irclog2html for blob on 2002.02.26

02:24:36Russ|werkhey tim
02:32:08BZFlagthrew my back out on friday. =(
02:32:44Russ|werkso thats where you've been
02:33:17Russ|werkhave you tried blob cvs lately?
02:34:44BZFlagnot in a week or so.
02:35:36Russ|werkseems to break on the 17th
02:40:21Russ|werkBZFlag: I think I will go for one of those little handhelds, what kind of development are you looking for?
02:46:47BZFlaggames, qt stuff, kernel mods, etc. I think you'll find something you want to hack on. ;-)
02:48:51BZFlaghates cleaning up other peoples machines after they have been rooted.
02:48:53Russ|werkI'm usually good with kernel stuff
02:49:03Russ|werkBZFlag: rh 6.2 box?
02:49:28BZFlagyeah, how'd you guess? ;=)
02:50:03Russ|werklots of cd's floating around
02:50:55BZFlagyep. any open things other that what updates.r.c covers?
02:51:05BZFlagand where's the best openssh to install?
02:51:43Russ|werkdunno, I just trust the debian people
02:52:23BZFlagyeah, if it was a local box I'd just nuke it and install debian. ;-)
02:52:33Russ|werkits remote?
02:53:32BZFlagyeah, I'm in UT and it's in boston.
02:53:59BZFlagit's logged into a bunch of irc servers, recording passwords etc. you get the picture.
02:54:40Russ|werkdo you know what kit it is?
02:55:35BZFlagno. I can tell you what's been hacked though.
02:56:28Russ|werkhave you seen the chkrootkit package?
03:01:18Russ|werkanyway, time to go
09:56:15Sammyis away : dinner ...
10:34:45i0streamboot loader channel
10:34:48i0streamhow neat :)
10:35:14seletzerikm: what's those "cvs is broken" messages? Did you see them?
10:35:22erikmseletz: yeah, but it isn't
10:35:28erikmseletz: I just replied
10:35:40seletzah, ok. phew.
10:36:01seletzsorry wronk window :/
10:36:48erikm:q :q! :w :w! :wq :wq! :quit :quit! :help quit :helpquit :quit help
10:36:48erikm:quithelp :quit help! :Q :QUIT ^Q ^X^C ^C^C^C^C :QUITDAMMIT!!! ^[:wq
10:36:53erikmseletz: ;0
10:36:57erikmseletz: ;) even
10:38:01seletzis _really_ tired.
10:38:09seletzgets caffeine _now_
10:46:33erikmhello BZFlag
10:46:46erikmBZFlag: isn't this a bit early/late for you?
10:50:46seletzbrb, reboot
10:55:44BZFlagtrouble sleeping tonight, so I'm hacking a bit.
12:34:41seletzhi again
12:38:00seletzerikm: when one gets used to mutt, its quite cool. Just works, like vi :)
12:38:57seletzand all of a sudden patches get accepted by the patch system :}
12:39:34seletzsuspects a filter: if ( !agent =="MUTT" ) then reject;
12:41:04erikmno, I've submitted patches with Elm as well
12:58:22seletzerikm: hmm, ATM there's _no_ way to flash arbitary memory areas in blob, am i right?
13:00:01BZFlagseletz: correct. also true for erase.
13:00:11BZFlagI plan on adding those this week.
13:00:44seletzBZFlag: i have those commands in system3.c ....
13:01:20seletzBZFlag: maybe i should just move them over to src/commands
13:02:32BZFlagyes, please.
13:03:01seletzfwrite srcadr destadr size(bytes)
13:03:17seletzferase adr size(bytes)
13:03:20BZFlagI was planning to add "erase 0x00020000-0x00040000" etc.
13:03:40seletzdo we need the "-"?
13:03:57seletzferase _could_ calculate the area
13:04:07BZFlagstart and end, instead of start and length.
13:04:30seletzok, when i think of it, yes. Thats more useful ...
13:04:53seletzshould i check for erase zize boundary etc?
13:05:12BZFlagwhere does fwrite get it's data?
13:05:35seletzi have a download cmd which downloads to memory
13:05:44BZFlagso you xdownload ramdisk (or something) then fwrite by address?
13:05:57BZFlagah, download syntax?
13:06:07seletzthat way i'm able to do a crc or md5 _before_ flashing :)
13:06:31seletzdlfile destadr file_length
13:07:18seletzthat cmd does not use xmodem ATM, old uuencode stuff. Also does no md5/crc32 sum.
