irclog2html for blob on 2002.02.06

15:24:45prpplagueerikm: we have a new blob device on the way -
15:59:14erikmprpplague: yeah, I know them
15:59:23I haven't seen 'one', prpplague
15:59:23prpplagueerikm: seen one yet?
15:59:29erikmprpplague: they have been using blob but switched to bootldr
15:59:43erikmprpplague: I have their blob changes, so I can send it if you're interested
15:59:48prpplagueerikm: bummer, well i ordered two, should be here next week
16:00:23erikmprpplague: you can still switch to blob, I do have their patch against 1.0.8-pre2, so that should give enough information to port it to the current version
16:00:36prpplagueerikm: great
16:00:46erikmprpplague: it's still on my to do list to port it, but somewhere low :)
16:01:29prpplagueerikm: gotcha, i was just chatting with CosmicPenguin on #tuxscreen how eveyone is swamped with work right now
16:01:47erikmprpplague: hehe
16:01:48prpplagueerikm: guess everyone is double work with the tech sector slow down
16:01:56erikmyeah, I guess as well
16:04:38prpplagueerikm: any word on creditlarts or its successor?
16:05:27erikmprpplague: I personally think we can consider the creditlart dead
16:07:27erikmprpplague: for sucessors: check out the Balloon:
16:09:56prpplagueerikm: sorry to hear that about the creditlart, well maybe i can convence our pcb contractor to roll out a set of Balloon boards
16:10:25sammy_wmsprpplague:what's that korean PDA's name ?
16:10:32sammy_wmshello all
16:11:34prpplaguesammy_wms: its called "camion"
16:11:59sammy_wmshow much in one of that ?
16:13:03ed__what happened ?
16:13:40sammy_wmsI think maybe it's will cheaper than h3600 :)
16:15:19sammy_wmsed__: about the new PDA comes from korea
16:15:43ed__oh i mean with the clart
16:16:29erikmed__: stuck between too many parties
16:16:40sammy_wmsoh, sorry ..
16:17:10ed__who would have that that parties could be so annoying
16:17:29ed__did you wish jd a happy bday?
16:17:46erikmI did
16:17:50ed__me too
16:19:49ed__hopefully the curosue won't get caught in the same position
16:20:57ed__you need to come up with a spiffy name for that board
16:22:51erikmed__: suggest something. the codename is fastlart
16:23:01ed__hmmmmmm i'll think about it
16:23:08ed__umm fart ? :P
16:28:31erikmthat was what somebody already suggested for a LART that runs FreeBSD
16:31:06ed__yeah i dunno
16:31:10ed__i'll have to think about it
16:41:17prpplaguehow about Tiny-LART or TART?
16:42:22erikmed__: suggestions to jdb :)
16:43:51prpplagueed__: how about "mistress-1" because "you'll spend more time and money on it than your wife or girlfriend"??
19:13:17prpplagueBZFlag: hey dude, have those jtag dongles arrived yet?
19:32:19BZFlagnope. my credit card did get charged though
19:46:15BZFlagactually, that a good sign that they are on the way someplace.
19:46:31BZFlagthe charge was weeks after the order.
19:50:44prpplagueok, i'll pester you again in a few weeks and keep an eye out on the list

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