irclog2html for blob on 2002.01.24

02:55:32Sammyhi !
03:30:00SammyAh... Russ ?
03:30:08Sammyyou here ?
03:31:07Sammydo you know about Jflash.cpp why it's show up " error reading flash attribute space Q " ?
08:11:16SammyBZFlag: do you know how to set the EXTEST and bypass in the Jflash code ?
08:13:26Sammyif like my platfrom use XCR3128XL ...
08:14:13Sammybecause when I use Jflash it's show " error reading flash attribute space Q " ?
08:14:24SammyU know Why ?
08:19:17BZFlagnope. sorry
08:19:59SammyOhh  :(
18:27:37prpplagueerikm: doh, just now getting around to going through the 500 unread arm mailings list posts, what got you guys started on the config_isa issue?
18:28:05erikmthe first post in the thread :)
18:28:28prpplagueerikm: just found it
18:28:42erikmprpplague: use a threading mail client (mutt rulez! ;)
18:28:55prpplagueerikm: should have know, the inhand elf
18:30:50prpplaguemaybe i can escape from x86 hell and get back to work on arm stuff
18:31:05erikmgood :)
18:32:11prpplaguex86 is soooo boring now compared to arm
18:32:21erikmhehe :)
18:48:31prpplaguehowdy BZFlag
18:48:41prpplagueBZFlag: hows the young'n doing?
19:03:05BZFlagfine, fine. should really get some new pics up huh?

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