13:07:24BZFlagI was thinking of doing the same for *download, ie: xdownload 0xd0000000-0xd0040000
13:07:55seletzyup, we need that.
13:08:08BZFlagI suppose end is not required for that, but is a good sanity check,
13:08:14seletzmaybe you could hack up xmodem support into my dlfile or xdownload?
13:08:43seletzIMHO file length is better, or does xmodem deliver the length?
13:14:59BZFlagxmodem pads to block size
13:15:25seletzhmmm, XModemReceive() gets buffer an length of buffer. I think we should take file length
13:16:05seletz_and_ check for end addr?
13:16:30seletzsyntax: xdown staradr-endadr length
13:17:05seletzor xdown length start-end
13:17:11seletzwith -end optional
13:18:59seletzok, I'll hack it that way and commit it, as we need that _now_ :)
13:19:22seletzI'll add it to src/commands
13:35:16seletzerikm: any opinions against that?
13:36:04seletzdoesn't want to implement things which will purged afterwards :)
13:39:47erikmseletz: arbitrary flashing will be there when I finish the partitioning code
13:41:12erikmseletz: I rather have the problem solved right than some kind of hack
13:45:36seletzerikm: ok, i certanly dont want to make hacks. Perhaps we can add this command and re-use it later?
13:45:57seletzerikm: just let us agree on an interface or so.
13:47:23seletzerikm: my problem now is: i have an assabet/neponset where i want to boot with cramfs using a initrd. I need to flash initrd and cramfs images.
13:47:43erikm*nod* I know. we need a memory allocator
13:48:04seletzhmm? Why? Some sort of ressource management?
13:48:39erikmpartitions that have to be loaded need some memory space
13:48:41seletzah, keep a linked list of aloc'd blocks. Ok, maybe i can come up with something like that.
13:49:01erikmthe kernel needs to be loaded at 0xc0008000, ramdisks can be loaded anywhere
13:49:02seletzlike in linux: request_ressource() and free_ressource().
13:49:19erikmbetter name it request_mem() and free_mem()
13:49:34erikmand also have request_mem_fixed()
13:49:47seletzsuch ressources then could be flashed. yes, the names were just examples.
13:49:50erikm(which requests a piece of memory at a fixed location)
13:50:02erikmthe information is already in the flash
13:50:28erikma partition that has the load flag set and specifies a load address needs a memory region at that address
13:52:51erikmif you burn the information fixed in the flash, you can't cope with memory extension boards (like the LART 64MB board)
13:53:22seletzPartitions would be autoloaded to memory?
13:53:38seletzOr just the partition "table"
13:54:01erikmno, partitions. read include/blob/partition.h
13:54:26erikmI've put in quite a lot of comments over there
13:55:28seletzone mmt, brb
14:12:17seletzerikm: ok, now we have 2 tables, one default, one eventually on flash.
14:13:24seletzerikm: all we need to do is to parse the flash partition table in "download", or give a partition number to download files/images to that memory area specified.
14:13:47seletzerikm: add/remove partitions will be needed, too.
14:13:52erikmyes, working on that
14:14:33seletzerikm: ok, how about MTD kernel stuff? Will those partitions be recognized?
14:14:53seletzerikm: its a mess to edit the static mappings
14:16:22seletzerikm: may I help out somewhere to get this going? I just dont want to re-implement the wheel, but i _need_ that stuff :}
14:16:52seletzpromises to keep the linux kernel coding style
14:18:14erikmMTD doesn't recognise it yet, I'm talking with dwmw2 about it
14:18:31BZFlagwhat's the plan?
14:18:42BZFlagwhat happened to partitioning on the command line?
14:18:49erikmit's not there
14:19:02BZFlagbut is it the way forward?
14:19:29BZFlagis there an agreed syntax?
14:19:32erikmBZFlag: there is a default partition that lives in the machine dependent code, so each machine can partition like it will
14:19:56erikmBZFlag: so the partition table doesn't occupy a complete flash block
14:20:27erikmBZFlag: if however there is a normal partition table, it will overrule the default partition table
14:20:36BZFlagI'm thinking or writing "partition" discovery such that even blob+initrd+kernel+params all concatinated would work.
