irclog2html for blob on 2002.03.18

01:47:40SammyOh~ Hi ~ Yo ~
12:04:22Sammyerikm: a question ...
12:05:09Sammyerikm: from board assabet when gpio 17 low then led will be on right ?
12:06:32erikmSammy: IIRC yes
12:08:51Sammyif that so , ledinit:
12:08:52Sammyldr     r0, GPIO_BASE
12:08:53Sammyldr     r1, LED
12:08:54Sammystr     r1, [r0, #GPDR]         /* LED GPIO is output */
12:08:55Sammystr     r1, [r0, #GPSR]         /* turn LED on */
12:08:56Sammymov     pc, lr
12:08:57Sammythen this line will be use GPCR right ?
12:09:16Sammynot GPSR ?!
12:10:54erikmyes, assabet has reversed logic for the LED
12:11:29erikmall other boards need to *SET* the GPIO in order to turn a LED on, assabet needs to *CLEAR* the GPIO
12:11:46Sammyso when blob goes here then led won't light right .?
12:12:15erikmdon't bother
12:12:28Sammyok :)
12:12:34erikmin case of error, the blinking still works
12:12:49Sammyyeap ....
12:13:47Sammyerikm: do you have any experience change some h/w from ipaq ? like SDRAM
12:14:32erikmno, I didn't change anything on my ipaq
12:16:23Sammyfrom your solding experience , will you do that ?
12:16:40Sammylike change ram from 32 to 64 ...
12:17:16erikmdepends on the DRAM
12:17:31Sammysome of my friend do that before , and work fine :)
12:17:44erikmif it is BGA I wouldn't do it
12:18:46SammyI know , no one can do it by himself from BGA ....
12:19:27Sammymaybe you can't see the word , but the picture is very clear
12:20:06Sammyand this page is some of my friend in taiwan play something on ipaq ,
12:20:59SammyI would like change on my ipaq too , but I afread that can't run bootldr , kernel ,etc...
12:21:07erikmhmm, removing then RF shielding from the CPU and DRAM can be pretty hard
12:22:08Sammyneed some tool , here in chinese we call that hair dryers
12:23:25SammyI don't know how to say that words ?
12:24:02Sammyso if I change that , should I need to change anything on bootldr to run it ?
12:24:04erikmhot air gun, IIRC
12:24:21erikmbootldr doesn't autoprobe memory
12:24:25erikmblob does
12:25:00Sammyhot air gun ... oh~
12:26:46Sammyerikm: but in this time bootldr can boot WinCE and linux ....
12:27:07SammyI hope someday blob also can do that too...
12:34:05Sammyerikm: what do you think if blob can loading from ethernet via CF even PCMCIA ?
12:34:58erikmon the ToDo list
12:35:09erikmwill go in for blob-2.0.6
12:35:55SammyAmm... so what's software should we need ?
12:37:24SammyI mean in our client , what software should need to help file transfer ?
12:37:41seletzerikm: hi
12:38:23Sammyhello seletz :)
12:44:27erikmSammy: what do you mean with "client"?
12:44:31erikmhello seletz
15:16:20prpplagueseletz: morning
15:16:48seletzprpplague: hi ya
15:17:06seletzprpplague: got new ideas?
15:18:43seletzplaying "boot with a ro root fs" ....
15:35:02prpplagueseletz: ya been tossing around some ideas
15:35:27prpplagueseletz: let me finish this call and i'll chat with you about them
15:36:24Sammyerikm: I mean like when we download kernel and ramdisk , need " uuencode "
15:37:12Sammyso if we downlaod via ethernet CF card maybe we need some s/w another terminal
15:37:29Sammyto transfer them ...
15:37:38erikmSammy: the idea is to do that automatically
15:37:39Sammyor something like that ...
15:38:09Sammyoh ,
15:39:29Sammyerikm: does blob ever think about dual boot ?
15:39:44erikmSammy: dual boot between?
15:40:16Sammyor multi boot between linux and linux or linux and Wxx
15:40:44erikmSammy: the idea is that the param list would allow you to set the preferred kernel download method
15:41:12erikmI don't do any Wxx, so I really have no idea how to boot such a beast
15:41:41Sammyor one in flash , another in CF or external storage ...
