irclog2html for blob on 2002.01.31

02:46:53BZFlagerase ramdisk   does not erase all 16M or flash if ramdisk size is 4M
02:47:18BZFlagblob does not boot if ramdisk size is 16M and there is only 16M of ram.
02:48:36BZFlagguess I have more work to do. ;-)
02:49:40BZFlagerase 0x00100000-0x01000000    sound good?
10:16:55erikmBZFlag: any luck?
10:35:49BZFlagnope, meetings. =(
10:36:48erikmBZFlag: rmk suggested to ask philb, so I'm gonna do that
11:30:23seletzhi folks
15:00:18erikmads abraham to the blob team
16:02:17seletzis in IRQ debug mode
16:32:43seletzerikm: here you there?
16:32:51erikmseletz: *nod*
16:33:35seletzerikm: one quick question 'bout ide.h in .../asm-arm/arch-sa1100
16:34:31seletzerikm: what's the purpose of this file, i.e. why do i need to setup irqs etc. _manually_
16:34:51erikmseletz: it's only used for static IDE devices
16:34:53seletzerikm: i thought this would be done via PCMCIA/CS stuff??
16:35:24erikmseletz: the LART uses PCMCIA space 0 for network and IDE
16:35:26seletzerikm: yup, butthe io mappings point to PCMCIA space
16:35:52seletzerikm: ok, but ide-cs.o uses the in-kernel ide driver ...
16:35:57erikmseletz: victor and empeg use the same trick
16:36:05seletzakira|work: hi
16:36:23erikmseletz: yes, but the stuff in ide.h is only for detection
16:36:57seletzerikm: hrmpf. if (irq ) *irq = 0;
16:37:22seletzerikm: ide-cs.c does a  ide_register()
16:37:37seletzerikm: which in turn calls ide_init_hwif_ports()
16:37:54seletzerikm: which sets the assigned irq to zero
16:38:13seletzerikm: i dont understand that
16:39:41erikmI also didn't, but it worked. I just cleaned up the code at that point.
16:41:16seletzerikm: where does lart signal the irq to? sa11x0 or sa1111?
16:41:35erikmwe don't have an sa1111
16:42:38seletzerikm: ok....
16:44:25seletzerikm: ok, but ide.h is _always_ included, so this setup will _never_ work with real CF/PCMCIA and sa1111, no?
16:44:52seletzerikm: specially if you look at ide_init_hwif_ports() there.
16:45:32erikmI guess not
16:45:40erikmotoh, the ipaq people really use it
16:46:02seletzerikm: do they ude stuff?
16:46:05erikm*cough* you might want to look in their CVS tree on *cough*
16:46:30erikmseletz: but don't do it for too long, some of the code makes you sick
16:46:56seletzerikm: man, if _this_ is the cause of my probs, then GRRR
16:47:21erikmseletz: ... then clean up and send a patch to rmk :)
16:47:35seletzerikm: yes, of course.
16:47:51erikmseletz: btw, have a look at his 2.5.x patches, IIRC there was some kind of PCMCIA related fix in it as well
16:47:54seletzerikm: i'd be glad if i actually _found_ the cause
16:48:24seletzerikm: well, yes, that patch i have applied ....
16:49:59seletzlooking deeper
16:57:31akira|work<- FOOD

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