14:21:12erikmthat would be an "all" partition, just like the third partition on SUN hard disk partition tables
14:21:21BZFlagI don't see the point in a "partition table" as the kernel should get fixed to take partitions on the command line anyway.
14:21:39erikmit won't
14:21:39BZFlagno, I mean with no padding.
14:21:56erikmthere is no way the kernel will take fied partitions on the command line
14:22:03erikmthat's jamey's idea, but it is broken
14:22:04BZFlagconcat blob+initrd+kernel+params and flash it.
14:22:42BZFlagwhy not?
14:23:01erikmif the bootloader can get the partition table layout, the kernel canb
14:23:09seletzBZFlag: why do you want that? Being able to flash independently is not good?
14:23:44erikmBZFlag: part of the reason I wrote this partition table layout is to have a proof of concept that it works this way
14:23:46BZFlagactually in the case of blob+initrd+kernel+params the kernel does not need to know. initrd would be copied to ram.
14:24:23BZFlagseletz: I still want to be able to reflash pieces and have blob move them around.
14:24:39seletzah, ok. phew.
14:25:07erikmBZFlag: you can still make an "all" partition that contains the complete flash
14:25:23BZFlagI would likely use blob, then another partition with initrd+kernel+params.
14:25:39BZFlagerikm: _without padding_
14:25:40erikmBZFlag: whatever :)
14:25:50seletzerikm: how is the table organized? like "TABLE P1 P2 P3" or "T1 P1 T2 P2 T3 P3..."
14:26:14erikmseletz: like the first
14:27:06BZFlagie blob could discover the initrd,kernel,params and then when I reflash an initrd, it would move the others to the end of the new initrd
14:27:50seletzBZFlag: why move?
14:28:14erikmBZFlag: and how would blob discover kernel and params? osmosis?
14:28:15BZFlagseletz: so that you can flash one piece without resending everything.
14:28:38erikmBZFlag: KISS principle, please. you just want partitions
14:28:38seletzBZFlag: when initrd grows, you mean.
14:29:08BZFlagerikm: initrd's, zImage, params, all have length info in them.
14:29:10seletzI'd be happy with fixed length partitions.
14:29:16BZFlagblob could too for that matter.
14:29:50erikmBZFlag: that's not what I mean. you're adding code for some stuff that would only be used in 1% of the time
14:29:56erikmeven less
14:30:13erikmBZFlag: when would one upgrade initrd? only in the development phase
14:30:17BZFlagso I could concat blob+initrd+kernel+params and flash at 0x0 and have blob read the bytes following blob abd discover that that is the initrd, keep going all the way through.
14:30:51erikmBZFlag: if blob is still the same, the flash writer will discover that and completely skip those blocks
14:31:11erikmBZFlag: try to flash blob twice and you will see that it doesn't erase the blocks
14:31:19BZFlagyes, but youy still (currently) would need to upload the complete image.
14:31:31seletzBZFlag: you only get a problem when images grow. Thats a real problem only for blob IMHO.
14:31:54BZFlagseletz: why only a problem for blob?
14:32:09erikmBZFlag: ok, but it is *only* used for development purposes. and for that purpose a slightly larger partition doesn't hurt
14:32:28seletzBZFlag: because when blob gets a added command, it grows. FS images are fixed, are they not?
14:32:32BZFlagerikm: huh?
14:33:09BZFlaga release image my well have blob+initrd+kernel+params all in one partition, no?
14:33:25erikmyes, a *RELEASE* image
14:33:37erikmbut a release image doesn't need all that auto-move magic
14:33:41BZFlagblob needs to be able to discover that in order to load the right pieces in the right places.
14:33:49erikmso we are not going to need the feature anyway
14:34:03erikmand because we aren't there is no point in adding it
14:34:23seletzgets confused
14:34:34BZFlagperhaps. but if the partition discovery code copies each piece to ram, why not allow it to reflash the same pieces?
14:34:49erikmit doesn't copy each piece to ram
14:35:01seletzyou just follow the link pointers
14:35:08BZFlagkernel, initrd, params? which one it not copied to ram?
14:35:21erikmit only copies partitions to ram that have the BLOB_PART_FLAG_LOAD flags set
14:35:36BZFlagand in this case they all have it set, no?
14:35:48erikmso JFFS2 and cramfs images aren't loaded to ram
14:36:05BZFlagyou will note I did not include a jffs2 or cramfs image.
