irclog2html for blob on 2002.03.13

09:02:20Sammyyawn .....
13:18:10seletzhi arain :(
15:14:29seletzerikm: hi
15:26:05prpplaguemorning guys
15:27:17seletzerikm: I've put a BLOB faq section on my web page. I put in FAQs as they appear on LAK.
15:27:47seletzerikm: let's hope that people actually read them.
15:28:23seletzprpplague: hi. How is your spec going?
15:38:11erikmseletz: you could also put the FAQ in the blob documentation
15:47:47seletzerikm: hmm, i guess i'm blind, but i don't see a link on blob's sf page.
15:49:44erikmseletz: AFAIK all of you can add documentation
15:51:24prpplagueseletz: there are coming along, i've some fires to put out yesterday so i should be able to finish this afternoon
15:52:32seletzlooging harder
15:59:02seletzerikm: ok, we _could_ add docs if there were a docs link in the blob's project summary. But there is'nt one
15:59:21seletzprpplague: np, just curious.
16:06:00prpplagueseletz: you talk to your buddies?
16:06:48seletzprpplague: yup, but i need the specs to actually come up with numbers, i.e. initial cost of a prototype etc.
16:07:20seletzprpplague: btw, as i understood it, this would be a project with absinc, right?
16:07:51seletzprpplague: Or would this be your own project?
16:16:17prpplagueseletz: it would be with abcsinc +/me
16:16:46prpplagueseletz: abcsinc usually gives me a blank check to r&d items of interest to the company
16:17:46seletzprpplague: ok, cool.
16:18:16prpplagueseletz: let me put out some fires this morning and i'll get things finish this afternoon
16:20:16seletzprpplague: ok. Just put in your case and display needs, perhaps you already have some cases&displays reviewed. The more infos, the better.
19:59:34seletzprpplague: well, i hope i'll get your specs tomorrow :)
19:59:40seletzheading home
20:05:43prpplagueseletz: later dude, i'll be working on them shortly
20:45:44seletzBtw, i added a simple initrd/cramfs/read-only root mounting howto on my wweb page, with sample images. url: comments welcome.
20:53:14prpplagueseletz_home: cool, i'll check it out, i've been wanting to switch over some of our thin client stuff to cramfs

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