irclog2html for blob on 2002.03.05

10:07:29WeirdArmsAnyone seen erikm?
14:17:59seletzAnyone having problems booting linux with the latest CVS blob?
14:18:03seletzor is it just me?
14:28:12seletzhmmm, pre2 WORKS with the same kernel. hmmm-hmm.
14:47:01seletzok guys. The latest CVS version of BLOB does not boot my kernel, nor diag anymore. The 2.0.5-pre2 version from CVS works with the same kernel.
15:10:09seletzprpplague: hi
15:10:34prpplagueseletz: morning
15:10:53prpplagueRuss: you alive?
15:11:51Russ was last seen on #tuxscreen 1 days, 19 hours, 52 minutes and 54 seconds ago, saying: its part of the tuxpatches as well [Sun Mar  3 19:18:57 2002]
15:11:51prpplagueibot: seen Russ
15:11:58Russ|werk was last seen on #zaurus 17 hours, 9 minutes and 13 seconds ago, saying: <private message> [Mon Mar  4 22:02:45 2002]
15:11:58prpplagueibot: seen Russ|werk
15:33:14seletzquite some bugs in blob CVS
17:04:26prpplagueRuss|werk: you alive?
17:11:43prpplague was last seen on #blob 7 minutes and 17 seconds ago, saying: Russ|werk: you alive? [Tue Mar  5 17:04:26 2002]
17:11:43Russibot: seen prpplague
17:15:38prpplagueRuss: hey are you in the states?
17:16:44prpplagueRuss: if you are in the states, you interested in doing a blob port?
17:18:36prpplagueRuss: no money in it, just fun........
17:22:51prpplagueRuss: still interested?
17:23:02RussI would guess, the question is, do I get to keep the board
17:23:45seletznotices board trading
17:25:24prpplagueRuss: that might be arranged
17:26:34Russwhat is it
17:28:22Russvery cool
17:29:40prpplagueseletz: i'd off to you as well, but the shipping would be alittle expensive
17:30:18prpplagueseletz: besides, SOMEONE, never contacted me about a certain board!
17:33:40seletzprpplague: i know, and i'm _really_ sorry. But i can't force my boss, i told him more than once.
17:36:10prpplagueseletz: i'm just harrassing you
17:36:19Russprpplague: do you want me to pay shipping?
17:37:01prpplagueRuss: naw, its the lest i can do, let make sure every is lined out and i'll let you in a day or so
19:00:52Russimports 2.4.18-rmk2
19:46:16RussLinux version 2.4.18-rmk2-tux1 (russ@russ) (gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)) #1 Tue Mar 5 12
19:46:16Russ:33:17 MST 2002
20:08:40Russhey tim
20:10:36prpplagueBZFlag: you going to get to working on the new IP phone refernce design?
20:27:33BZFlagheh. who's doing one?
20:44:30prpplagueBZFlag: lineo and atmel
20:47:49BZFlaghmm. it's not on my plate yet.
20:53:02prpplagueBZFlag: argh, if earthlcd keeps screwing me around on these lcd panel, i think i'll just order some tuxscreens and use the panels off them
20:53:42prpplagueBZFlag: got any DOA tuxscreens with good lcds?
20:55:24BZFlagprpplague: perhaps 1 or 2 is all.
20:55:33BZFlagbut jtag might fix them
20:55:39prpplagueBZFlag: ohh
20:56:06prpplagueBZFlag: well maybe i can find someone who wants the guts of the tuxscreen
21:00:40BZFlagheh, perhaps. ask on the mailing list.
21:00:53BZFlagsome folks are doing embedded stuff.
21:01:15BZFlagand there was a guy on the mailing list selling the panels for $85 as pulls from some other system.
21:05:35prpplaguei'm just trying to learn about interfacing lcd's on the arm
21:10:48BZFlagseletz: I commented out the broken initrd from flash code.
21:10:57BZFlagare you still having boot trouble?

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