irclog2html for blob on 2002.02.07

01:50:51SammyYo ,
01:52:00SammyGets coffee
09:21:04akiraeh hi
17:22:26erikmlooks for brad's IDE patch but can't find it
17:31:00Russbummer == unfortunate
17:31:40sammy_wmswhat's up ?
17:31:55Russwhat erikm said
17:32:40erikmah, found it
17:34:15erikmremebers that gtk also had a printf implementation
17:37:32erikmnot really
18:35:32prpplagueerikm: have anything interesting for lunch?
18:35:51erikmlunch was 6 hours ago :)
18:36:36prpplaguesee how closely i've been watching #blob
18:48:30prpplagueakira: next time you see selectz, pop him in the back of the head and tell him that its from prpplague
18:48:51erikmprpplague: why that?
18:49:24prpplagueerikm: no reason, just some friendly rough-housing
18:50:03erikmhehe :)
18:50:53prpplaguehas engineers from taipei visiting to today ( time brush up on the mandarin)
18:52:18akirai'll try
18:53:04akirabut he could force me to do some nasty work as soon as i start working for him :)
18:55:31sammy_wmsprpplague: if you need help in mandarin , don't forget me :)
18:56:15Russerikm: g_print, its probably a printf wrapper tho
18:56:42erikmyeah, it is.
19:05:49prpplaguesammy_wms: thanks, i'll remember that
20:46:57erikmhello BZFlag
20:59:15erikmBZFlag: I found a clue why your gcc makes large blob binaries
20:59:37erikmBZFlag: it's in the section attributes for the .stack section
21:22:00BZFlagthoughts on how to fix it?
21:22:16erikmI'm playing with ELF sections right now
21:22:27erikmbut the manual pages are not overly descriptive about it
21:22:34erikms/manual pages/info files/
21:22:34BZFlagheh, I can believe that.
21:23:00BZFlagIt's not really an issue for me as I have 128k of space.
21:23:10BZFlagso don't kill yourself or anything.
21:23:35erikmI can get the same behaviour with old gnu linker by using '.section ".stack", "a"' instead of '.section ".stack"'
21:50:19erikmBZFlag: the easiest way I can fix it right now is by putting the stack in its own section just before the .bss section
21:50:34erikmBZFlag: not clean, but it certainly makes the image smaller
21:56:00erikmhas another idea
22:02:41erikmthat works
22:03:16erikmBZFlag: you can also allocate the stack space in the .bss section in the linker script
22:54:29erikmBZFlag: ok, tested and commited to CVS
22:54:34erikmgoes zzz

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