irclog2html for blob on 2002.01.28

01:57:34Sammy was last seen on #blob 2 days, 13 hours, 16 minutes and 57 seconds ago, saying: bye erikm [Fri Jan 25 12:40:37 2002]
01:57:34sammy_ibot: seen Sammy ?
16:13:09Russhey prpplague
16:14:17Russfor your DOC, are you using NTFL?
16:18:46prpplagueRuss, yes, i'm using NTFL
16:21:04prpplagueRuss: i had to use the trueffs 4.2 firmware for it to function properly
16:21:28prpplagueRuss: the 5.04 trueffs was totally incompatible
16:24:56prpplagueRuss: doing so DOC work?
16:24:57Russright now I have grub on it, but I'd really rather not use NTFS
16:25:17RussI only do regular writes to two sectors of the flash, the rest are static
16:25:44RussI don't want NTFL doing any wear leveling of moving around sectors "for me"
16:25:52prpplagueRuss: same here, but just haven't had time to develop it more.....
16:32:09prpplagueRuss: we had been using CF and DOM, but we had an emergency situation a week ago last friday, i need to put something together by monday morning
16:32:59prpplagueRuss: other than the 5.04 trueffs problem, every went alot smoother than i expected
22:56:29BZFlagsomeone check a blob binary and see if I'm nuts?
22:56:38BZFlagI see 13k of nulls on the end of mine.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.