irclog2html for blob on 2002.02.08

09:50:19SammyHo Ho here we goes the Chinese new year :)
09:59:16erikmhappy new year!
10:01:16Sammy^_^   HAPPY NEW YEAR erikm & EVERYONE  ^_^
10:07:10erikmBZFlag: how is duck doing?
10:08:08erikmBZFlag: I just got a message from somebody porting blob to a TI ARM platform. would be nice if he and duck could share code and experiences
10:12:53BZFlagI'll talk to duck tomorrow and get back to you. must sleep. oh, you linker patch worked great. thanx.
10:30:05erikmwoohoo! printf() works!
10:47:04seletzhi folks
10:50:57erikmhello seletz
10:51:14erikmseletz: I now have a working printf() implementation
10:52:15erikmseletz: took it from linux, copyright linus torvalds, so it's known good :)
10:54:51seletzerikm: oh, cool!!
10:55:15seletzerikm: How did you solve the varargs prob (was it a problem)?
10:55:26erikmby just including stdarg.h
10:55:39erikmstdarg.h is part of the compiler, not of libc
10:55:41seletz:) That's what i did with brads code ...
10:55:57seletzGuess the linus' version is more versatile?
10:56:48seletzdid some heavy HW debugging this week
10:57:35erikmit's an almost complete implementation
10:58:23seletzfine, thet will much improve blob's code readability
10:58:42erikmyeah, right now I'm going through main.c
11:02:55seletzerikm: btw, are there any rules on kernelnewbies for asking questions?
11:02:55erikmon #kernelnewbies, you mean?
11:02:55erikmlxrbot: rules?
11:02:55lxrbothmmm... rules is simple: don't ask permission to ask, just ask you want to know. if nobody answers it means that nobody knows or they are busy coding. second rule: be polite. third rule: be on topic, off topic chat should be done in #offtopic, userland questions in #linpeople, hardware questions in #linux-hardware
11:02:55erikmit's a strictly on-topic channel
11:02:55seletzok, guess i did it right :)
11:02:55erikmyou'd better ask a direct question
11:02:56erikmhmm, andre hedrick is not in
11:02:56erikmhis nick is usually ata, andre, or _andre_
11:02:56seletzok, i guess it's too soon for real kernel hackers :)
11:03:12erikmIIRC he's in california, so UTC-8
11:03:21seletzsuspects a race in ide.c with pcmcia.
11:04:00erikmlunch, bbl
11:04:02seletzoh, erm, well, then it's too late :/
16:58:33erikmgoes home
19:11:18seletzgoes home

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