irclog2html for blob on 2002.03.23

20:02:10Russ was last seen on #blob 1 days, 3 hours, 34 minutes and 32 seconds ago, saying: nm, there it is [Fri Mar 22 16:27:38 2002]
20:02:10prpplagueibot: seen Russ
21:11:03RussI'm here
21:56:34russ was last seen on #blob 45 minutes and 21 seconds ago, saying: <private message> [Sat Mar 23 21:11:13 2002]
21:56:34prpplagueibot: seen russ
21:58:57prpplagueRuss: hey you mind looking at an abstract?
21:59:14Russsend it along
22:00:43Russ...or not
22:01:56prpplaguesorry bout that
22:02:01prpplaguehow much did you get?
22:02:55prpplagueRuss: ok, lets try that again with a non-flood mode
22:03:08prpplagueEmbedded Linux Systems: Creating End-User Proof Devices
22:03:08prpplagueLinux has proven to be powerful and flexible in many areas. This has lead to its use in many embbedded applications such as thin clients(Point-of-Sale Terminal), mobile devices (inventory control on a handheld), and traditional embedded systems(network Printserver). The needs of most Linux installations, including desktops, can be catogrized into the groups of configuration, file system considerations, interfacing, display management, and operatio
22:03:08prpplaguens. However there are strong differences between embedded and desktop installations.
22:03:25prpplagueEmbedded platforms, unlike desktops, have very specific technology and user interface needs, such as limitations on display space, user input methods, storage capacity, and battery life. As a result special care and forthought is needed to develop Linux based devices that will be operated by the average end user. Which leads to the basic question , "What do i need to consider if i want my embedded Linux device to be successful in an end-user envir
22:03:25prpplagueoment?" If you have asked yourself that question, then you will need to start consideration things like end-users don't care when they power off a device ( read only or journaling file systems ), they have no idea what an ip adress is ( message window "My Workstation ID is" ), and generaly they don't relate to phrases like "child window" or "daemon process" ( 1,2,3... - A,B,C... - Red, Green, Blue... ). All of these can make an embedde
22:03:25prpplagued Linux unsuable in the end-user enviroment.
22:03:32prpplagueok thats it
22:04:52Russ"you will need to start consideration things like"
22:05:52prpplagueya its a little rough
22:06:11Russwhat do you want me to look at? grammer, spelling, flow, ideas?
22:06:42prpplaguecontent, this is suppose to be an abstract for a conference
22:07:08prpplagueneeds sleep
22:07:40prpplagueRuss: forgive my in-eptitude today, i need some sleep
22:12:46Russthe first two parts are very in-depth, and descriptive, but the third part trails off in a big way
22:13:07prpplagueRuss: thats what i thought
22:13:11Russthe third part seems like it should be more of the focus
22:13:45RussI think you can assume that the audience has a good understanding of what is in the first parts
22:14:05Russbut would need more info about specific issues and what to think about
22:15:42prpplagueRuss: ok thanks, think i'll sleep on it and revise it tomorrow
22:15:45Russbtw, the way I did it, is with a boot loader block, a static config block (mac addresses, serial number, etc), 2 "journal blocks", a cramfs backup partition (kernel, and ftpd, allows firmware flashing to occur), and the full cramfs partition (includes kernel)
22:16:08Russthe 2 journal blocks are handled in user space
22:16:38prpplagueRuss: nice
22:17:29RussI have a unpolished cramfs thing that does what andersee's patch to jffs2 does
22:17:45Russ(devices, permissions, etc, in a config file)
22:17:59Russhas a problem or two, but seems to work
22:20:10prpplagueRuss: nice, thanks for the input
22:20:43Russdo you have the paper layed out at all yet?
22:21:28prpplagueRuss: i've pretty much got the outline fixed up and about 75% of the content, just not put it all together yet
22:21:53Russyou have to get the abstract done now though?
22:22:28prpplagueRuss: ya, just got to get something turned in so they make selections

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