irclog2html for blob on 2002.02.11

13:18:30erikmhello seletz
13:19:33seletzhaving a HW debugging session
13:22:30erikmor still?
13:29:46seletzerikm: both :)
13:30:49seletzerikm: something really weird is going on with SA1111 IRQs in combination with ide.c and GPIO11-25 irqs.
13:31:45seletzerikm: I corrently try to rule out the pcmcia part of the ide driver, and trying to get the patch from rmk to work. sigh.
14:05:39seletzgetting strong brownian motion producer
14:38:57seletzakira: hi
15:16:13seletzgetting strong brownian motion producer
15:33:50seletzmakes _some_ progress :)
16:08:09prpplaguehowdy seletz erikm
16:08:26prpplaguehows life, women and coding going for you guys today?
16:10:42seletzprpplague: hi
16:10:49erikmhello prpplague
16:11:17seletzprpplague: everything's fine so far (except my HW and IRqs it seems)
16:17:36seletzerikm: silly quuestion, perhaps, but: is printk() IRQ-save? I suppose yes ...
16:17:38prpplagueseletz: still having problems with the disappering irq?
16:17:44seletzprpplague: yup
16:18:03erikmseletz: yes it is. it wasn't, but in new kernels it is
16:18:16seletzprpplague: perhaps you read my posts on the linux-arm-kernel list :)
16:18:30erikmseletz: you don't want to print somethin for an irq that goes 100 times per second, though...
16:18:52seletzhmm, got a strange oops
16:19:30prpplaguehas over 500 unread posts on the linux-arm-kernel
16:19:49erikmhas 2853 unread posts in linux-kernel
16:20:08erikmkill-thread is great :)
16:20:22erikmand a threaded mail reader also helps (mutt rulez!)
16:20:46seletzerikm: btw, how many mails roughly are of interest in linux-kernel?
16:21:25seletzerikm: and, i suppose a wannabe kernel-develope (read: me) should not even think to subscribe?
16:21:46erikmwhy not?
16:22:02seletzbecause of 2853 mails per day?
16:22:16erikmno, that's about a week worth of mail
16:22:45seletzstill a lot ...
16:23:06erikmusually about 200 messages/day
16:23:20erikmbut you *need* procmail and mutt to read it
16:23:41seletzsorry, but why?
16:24:03erikmprocmail for filtering out the messages into a separate mailbox
16:24:11erikmmutt because it's a threaded mail reader
16:25:10seletzdoing "man mutt"
16:25:42erikmso for example, I see this:
16:25:45erikm6327 N   Feb 11 Laurence        (  22) Transaction TCP patch for Linux
16:25:45erikm6328 N   Feb 10 Matti Aarnio    (  38)   >
16:25:45erikm6329 N   Feb 10 bert hubert     (  33)   >
16:25:45erikm6330 N   Feb 11 Alan Cox        (  18)     >
16:26:16erikmwhich nicely shows that matti and bert replied to the original message, and alan replied to ber
16:26:38erikmotherwise linux-kernel is just an enourmouse amount of separate messages
16:26:48seletzok, does mutt fold threads away, too
16:26:58erikmyou can do that as well, yes
16:27:06erikmif you know elm, you know mutt
16:27:53erikmyou usually spend an afternoon customizing mutt, but after that you don't want to go back to your old mailer
16:28:13seletzthinks about converting to mutt when finally moving to hist new office :)
16:28:27erikmyou want my .muttrc?
16:28:54erikmdcc ok?
16:29:16seletzi'd rather get it by mail, if you dont mind ...
16:29:23seletz(wrong machine)
16:30:57seletzwell, i guess if i really want to take this linux buisness serious, then i'll have to kick some old habits ... (like using nice GUI mail readers)
16:37:12seletzah, found the cause
16:37:15erikm  ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
16:38:05erikm   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
16:38:05erikm... while talking to
16:38:05erikm>>> RCPT To:<>
16:38:05erikm<<< 550 5.1.1 <>... User unknown
16:38:05erikm550 <>... User unknown
16:38:22erikmtime to balme your NT sysadmin :)
16:38:35seletzno NT there is a alias domain too
16:38:57seletzi guess the messed up the MX dns entries
16:38:57erikmchange it in the blob doc
16:40:47seletzerikm: sorry for the hassle :(
16:53:49seletzerikm: ok, CVS is updated
19:51:03prpplaguehowdy BZFlag, hows life at lineo?
19:55:30BZFlagfine, fine.
19:57:25erikmBZFlag: hope you didn't mind me flaming shane nay on linux-arm-kernel :)
20:21:49BZFlagoh, I missed it.
20:23:39erikmBZFlag: he basically acused lineo and monta vista for being bad open source players
20:33:51BZFlaghmm.. I don't know which side of that arguement to take up. it varies from project to project.
20:39:53BZFlaglooks like a fair reply from him:
20:40:42BZFlagI'm pleased your experience has been positive. I strive to do what I can to insure we play nice. But, alas, some things are out of my control. ;-)
20:41:07erikmexcept that he doesn't realise that those commercial companies are the $$$ behind open source
20:41:52erikmhe doesn't realise that redhat/cygnus is one of the key contributors to gcc
20:42:02erikmand they can only do that *because* they sell gcc support for $$$
20:52:35BZFlagthings would progress without the commercial companies, but more slowly.
20:52:57erikmI just got another message:
20:53:09erikm> Who from BlueCat is paid to work on community projects
20:53:09erikm> and works well together with the community?  Who from vLinux?, who
20:53:09erikm> from MontaVista (I'm talking employees, not contractors), who from
20:53:09erikm> Lineo now that Erik Anderson was laid off?
20:53:36erikmhe really doesn't know what he's talking about
20:53:55erikmnicolas pitre is payed by monta vista. deepak saxena also
20:55:09erikmBZFlag: if you have some obvious examples of other people at lineo, let me know :)
20:58:04BZFlagmyself and pierre are probably the most active. there are others on specific ports etc.
20:59:00BZFlagnp is the reason for his "employees, not contractors" blurb. ;-)
20:59:12erikmnp is an employee
21:28:50erikmBZFlag: look at l-a-k :)
21:29:53BZFlagwill do. headed to the office. on later.
22:49:35BZFlagstarts some long overdue blob hacking
22:50:03erikmhas been working on flash partitioning
22:52:07BZFlagany further thoughts on kernel non-depend?
22:52:50erikmnot yet
22:52:58erikmis tired
22:53:03erikmand goes zzz
22:53:27BZFlagmemsetup-sa1110.S:96: Error: Invalid constant ?
22:53:37BZFlagnew map convention?
22:54:01erikmthat's abraham's stuff
22:54:15erikmI asked him to back the stuff out
22:54:39erikmapparently he didn't, so go ahead
22:55:14erikmgoes zzz

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