irclog2html for blob on 2002.03.07

01:29:08SammyBZFlag : I got tux again yesterday ... but it's only came two package = 8 , one is miss , and the invoice too : {
01:32:03SammyBZFlag: can you search your memory about the invoice, is that with the one package ?
01:34:18BZFlagyeah, I put the invoice in the single package.
01:53:04Sammyoh , if that so , only I can do is wait ............................................
02:06:17BZFlagIf it does not show up soon, I can email you a picture of the invoice.
02:17:33Sammyok . thanx  , I'll wait until friday , and then request your email.
09:10:44SammyBZFlag: Yo , I got the last  one Tux ........and invoice .......
09:11:13Sammyso anyway ..... thanx ....
09:23:34Sammyevening seletz :)
09:52:50BZFlagSammy: cool!
14:27:27seletzerikm: are you here?
16:23:25erikmseletz: sometimes
16:23:39prpplaguemorning guys
16:24:06prpplagueerikm: you had any experience with the compaq bootloader?
16:25:54seletzhi again
16:26:13seletzprpplague: no
16:26:48prpplagueseletz: this camion unit i got is currently using the compaq OHH bootloader
16:27:16prpplaguei think were going to send one to russ to do a blob port on
16:27:41seletzprpplague: have jtag cable etc ?
16:28:04prpplagueseletz: negative, the docs are suppose to be on the way
16:28:20prpplagueseletz: i ordered a dongle for myself from BZFlag
16:29:42seletzprpplague: hmm, i mean for this korean device you told us yesterday
16:30:47prpplagueseletz: sorry, i'm not all together here today
16:31:06prpplagueseletz: the docs for the jtag info are on the way for the camion
16:31:07seletz:) happens to me too, sometimes
16:31:15prpplagueseletz: i had to sign a nda
16:31:45prpplagueseletz: against my better judgment i like this unit
16:32:05seletzprpplague: will they be available for the masses?
16:32:35prpplagueseletz: not without some major amount of work on the part of software and documentation
16:32:48erikmprpplague: I've had some experience with bootldr
16:33:04erikmprpplague: the source is a mess, but I am a bit biased... :)
16:33:19erikmprpplague: (well, it's an #ifdef hell)
16:33:20seletzbtw, i did'nt mean to speak for erik, i just did'nt see that the question was for him :(
16:33:32erikmseletz: no problem
16:33:56prpplagueerikm: so the compaq OHH bootloader is what ppl refer to as bootldr ?
16:34:48prpplagueseletz: no problem, i appreciate all the education i can get
16:35:15erikmprpplague: yes
16:35:29erikmOHH == Open Hand Helds
16:35:50seletzbtw, would you people like to see something like kernel traffic for the LAK list?
16:37:17seletzerikm: why not?
16:44:10erikmseletz: sorry, I read it wrong. I thought you asked if something like that existed
16:44:24seletzblame my enlish ...
16:44:32seletzthere you have it
16:45:09seletznah i meant would something like kernel traffic for LAK useful or not for you
16:45:26prpplagueerikm: jdb still on holiday?
16:46:40prpplagueseletz: this camion unit has a nice board, and a relatively nice case
16:47:08seletzprpplague: yup, how much is it? $$ i mean
16:47:24prpplagueseletz: $299 us
16:47:40prpplagueseletz: sa1110, 32m ram, 32m flash,
16:47:43seletzprpplague: hmm, thats nice
16:48:27prpplagueseletz: with a cd-ii slot
16:48:48prpplaguecf-ii slot
16:49:08prpplagueseletz: ya ya i know " what the hell is a cd-ii slot?"
17:00:51seletzprpplague: where did you get yours? They don't sell it yet, do they?
17:03:45prpplagueseletz: i ordered it from CIIT
17:16:08erikmgoes home
17:25:31mmattencyaz :)
17:27:07prpplagueseletz: i order the unit directly fro korea
17:27:25prpplagueseletz: i just sent them an email and said i wanted to buy a couple units

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