irclog2html for blob on 2002.01.21

03:08:25Visualcodecan anyone help me with sourceforge problems?
15:02:56seletzhi folks
15:09:02seletzprpplague: hi!
15:09:36prpplagueseletz: howdy]
15:09:48prpplagueseletz: how's biz?
15:10:59seletzprpplague: well, akira will get me some workstations and a server, then i'll move into my new office:9
15:12:25seletzprpplague: got lots of work to do :)
15:13:53prpplagueseletz: cool, i was wondering who akira was
15:14:34seletzprpplague: akira is a student who will do a internship from 15-02-2002 on :)
15:14:42seletzprpplague: at my office.
15:15:29prpplagueseletz: cool, slave labor.......
15:15:57seletzprpplague: no, not really :) He'll learn to configure a kernel using CML2
15:16:20prpplagueseletz: ohh, darn.....
15:16:21seletzprpplague: i want a CML2 config for kernel, filesystem, binutils and apps.
15:33:30seletzprpplague: the redhat guys once posted a example of a cml2 script which does this.
15:34:54prpplagueseletz: ya seems like AC was on a tear about getting entries for CML2 lately
15:35:56seletzprpplague: well, cml2 is not exactly well accepted in the community ...
15:45:16prpplagueis stuck in x86 hell
16:21:38seletzstuck in no_irq_from_hw_dammit hell
16:26:47seletzprpplague: have you done something with pcmcia/hw yet?
16:27:35prpplagueseletz: a little on the coding side, i'm still reading a pcmcia hw book
16:28:50seletzmy irq line stays low after i use ide-cs.o (line is low-active)
17:25:58seletzakira|work: hi
17:53:29prpplagueargh, i'm having a heck of a time with these disk-on-chip
18:35:36seletzprpplague: hmmm, if i set manually MECR=0xffffffff thoe whole thingy _seems_ to work.
18:36:03seletzwondering wether or not the calc of MECR is done right
18:36:18prpplagueseletz: seems like read something about MECR with and irq problem in my book
18:37:50seletzprpplague: really? Got an ARM related book 'bout PCMCIA?
18:54:21prpplagueseletz:  not really arm related, just a a generic embedded pcmcia stuff
18:54:32prpplagueseletz:  give me a few i'll send you the rl
19:15:41prpplaguewhahoo, got my Disk-on-Chip working
19:19:36See bootldr
19:19:36Russ|werkwhat bootloader?
19:21:17seletzback, different server :(
19:22:09prpplagueseletz: anyway i'm reading through this book -
19:22:48prpplagueseletz: not very much specific to linux or arm, but i've found it very informative about basic hardware technique
19:26:36seletzprpplague: sorry, but does not respond :(
19:27:46seletzprpplague: hmmm, did you read the reviews?
19:29:29seletzprpplague: on amazon i mean (They're quite, erm, negative)
19:32:45prpplagueseletz: ya the reviews were very negative, however i think those folks were expecting too much
19:34:09prpplagueseletz: it has a lot of examples, and it talks about how to avoid and fix "mistakes", which i find very usefull
19:35:29seletzprpplague: ok, i'll get it. The price is quite low, anyway.
19:36:17prpplagueseletz: i mean don't buy it just because i recommend it, but like i said i'm finding it very useful
19:38:13Russ|werkprpplague: what bootloader did you use?
19:40:38seletzshould read _before_ talk :)
19:40:46Russ|werkI mean with the DOC
19:43:09prpplagueRuss|werk: x86-lilo, everything else blob
19:43:24Russ|werkprpplague: blob on the DOC?
19:44:58prpplagueRuss|werk: naw, lilo on doc, i'm stuck x86 hell right now
19:45:53Russ|werkit'd be nice to have a lilo head, and blob-rest
19:46:02Russ|werkthe flash code would end up being hell though
19:46:17prpplagueDOC is a bitch already
19:46:38BZflag was last seen on #blob 1 days, 15 hours, 45 minutes and 1 seconds ago, saying: blob-chain works but diag does not. thoughts? [Sun Jan 20 04:01:37 2002]
19:46:38Russ|werkibot: seen BZflag
19:48:04seletzwell, I'm off. Bye, 'till tomorrow...

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