irclog2html for blob on 2002.03.01

01:05:51prpplagueSammy: knee how
01:07:16Sammyprpplague : gau an :)
01:08:02Sammymaybe < jau anm > is better
01:08:29Sammybtw means mornong prpplague :)
01:08:52prpplagueSammy: well its night time here, i'm just heading home
01:12:37prpplagueSammy: how life in china these days?
01:19:27Sammytoday in chinese Taipei : with sun and warm , no wind , and I like it  almost  spring
01:20:04prpplagueSammy: nice
06:27:50Russwhy are so many people so incredibly clueless on arm-kernel?
06:28:03Russdon't mean to be mean or anything
06:40:36Sammyso poor ......
06:40:59Sammywhat you saw to made you say this ?
07:13:25Sammyany idea how to test ram ?
07:15:00Sammyhere is the situation , I know the memconfig is currect copy into memsetup-sa1110
07:16:50Sammybut still got led shine twice again and again after that ... so , any know's how to test memory is ok  ?
07:26:42Russyour led flashes twice?
07:27:41Russ        /* everything is said and done over here, call normal_boot in
07:27:42Russ         * the generic startup code to continue the boot procedure */
07:27:42Russ        bl normal_boot
07:27:42Russ        /* oops, normal_boot returns, something went wrong. signal an
07:27:42Russ         * error to the user */
07:27:42Russ        mov     r6, #2
07:27:44Russ        b       endless_blink
07:27:49Russyou are returning from normal_boot
07:28:13Russ        mov     r0, r5
07:28:13Russ        bl      testram
07:28:13Russ        teq     r0, #1
07:28:13Russ        moveq   pc, lr          /* oops, something went wrong :( */
07:28:16Russcould be returning here
07:29:10Russwhatever location you are specifying ram at ram isn't there, or, you have the registers setup wrong
07:33:51SammyRuss : if that ram need to run more then 100Mhz and when I test , even change arch/<platform>.h file's memory setup .but still don't have any change ( I mean the Mhz still run 55Mhz)
07:34:20Sammyhow can I test whic setup is wrong ?
07:34:27Sammyer which
07:34:54Sammyor the problem come from hw layout ?
07:35:16Sammyor maybe the chips is bed ....? how to know that ?
07:36:37Russits a very simple memory test, not an intensive one
07:36:44Russit just wants to make sure memory is there
07:37:17Russverify that BLOB_ABS_BASE_ADDR is correct
07:38:02Russas well as all of the memory defines
07:38:17Russ(ie, refresh, row/col, timings, etc)
07:38:34Sammyshould I change memtest.S or memtest2.S 's code to make sure ?
07:39:12SammyI think maybe is timing isn't currect , but I don't know how to make sure ?
07:40:04Russstart-sa1100.S calls testram in testram.S, which writes a few values and reads them back
07:40:31Russread the sa1110 manual, and your SDRAM datasheets, also, check and see if there is any intermediate logic between the SDRAM and the sa1110
07:40:51Russfor each register, determine from scratch what it should be
07:41:23Russthen, compare the values against what you are using now, and figure out why what you came up with is different, and which is correct
07:44:21RussI gotta sleep though, good luck
07:44:38Sammyok , I'll try thanx a lot :)
07:45:03Sammyhave a good dream Russ :)
12:30:42seletzhi all
15:29:21prpplaguemorning all
17:56:47erikm was last seen on #blob 22 hours, 51 minutes and 53 seconds ago, saying: goes skating [Thu Feb 28 19:04:54 2002]
17:56:47prpplagueibot: seen erikm

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