irclog2html for blob on 2002.02.22

09:51:23Sammyhello | erikm :)
09:52:37erikmknee how, sammy
09:58:00Sammyerikm: do you know what's  frequ does LART RAM work ?
09:58:45Sammyis that matter about memory work ?
09:59:06SammyAmmm...I wonder you can understand what I ask ?
10:01:50SammyI mean like puppy's ram work on 55 MHz , and if I change ram , and it's need more then 100 MHz to let ram work , how do I change on blob ?
10:18:37erikmSammy: I'm not sure at what exact frequency the LART RAM works
10:18:52erikmSammy: lmbench says we can do about 100MB/s to it
10:19:20erikmSammy: but that doesn't really help you because the LART has EDORAM, and your puppy probably has SDRAM
10:23:49Sammyyeh , but if I change SDRAM from SAMSUNG (puppy use) to Hundai one  , it's can't boot , I had already change  Memory configuration on it , but why it's still only have 55MHz ?
10:24:28erikmI don't know. depends on the SDRAM chips
10:24:36erikmcan also depend on the total load on the bus
13:43:25seletzhi alll
13:44:27seletzDoes anyboy know where to find some docs on how to boot with cramfs instead of jffs2?
13:44:53seletz(searching the list reveals nothing really helpful)
13:46:08erikmseletz: russ will probably know
13:47:09seletzerikm: ok. How do you boot on lart? Still using ramdisks?
13:47:24erikmboth ramdisk and jffs2
13:47:36erikmI load the kernel from the kernel flash partition, though
13:47:40seletzah, rd for root and jffs2 for data, right?
13:47:54erikmno, lart flash isn't that large (only 4MB)
13:48:04erikmso I have a single fs for everything
13:48:40seletzneeds to boot under 10 seconds
14:03:43mmatten<-akira @ seletz :]
14:46:20erikmseletz: hehe, nice trick, abusing bash to set values
15:02:59seletzerikm: well i was tired to look it up :)
15:03:15seletzi do a ". regs" and i'm set ...
15:04:12seletzerikm: have you had a look into the 2.5.2 kernel pcmcia code recently?
15:05:14erikmI'm playing with 2.5 right now
15:06:13erikmlooks for a new laptop
15:06:25seletzwell, I'm thinking about an extension of the pcmcia_lowlevel struct for setting MECR values (PCMCIA io speed).
15:06:46erikmthat's already done, afaik
15:07:13erikmthere must be nice laptops cheaper than 1700 euro
15:07:34erikm(I can buy my current laptop from the uni for that price)
15:07:42seletzerikm: look at dell
15:07:55erikmgood idea
15:08:07seletzerikm: dont know the price tags tho, but they're nice.
15:08:21seletzerikm: or get a used G3 Powerbook :)
15:08:31seletzerikm: (not kidding)
15:08:41erikmyeah, they're nice as well
15:09:06seletzerikm: perhaps you can even get a G$ Titanium @ 400 mhz at ebay now ...
15:18:40prpplaguemorning my fellow blob-sters
16:00:08seletzok guys, I'll call it a day.
16:00:38erikmcurrently looks at the vaio fx501
16:00:55seletzoh, quite slim, they are....
16:01:21seletzlook at too wether or not linux runs well on them ... :)
16:01:23mmatten calls it a day then as well :)
16:01:46prpplagueis that the picturebook model?
19:41:33Russhmmm...blob CVS apears to be broken on tuxscreen
19:49:32prpplagueRuss: well did you break it?
20:05:19Russnot I
20:18:23prpplaguelet me check the calendar, yep, its Russ's fault day, everything that breaks today is your fault, i've already done double duty this week!lol

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