14:36:34seletzBZFlag: you have the idea of a "master" partition?
14:36:59seletzBZFlag: which only holds strictly blob+initrd+kernel+params ?
14:37:01erikmBZFlag: if you have the BLOB_PART_FLAG_LOAD set, they will be loaded
14:37:13BZFlagjffs2/cramfs (well mtd mounted ones anyway) would need partitions.
14:37:51BZFlagseems to me that blob should "know" what jffs2 looks like and know not to load it.
14:38:11erikmblob shouldn't be too smart about what is in a partition
14:38:12BZFlagthen a "ramdisk" partition could have whatever the user wants.
14:38:14seletzwhat about "my_funky_rrom_fs" type?
14:38:46seletzand "another_fs_type"? no, i dont think we should parse the image contents.
14:39:05seletz_except_ we would be able to load the kernel from it of course.
14:39:06erikmseletz: except for the images where we know how to boot a kernel from it
14:39:06BZFlagerikm: why not? a small set of magic values would allow smarter partition discovery.
14:39:28erikmBZFlag: because that limits your flexibility
14:40:05seletzwhat when JFFS people change their magic values?
14:40:14seletzit breaks. bad.
14:40:34BZFlagI disagree. a partition table could still override discovered entries, and it would still have defaults in case discovery only finds erased blocks etc.
14:41:01erikmBZFlag: that's what the default partition table is for
14:41:08BZFlagseletz: then you change/add the new magic.
14:41:12erikmBZFlag: I repeat: KISS principle
14:41:25seletzI still dont understand why you need the block move feature.
14:41:48BZFlagerikm: this could be very simple and easy to follow. just have the magics in a table and be able to determin length.
14:42:02BZFlagseletz: let's forget the move for now...
14:42:13erikmBZFlag: seletz already showed you that it breaks with JFFS3
14:42:25erikmBZFlag: while a simple partition table doesn't break
14:42:43erikmBZFlag: blob should not *care* about *what* is in a partition
14:43:02BZFlagas I mentioned jffs* would need a partition table, cause the kernel would be erasing any blocks that the fs occupied.
14:43:38seletzBZFlag: you _can_ have your all-in-one partition. Its just how you create the default partition in blob, no?
14:43:46BZFlagseletz: no.
14:44:11BZFlaghaving a "partition table" assumes that entries start at flash block boundries, no?
14:44:24erikmBZFlag: which is sane
14:44:31BZFlagbut not optimal.
14:44:34erikmBZFlag: you can't erase half-a-block
14:44:34seletzBZFlag: why? at compile time you know the image sizes, you can create code on the fly.
14:44:53BZFlagyou can erase and rewrite half a block.
14:45:03erikmBZFlag: KISS principle: don't do that
14:45:26BZFlagfor very small flash systems, that becomes very valuable.
14:45:43erikmsmall flashes also have small blocks
14:45:46BZFlagespecially if they have large erase block sizes for some lame reason.
14:46:24BZFlagok, another advantage....
14:46:25seletzBZFlag: ok, if you have small flash size, then flashing the whole area does not matter much, no?
14:46:54BZFlagxmodem pads files, but if you have "size discovery" code, you can determine the real size and md5s will match.
14:47:09erikmBZFlag: KISS principle --> use YMODEM
14:47:17BZFlagseletz: forget the move.... I'm talking discovery.
14:47:45BZFlagKISS include generic flexible reusable discovery code
14:48:00erikmBZFlag: and that's exactly what a partition table gives you
14:48:18BZFlagworks for any transfer protocol, no matter where the data is loaded from or resides.
14:48:24seletzBZFlag: yup, me too. Let me explain again. Have the default, compiled-in partition table match exactly the sizes when you create your "all-in-one" partitions and you're set.
14:49:02BZFlagseletz: this does not work unless each file is padded. cause blob will only erase/program complete blocks.
14:49:11erikmBZFlag: KISS principle: use dd to pad the file before you upload
14:49:56BZFlagKISS use discovery code and avoid trying to explain the extra unneeded dd procedure to en users that ask "why is my md5 wrong?"
14:49:58seletzBZFlag: ok, in _your_ case, you dont need to care about berase blocks, because you'd flass the whole image at once.