15:53:13prpplagueseletz: ok, back
15:53:30prpplagueseletz: here's what i'm thinking
15:54:22prpplagueseletz: a sa-1110 board with flash, ram, and ucb1200
15:54:59prpplagueseletz: the board would be sized to fit in a standard off-the-shelf pactech abs plastic box
15:55:32prpplagueseletz: the rest of the pcb would be breadboard style perf
15:57:38prpplagueseletz: with the rest of the sa signal brought out to some sort of easy to use connector such as an idc header
15:59:20prpplagueerikm: what do you think?
15:59:36prpplagueerikm: any suggestions?
16:00:39erikmprpplague: sounds cool
16:00:56erikmprpplague: hint: get the balloon2 and put it on some kind of bread board
16:01:40prpplagueerikm: where can you purchase a balloon2? or are you saying just use the balloon2 design?
16:02:24seletzprpplague: one moment pls
16:02:29prpplagueseletz: np
16:02:56seletzprpplague: ahhhh, YES!
16:03:58seletzprpplague: though i will talk to the rapid-prototyping people. Display is still a issue with those cases.
16:04:27seletzprpplague: and what about the keyboard?
16:05:20prpplagueseletz: yes i've not worked that out yet
16:05:35seletzprpplague: sorry, but what's a "breadboard"?
16:05:50erikmprpplague: for balloon2, see
16:06:12prpplagueseletz: guess thats a US tech slang....
16:06:29prpplagueerikm: ya i've dl'd the specs and have been looking them over
16:06:41erikmseletz: no, it's not US tech slang
16:07:45erikmseletz: bread board is an board on which you can build standard .1 inch through hole projects
16:08:04erikmseletz: pretty nice until the contacts wear out :(
16:08:30prpplagueseletz: thats what it traditionaly thought of as a breadboard, however something like this is more of what i'm talking about
16:08:44seletzprpplague: ahh, those white prototype boards? x/y type connectors?
16:10:06seletzah, ok.
16:10:10seletzi see
16:11:14prpplaguewahoo, my maxim samples have arrived
16:11:27seletzprpplague: actually exatly this was my idea: build a base cpu module with just enough to run linux. Have all io and processor pins accessible through connectors. mount it on a base board, which can contain for ex. PCMCIA, Ethernet and so on.
16:12:09seletzprpplague: should fit easy into those cases.
16:16:52prpplagueseletz: ya sounds good
16:31:14prpplagueseletz: what are your feelings about having the 4x4 keyboard matrix?
16:35:01seletzprpplague: i would not like a membrane keyboard.
16:36:20seletzprpplague: I'll have a meeting in munich on wednesday. Perhaps the cases can be modified to have a real keyboard.
16:36:37prpplagueseletz: real it what way?
16:36:53seletzprpplague: read => non-membrane.
16:37:22prpplagueseletz: i gathered that, but i'm not sure what other choices we'd have
16:38:29seletzprpplague: i'd like to have a keyboard like those in IR remote controls (sorry, i dont know the exact term). Made of rubber, you know them.
16:39:00prpplagueseletz: ya i know the one
16:39:13seletzprpplague: we would in any way have to somehow modify the case for the display.
16:39:51seletzprpplague: agreed?
16:40:19prpplagueseletz: i'd like to keep the modifications down, maybe we can find a standard case that will support the lcd better
16:41:03seletzprpplague: cool
16:42:39seletzprpplague: well, if we would take something like this, things woudl get quite easy: two rectangular holes in the upper part of the case.
16:44:14prpplaguecheck out some of those cases
16:45:12prpplagueseletz: ya two holes and maybe a plastic silk screen to go over the panel to cover screw holes and such
16:47:03prpplagueseletz: check out the ts model
16:47:38seletzhave it
16:48:07prpplagueseletz: you've got one of the TS cases?
16:48:33seletzno found it on their web page ...
16:48:46prpplagueSammy: later
16:49:30seletzprpplague: the monochrome display i have here would probably quite easy fin in.
16:50:38seletz13.4x9.5 cm
16:51:45prpplagueseletz: ya and i have some kyocera color displays that would fit as well
16:54:07seletzprpplague: do you want those cases for prototype or for release models?
16:57:43prpplagueseletz: if they can be easily modified to do the job, why not use them?
16:58:57seletzprpplague: people like to buy cute products?
16:59:43prpplagueseletz: true
16:59:59prpplagueseletz: i'm shooting for flexible and cheap
17:00:07seletzprpplague: me too.
17:00:08prpplagueseletz: KEU-5LP , that one is cute lol
17:00:38prpplagueseletz: XPL
17:01:43prpplagueman there are lots of possible cases there
17:02:55prpplagueseletz: hmm, CR-48
17:03:35seletzprpplague: yup. the XPL are cool. battery cases.
