irclog2html for blob on 2002.02.12

06:10:07amruthahai!! wanted som help on Jtag. Can someone tell me which group will give me info about the same?
10:03:17seletzhi all
10:58:29seletzmemsetup-sa1110.S (CVS) doesn't compile anymore. -ing hell!
14:46:37erikm was last seen on #blob 15 hours, 51 minutes and 22 seconds ago, saying: bye [Mon Feb 11 22:55:15 2002]
14:46:37seletzibot: seen erikm?
23:45:07prpplagueBZFlag: whats that about JTAG's on the tuxscreen topic?
23:51:05BZFlagaleph1 made some new ones. I've got them here for $30 + shipping.
23:51:13BZFlagcables not included.
23:52:52prpplagueBZFlag: ordering the same as the tuxscreen?
23:54:54BZFlagyes. I have to compute the weight though.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.