14:50:58erikmBZFlag: discovery code severely limits the flexibility. seletz made an excellent point with his JFFS3 example. if blob wouldn't be too smart about partition discovery it would just work
14:51:22erikmBZFlag: and also think about the time it costs to figure out the partition boundaries. the partition table tells use *immediately*
14:52:18seletzBZFlag: how much of the flash area gets wasted when images are boundary-aligned?
14:52:32seletzdepends on flashes, but in your case?
14:52:33erikmBZFlag: I can perfectly use JFFS2 with blob-2.0.4 because blob doesn't care about what is in the ramdisk partition. why? because blob isn't too smart
14:52:48BZFlagerikm: the jffs3 argument is lame. if the kernel changes to need a new params struct, blob needs patching, this is no different.
14:53:00erikmBZFlag: no, it's not lame
14:53:39BZFlagok, and other lame jffs3 argument, my --enable-jffs2 would no longer work.
14:53:50erikmBZFlag: it would still work
14:54:06BZFlagit's silly. blob is open source. if there is a new filesystem it's trivial to add new detect code.
14:54:08erikmBZFlag: --enable-jffs2 is only to let blob load a kernel from jffs2. it doesn't limit the kernel
14:54:28BZFlagcertianly more trivial than adding read support which would likely get added anyway.
14:55:09erikmBZFlag: and about the param struct. struct param_struct is depracated exactly because of the reason you just gave. that's why blob uses ATAG nodes: they are backwards compatible
14:56:18BZFlagok, but blob can have specific jffs2/cramfs code.
14:56:37BZFlagand it needs a way to determine whether it should load a ramdisk partition.
14:57:01erikmBZFlag: that's where the BLOB_PART_FLAG_LOAD flag is for
14:57:04BZFlagas on my board with 16M flash, I have initrd images sometimes, and jffs2 images at other times.
14:57:28BZFlagIf there is enough ram, I may have large initrd images.
14:57:34seletzBZFlag: thats why i asked about arbitary flashes. My board now gets initrd and cramfs
14:57:43erikmBZFlag: which is silly, but anyway :)
14:58:03BZFlagwhich is silly?
14:58:10erikmlarge ramdisks
14:58:26BZFlagah. well ok, I'll give you that one. ;-)
14:58:49erikmBZFlag: see
14:58:53BZFlagbut a small ramdisk or a large jffs2 should both be able to fit in the ramdisk partition.
14:59:16erikmbut JFFS2 needs to be erase block aligned
14:59:25BZFlagand a larger than ram jffs2 needs to be flashable.
14:59:26seletzthere should be noc such thing as a "ramdisk partition". Thats silly.
14:59:39seletzThere should be only "partiotions"
14:59:56erikmBZFlag: larger than ram jffs2 can be done without problem
15:00:09BZFlagnot at present..
15:00:13erikmBZFlag: even now
15:00:17erikmwell, not now
15:00:26erikmas soon as the partition table stuff is ready
15:00:46BZFlagok, how does one upload/flash in the brave new world?
15:02:08erikmBZFlag: first way: create two smaller partitions, cut jffs2 image in half and load each partition
15:02:30erikmBZFlag: now remove two partitions and make one large partition that spans both
15:03:22erikmBZFlag: second way: first upload small part of the jffs2 image, boot kernel, download rest of the image as normal file
15:04:59BZFlagwell, second way works now, but erase does not erase it all.
15:05:26erikmerase partition should erase the whole partition
15:05:28BZFlagfirst way requires rewriting partition table every time you reflash?
15:05:34seletzerikm: sure we could add something like a blocked upload/flash which uses a buffer and MD5sums each block.
15:06:35erikmBZFlag: note that a partition can be changed without having to write it to flash. I designed it like this with exactly this feature in mind
15:07:47BZFlagahh, yes. current source does not actually implement/use BLOB_PART_FLAG_LOAD correct?
15:07:56erikmno, it's a work in progress
15:08:08BZFlagso my "ramdisk" partition is marked as being smaller at present.
15:08:28BZFlagbloc erases what it knows, but the kernel sees more.
15:08:30erikmright now the code doesn't even do anything
15:08:50seletzerikm: you need to change the "size" field, too, dont'you?
15:08:52erikmbut I commited it so people would look at it
15:09:19erikmseletz: what do you mean? "size" is the partition size
15:09:35erikmseletz: you want a "load_size" entry in it?
15:09:50BZFlagcan we do away with loading ramdisks into ram and just pass the flash address to the kernel?