17:04:29seletzprpplague: want some chip card reader built in?
17:05:39prpplagueseletz: its a plus, but nothing nessary
17:05:53prpplagueseletz: POS is always of interest to the managment
17:06:51seletzargh. my f***ing initrd doesn't work anymore. GRRRR
17:09:06prpplaguethat one has enough room for two pcbs and has a nice layout for keyboard and lcd
17:10:14prpplagueseletz: what kind of price range do you think we can get for the core board with sa-1110,16mb flash,32mb ram?
17:11:16seletzprpplague: Well, i think we should get around $300. Quite a guess right now, but that would be reasonable.
17:12:23seletzprpplague: w/o PCMCIA and display, no power regulation etc
17:12:36seletzprpplague: and no ethernet.
17:12:41seletzprpplague: CORE board.
17:13:37prpplagueseletz: so should expect to pay around $300 per unit for manufacturing?
17:15:04seletzprpplague: just the board. But wail 'till i had the meeting at wednesday.
17:15:26prpplaguelol ok
17:17:04seletzprpplague: But i think we'll definitely able to beat the price of the sample device.
17:17:51seletzprpplague: what do you think?
17:18:21prpplagueseletz: sounds good as a start
17:18:39seletzi meant the intermec stuff.
17:20:41seletzBut they look _really_ cute. The 700 series i mean.
17:22:28prpplagueseletz: ya well i've been talking to management and the hardware staff, and i think the project might take a little different direction
17:22:43seletzprpplague: whic one?
17:23:25prpplagueseletz: i think they are more interested now in making a generic device that can be used for alot of commercial application
17:23:46seletzprpplague: ah, ok. Suits me.
17:23:50prpplagueseletz: i.e. configurable
17:24:01prpplagueseletz: i've got to work out some more details
17:24:02seletzprpplague: HW-configurable?
17:24:06prpplagueseletz: ya
17:24:50seletzprpplague: ah. different options, different hw, different case but same base system, i.e. Linux and StrongARM core board. cute.
17:25:30seletzprpplague: so the goal is to keep the core HW board as little as possible?
17:25:51seletzprpplague: to have more options for cases etc.
17:25:53prpplagueseletz: ya, we found this over the weekend
17:26:42seletzprpplague: But still a hand-held type of product, i.e. battery, no power cords or external ac adaptor
17:27:00seletzprpplague: thus "low power"
17:28:08prpplagueseletz: ya we'd want it to be low power but have the option to use an ac adaptor
17:28:47seletzprpplague: price?
17:29:15prpplagueseletz: the base unit runs about $195EU
17:29:30seletzjust saw it
17:29:57prpplagueseletz: what do you think?
17:31:43seletzto be honest, hard to beat.
17:32:51prpplagueseletz: ya thats what i was thinking
17:33:04seletzspecially if one thinks: you could probably build a base board to fit those DIMM boards which hold all trizeps variants, i.e. 16/16 16/32 and so on
17:33:05prpplagueseletz: maybe we should just design something around their core?
17:33:49seletzprpplague: well, the extension boards look not so good OTOH.
17:34:02seletzprpplague: well, that's what i think now.
17:35:02seletzprpplague: lets design base boards which suit your needs and put those triceps things on it.
17:35:13prpplagueseletz: ya their boards didn't look very good, and the price was way too high
17:35:34prpplagueseletz: thats what i'm thinking as well
17:36:03prpplagueseletz: since your closer to that area, you want to feel out those guys and see if they are stable?
17:36:08seletzwell well. BUT let me nevertheless talk to my buddies at wednesday.
17:36:37seletzprpplague: i even think to order a dev board. Those look good.
17:37:05seletzprpplague: well, lets see ....
17:37:59seletzthey have cotulla trizeps
17:38:42seletztrizeps II
17:48:46seletzprpplague: just submit a request for docs on tose trizeps.
17:59:13seletzprpplague: still there?
17:59:44prpplagueseletz: ya sorry, working on a customers system
18:00:39seletzprpplague: np, we'll see after wednesday. Have just skimmed the trizeps doc, they look good. We'll see.
18:12:48prpplagueseletz: ok sounds good, i'm headed to a conference in austin, won't be back till thursday
18:14:39seletzprpplague: ok, see ya
18:16:54seletzgoing home
18:16:59prpplagueseletz: night
18:17:12seletz_homeprpplague: bye

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