16:38:12erikmanyway, in the kernel you should NOT select the intel PCMCIA bridge, but the cardbus (aka yenta) driver
16:38:18mmattenok you're right 00:0e.0 CardBus bridge: Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c475 (rev 80)
16:38:32erikmthat's what my previous laptop had
16:38:41erikmworks like a charm with the cardbus driver
16:39:05erikmoh, and be sure to compile the driver directly into the kernel, not as a module
16:39:14mmattenhmm... thats definetly worth a try
16:39:14erikmhelps to solve IRQ routing problems
16:40:21mmattenthanks, i was totally out of ideas :)
16:41:51erikmmmatten: this is how your kernel config file should look like:
16:41:56erikm# CONFIG_I82092 is not set
16:41:56erikm# CONFIG_I82365 is not set
16:41:57erikm# CONFIG_TCIC is not set
16:44:09mmattenok thats going to be the first thing to try tomorrow, have to leave for an appointment now. thanks for the help, i wasted the whole afternoon on this :<

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