15:09:58seletzerikm: yup, when you have that "split" upload scenario, you have to makr one as "invalid" and change the first partition entry's size field.
15:10:04erikmBZFlag: hmm, don't know
15:10:18BZFlagcourse if one was downloaded, it would be a ram address.
15:10:43BZFlagthe first thing initrd load does is decompress fromt the address blob passes into another address.
15:10:48BZFlagthat should work from flash.
15:10:54erikmasks rmk
15:11:51erikmbtw: <-- interview with rik van riel
15:19:27BZFlagwhat about kernel+params from jffs2/cramfs files?
15:19:54BZFlagcan params include partition info?
15:20:07erikmno, it shouldn't
15:20:17BZFlagshouldn't or can't?
15:20:17seletzthat would be strange, no?
15:20:37BZFlagnot if the partitions on the kernel command line is the brave new world.
15:20:40erikmit's completely different. a partition table tells how the flash is organised. a param table tells how blob should behave
15:20:45BZFlagthen it's just another kernel option.
15:21:41erikmBZFlag: forget about the partitions on command line. the concept is broken and it's not going to make it into the kernel
15:22:28seletzerikm: im just curious: how does blob tell the kernel about partitions, then? tag lists?
15:22:41erikmseletz: param table in flash, just how it should
15:23:26seletzerikm: ok, then the kernel parses the table again. Ok, the kernel loads it, no parsing.
15:24:19erikmseletz: a partition table is a fundamental property of a block device.
15:25:15BZFlagdoes not agree, but oh well.
15:25:36seletzerikm: ah. didtnt realize that ... Well, then MTD folks will have to add a "parse blob partitions" option & code :/
15:25:53erikmseletz: s/MTD folks/erikm/ :)
15:26:00prpplagueare we discussing the never ending question of flash partitioning?
15:26:04seletzerikm: or will it be generalized
15:26:14seletzprpplague: hi, btw :)
15:26:20seletzprpplague: and yup.
15:26:35BZFlagseletz: that's the plan. adding that code to the bootldr, angel, etc partition table support.
15:27:07BZFlagit's been "generalized" quite a few times now. ;-)
15:27:59seletzok, but better than static partitions in mtd/maps/sa1100-flash.c :)
15:30:00seletzThe way i solved this up to now was: Install redboot, create partitions, flash them, get offsets and adresses, install blob and have the kernel recognize redboot partitions. But i _dont_ _want_ to use redboot for anything.
15:32:22prpplagueseletz: ya i've tried redboot and several other propreitary partioning schemes and haven't found any that i like yet
15:34:25seletzerikm: back to the root of _my_ problem. How do i install initrd+cramfs in a more sane way now with blob?
15:34:58seletzerikm: can't we have a command that supports this and phase it out when partitioning support is in?
15:34:59erikmseletz: right now there is no solution, but once I finished the partition table it will be a breeze
15:35:26erikmseletz: what command do you need?
15:35:37seletzfwrite src dest length
15:35:45seletzferase adr length
15:35:59prpplagueerikm: so you've finalized a plan for blob partitioning?
15:36:01seletzxdownload dest length
15:36:11BZFlagseletz: pad the initrd, and hardcode the partition sizes in the kernel.
15:36:29erikmprpplague: yes, part of it is already in CVS
15:36:41erikmBZFlag: that's another way
15:37:45seletzok, so my initrd mimics a ramdisk. i copy mtd tools to that initrd and flash from kernel. hrmpf.
15:38:07erikmseletz: otherwise just put it in your arch dependent code
15:38:33seletzerikm: i have it already, but i want to do this on assabet/neponset.
15:39:40BZFlaganyone know where to get assabet/neponset schematics?
15:40:01erikmBZFlag: AFAIK they are on
15:40:19BZFlagI founds docs there, but can't fin schematics anymore.
15:40:26erikmoh wait
15:40:34erikmthey stopped shipping the assabet, right?
15:40:40BZFlagI think so, yes.
15:40:45seletzBZFlag: i have two copies, so if you dont mind waiting ....
15:40:54erikmso the damn fools probably also pulled the schematics from the website
15:40:59BZFlagpdf? email to ?
15:41:06prpplagueintel has this thing about leaving info on their site after they stop shipping it
15:41:15seletzBZFlag: nah, paper copies ...
