irclog2html for blob on 2002.03.22

01:01:15prpplagueseletz_: you alive?
12:58:53seletzhi guys
12:59:09prpplague was last seen on #tuxscreen 10 hours, 22 minutes and 36 seconds ago, saying: time to head home [Fri Mar 22 02:36:33 2002]
12:59:09seletzibot: seen prpplague
15:17:08seletz_prpplague: hi, got my mail?
15:17:48seletzgetting coffee
15:33:25prpplagueseletz: negative, let me check
15:33:53prpplagueyes, got it let me check it out
15:40:34seletzprpplague: I forgot to mention the HW watchdog on the CPU module btw.
15:58:01seletzprpplague: any questions so far?
16:07:48prpplagueseletz: it sounds good, i need to run it by the HW manager and talk to the boss
16:09:04seletzprpplague: ok, what do you think aboutr it? How are the chances to get it going?
16:10:19Russmorning prpplague
16:11:38prpplagueseletz: looks good, just don't know what kind of time frame, i'll know more by monday moring
16:11:48prpplagueRuss: morning, you get my email?
16:12:02seletzprpplague: ok, we'll see.
16:12:47prpplagueseletz: i'd like to see the core component built even if we don't go with a full board to go with it
16:13:07prpplagueseletz: i think i've pretty much gotten the go ahead to build and re-sale the core
16:13:31seletzprpplague: ok, no problem.
16:13:45seletzprpplague: so, no real product as of now?
16:14:05seletzprpplague: real product=display case etc.
16:16:15seletzprpplague: would be a pity. What about the original idea (clone the intermec 700)
16:16:29prpplagueseletz: if the core works well, we may want a wide range of products, i.e 802.11(a-b) accesspoint, ppp dialup router, handheld scanner product
16:16:29seletzprpplague: (sorry if i bug you)
16:16:45prpplagueseletz: no problem, i'm just a little off balance this morning
16:16:52seletzprpplague: ahh. ok.
16:17:08seletzthinks prpplague needs more sleep or more coffee
16:17:25prpplaguethinks prpplague needs less morons as customers
16:21:42prpplagueRuss: we are having problems getting source code for the camion from the vendor
16:22:20prpplagueRuss: if they don't fork over the code soon we are going to drop the project and send them a nasty letter about GPL violations
16:27:18RussI don't think I got your email
16:27:33prpplagueRuss: ok, i'll double check and resend
16:27:38Russnm, there it is
16:47:07seletzheading home
16:47:25seletzhave a nice weekend, everybody....

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