irclog2html for blob on 2002.03.10

21:12:43prpplaguewell hello there erikm
21:12:48erikmhello prpplague
21:13:02prpplagueerikm: what are you upto this fine sunday?
21:13:21erikmreading my lkml backlog :)
21:13:52prpplaguei need to read my arm-kernel list
21:14:26prpplagueinstead i'm playing with making my tuxscreen board into a portable
21:14:56prpplagueerikm: heard anything new about production of the ballon boards?
21:15:14erikmI'm thinking about making a masquerading router from my tux :)
21:16:25prpplagueerikm: why not buy a snapgear unit?
21:17:30prpplaguethey are owned by lineo and produce linux based routers for internet and vpn
21:17:40prpplagueactually they run uclinux
21:19:31erikmnot enough hacking value
21:19:43erikmdoing it yourself with a tux is much more fun
21:19:52prpplagueerikm: i agree
21:21:14prpplagueerikm: well i'm in a holding pattern untill i get some max3232 chips
21:22:14prpplagueerikm: any suggestions on a url where i could find some example circuits for lcd bias voltages?
21:22:34erikmno, not really
21:22:50erikmbtw, just ask maxim for samples of the max3232. they are usually quite fast
21:23:07prpplagueerikm: ya, thats what i was planning to do tomorrow
21:23:26prpplagueerikm: you think jdb would give me some help?
21:24:01erikmprpplague: you could try, though he is in the US again, IIRC
21:25:46prpplagueerikm: conference/work/pleasure?
21:26:34erikmprpplague: all of them :)
21:57:41prpplagueerikm: on the samples from maxim, do you normaly request them online or do you call them?
21:58:03erikmprpplague: we have no choice than to request them online
21:58:28prpplagueerikm: how long does it usually take before you get them?
21:59:07erikmprpplague: one or two weeks or so, IIRC.
21:59:26erikmprpplague: if you live near them, you can also collect them from their office
21:59:36erikmprpplague: (that's what somebody on the LART list told)
21:59:43prpplagueerikm: hmm, i think there is a maxim office in dallas
22:11:23prpplagueerikm: sample order on the way
22:13:40prpplagueerikm: btw, i found a nice max ic for positive lcd bias voltage
22:27:23prpplaguehead homes for food and beer

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