15:41:17BZFlagerikm: yep, same as the sa1100 docs... =(
15:41:29erikmprpplague: yes, but only for ARM. they leave the i386 stuff on their site
15:41:39erikmBZFlag: that's why I put the docs on the LART site
15:41:48seletzmaybe they're ashamed of the errata lists ....
15:42:08prpplagueerikm: they've been dropping a bunch of their raid stuff as well, most annoying
15:42:29erikmBZFlag: the legalese didn't forbid me doing it :)
15:42:32Russerikm: that doesn't fix my problem, I've tried all that (make maintainer-clean, tools/rebuild-gcc)
15:42:54BZFlagerikm: agreed. I think I put em up on as well.
15:43:02seletzBZFlag: what do you need? assabet? neponset? both?
15:43:08BZFlaganyone have electronic assabet schematics?
15:43:16BZFlagseletz: both.
15:43:21erikmBZFlag: yes, at home
15:43:42BZFlagerikm: when's the next time you are home? ;-)
15:43:59erikmBZFlag: tonight, I'd guess
15:44:12erikmRuss: but I have the same automake version
15:44:21BZFlagcan you email em to me then?
15:44:38Russerikm: my always ends up like this:
15:44:42erikmBZFlag: oh, sorry, no, I only have them in paper version
15:44:47Russblob-rest-elf32: $(blob_rest_elf32_OBJECTS) $(blob_rest_elf32_DEPENDENCIES)
15:44:48Russ        @rm -f blob-rest-elf32
15:44:48Russ        $(LINK) $(blob_rest_elf32_LDFLAGS) $(blob_rest_elf32_OBJECTS)
15:45:33BZFlagseletz: you have paper versions then? scan em for me? ;-)
15:46:04erikmRuss: did you try rm -rf'ed the .deps directories?
15:46:11Russhaven't tried that
15:46:28erikmblob-rest-elf32: $(blob_rest_elf32_OBJECTS) $(blob_rest_elf32_DEPENDENCIES)
15:46:32RussI also noticed that ledasm.o doesn't depend on files in the include/blob/arch directory like it should
15:46:35erikm        @rm -f blob-rest-elf32
15:46:49erikm        $(LINK) $(blob_rest_elf32_LDFLAGS) $(blob_rest_elf32_OBJECTS) $(blob_rest_elf32_LDADD) $(LIBS)
15:47:07Russis autoconf used to?
15:47:15BZFlagarm-linux-gcc  -Os -I/home/timr/work/shannon/buildroot-tux/linux/include -Wall -march=armv4 -mtune=strongarm1100 -mapcs-32 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-builtin -static -nostdlib -o blob-rest-elf32 chkmem.o        clock.o   cramfs.o        amd32.o         compr_rtime.o compr_rubin.o jffs2.o     shannon.o       uucodec.o xmodem.o        -Wl,-T,rest-ld-script   -Wl,-Map, trampoline.o flashasm.o testmem2.o bootldrpart.o commands.o flas
15:47:17BZFlagh.o flash-commands.o initcalls.o linux.o main.o memory.o param_block.o partition.o reboot.o load_kernel.o zImage.o -L../../src/commands -L../../src/lib        -lcommands -lblob       -lgcc
15:47:32RussBZFlag has it too
15:47:33BZFlagcurrent cvs just built for me.
15:47:45BZFlagdid not flash it etc.
15:47:57RussBZFlag: arm-linux-objdump blob-rest-elf32 -D | head
15:48:40erikmI see
15:48:40Russthe first line should say somethnig about trampoline, but in your case, will say something about chkmem
15:48:49erikmso why does it work for lart
15:48:59RussAutoconf version 2.13
15:49:20erikmsame over here (debian testing :)
15:49:30BZFlagerikm: let's see your link line.
15:50:08erikmhmm, after a re-configre not anymore
15:50:11Russ--with-board=shannon --with-linux-prefix=... --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-uucodec
15:50:51erikm--enable-maintainer-mode --with-board=lart --with-linux-prefix=... -enable-xmodem arm-unknown-linux-gnu
15:50:56Russgoes back to sleep for a bit
15:52:42BZFlag./configure  --with-linux-prefix=... --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-clock-scaling --enable-memtest --enable-debug --enable-lcd --enable-jffs2 --with-board=shannon --enable-all-features arm-linux
15:52:57BZFlagcourse not all those work at present... ;-)
15:53:23erikmthis is what we want:
15:53:26erikmarm-linux-gcc  -Os -I/home/erik/LART/build/linux/elinux/include -Wall -march=armv4 -mtune=strongarm1100 -mapcs-32 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-builtin -static -nostdlib -o blob-rest-elf32 -Wl,-T,rest-ld-script -Wl,-Map, trampoline.o flashasm.o testmem2.o bootldrpart.o commands.o flash.o flash-commands.o initcalls.o linux.o main.o memory.o param_block.o partition.o reboot.o load_kernel.o zImage.o intel32.o  lart.o  xmodem.o -L
15:53:26erikm../../src/commands -L../../src/lib -lcommands -lblob -lgcc
15:53:55erikmand for NESA:
15:54:08erikmarm-linux-gcc  -Os -I/home/erik/LART/build/linux/elinux/include -Wall -march=armv4 -mtune=strongarm1100 -mapcs-32 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-builtin -static -nostdlib -o blob-rest-elf32 -Wl,-T,rest-ld-script -Wl,-Map, trampoline.o flashasm.o testmem2.o bootldrpart.o commands.o flash.o flash-commands.o initcalls.o linux.o main.o memory.o param_block.o partition.o reboot.o load_kernel.o zImage.o chkmem.o clock.o cramfs.o amd32.
15:54:08erikmcompr_rtime.o compr_rubin.o jffs2.o nesa.o uucodec.o xmodem.o
15:54:08erikm-L../../src/commands -L../../src/lib -lcommands -lblob -lgcc
15:54:54seletzBZFlag: sorry, scanning, hmm, ok. why not.
15:55:15seletzBZFlag: all pages or what?
15:56:00BZFlagseletz: how large is it?
15:56:29seletzBZFlag: assabet: 12 pages A3
15:57:12erikmok, I fixed it. the optional object files should be in LDADD, not in LDFLAGS
15:57:37seletzBZFlag: Neponset: (not counted) 10-15
16:01:31BZFlagseletz: ugh. How dod you two get them? was there a pdf version available? I thought there was.
16:01:48erikmBZFlag: yes, "was"
16:01:54seletzBZFlag: we bought the assabet/neponset board ...
16:02:06seletzBZFlag: actually, we bought six
16:02:38seletzBZFlag: i know of the dev books as pdf.
16:04:53seletzBZFlag: ok, i could mail them to you, but this would take some time. Scanning them would take some time _and_ space. I'd probably put them on my ftp server.
16:06:27BZFlagwell, perhaps I'll ask on some of the mailing lists first.
16:06:38seletzok, np
16:07:45erikmjust flame intel :)
16:08:35BZFlagYeah, I think I will.
16:09:55BZFlag <- that it?
16:11:02seletzassabet schematics
16:11:38BZFlagsweet. not removed, just hidden.
16:12:20seletzneat list of all stuff
16:13:14seletzeven cpld source, gerber files and cabling ....
16:13:43seletzand PBXA250 stuff
17:55:07erikmRuss: so does it work again?
18:55:25Russyup, thank
19:07:12Russerikm: you play with 2.4.17-rmk5 any?
19:07:36erikmno, I'm still at -rmk3
19:09:37Russmcp-core uses __MOD_INC_USE_COUNT
19:10:36Russmcp is defined as a static struct in mcp-sa1100
19:10:49Russ owner:                  THIS_MODULE,
19:11:18Russwhich is NULL (built into kernel), and so __MOD_INC_USE_COUNT causes an oops
21:25:13AKIRA-awayhas seletz been here the last 5 hours or so ?
21:47:14seletz was last seen on #blob 5 hours, 33 minutes and 31 seconds ago, saying: and PBXA250 stuff [Tue Feb 26 16:13:43 2002]
21:47:14BZFlagibot: seen seletz
22:34:21seletzhi again :)
22:34:40prpplaguewb seletz
22:35:22seletzhad some network downtime due to a DSL backbone switch oopsed nearby ...
22:39:15seletzsomeone used t2.5.2-rmk6 recently?
22:40:00seletzgives me random oopse at random, weird places
22:40:52erikmjust bk pulled linux-2.5.6-pre1
22:42:17seletzpreparing patches for pcmcia MECR handling ...
22:43:59erikmthat's already done
22:44:26erikmgoes zzz
22:44:57seletzrmk did nod sys so yesterday ...
22:45:10erikmhe did in a message to lak
22:45:54seletzoh well.

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