irclog2html for blob on 2002.01.18

01:46:17Sammyhello all
01:46:45SammyBZFlag : you get my mail ? :)
01:47:12Sammyer maybe got
01:49:08Sammyoh... I "got" your mail :)
02:00:19SammyBZFlag: this is so strange , first time order come from that I don't know the wire need to charge another $, so that short 6 dollars , and sorry about that
02:02:00Sammybut this time I'd be careful about the wire charge , so I add 6 dollars ,and think that should be right , but why this time need to charge 30 dollars ?
02:05:54SammyI think is that charge money choose from  how much I snet ? means if I sent more it's will charge more ?
02:06:58Sammyif that so , then that we will never know how much it's will charge on me ....
02:07:45Sammyand I will always sorry about that everytime ..... it should't be that :(
02:13:38Sammyahhh,  Sorry about the muttering here  ......
02:26:13BZFlagno problem. it's close enough.
02:26:27BZFlagpreping the order tonight. ship tomorrow morning. thanx!
05:30:43BZFlagSammy: you here?
05:30:51BZFlagdid you ever send me an address?
07:08:20harshaneed some help regrading the /proc file system
07:08:28harshacan someone respond
10:10:06Sammyhowdy seletz :)
10:10:30seletzSammy: hi, how's it going?
10:11:19Sammyfine , now is PM 6:00 here comes the weekend :)
10:11:24Sammyand you ?
10:11:53seletzgrrr, the whole day to go, and tomorrow.
10:12:09seletzBut i'm fine, thanks.
10:13:23seletzhas to port 60.000+ LOC to AIX this weekend
11:01:00Sammybye seletz & all ...
11:01:10Sammygoes home..
13:14:23erikmhello *
17:22:02what's up, erikm
17:22:10erikmstupid bots
17:31:52prpplagueerikm: hows life today? break any code? i've already torn up two apps today!lol
17:33:58erikmprpplague: not really. I'm fixing my CVS
17:34:29erikmruss or russ_: ayt?
17:42:28akira|workanyone seen signs of life from seletz today ? :)
17:42:34erikmnot really
17:42:45akira|workoh 7 hours idle...
17:47:40prpplagueseletz: negative
18:39:51erikmRuss: I'm thinking about rewriting the cs89x0 driver
18:40:03erikmRuss: care to help?
18:40:12Russsure, what are the goals?
18:40:20Russeeprom support? continued ISA support?
18:40:20erikm1) make it not suck
18:40:28erikm2) remove all PCisms
18:40:38erikm3) make it work on non-ISA systems as well
18:41:03Russwhat about DMA mode and memory mode?
18:41:28Russmemory mode on most non-ISA system probably gives a 1% performance gain
18:41:39erikmwell, let's not start with it, but it would be nice
18:42:01Russthe main problem I see is initialization
18:42:08Russit should really be broken out a bit
18:42:41erikmI've been talking with jgarzik about it as well, he also got some nice ideas
18:43:41Russcan you get an ISA cs89x0 card for testing?
18:43:49erikmthe most important is to probe for devices at module load time, not in net_device::init()
18:44:26RussI currently use the ether= command line to make it detect two devices with the module compiled in
18:44:49erikmoh, we could still support that
18:45:10erikmI didn't try yet to get an ISA cs89x0
18:45:16erikmI can ask andrew morton
18:45:44RussI thikn that an init function should either attempt to autodetect the next card, or detect a specified card
18:46:24RussI don't know how much of that should be in the module_init() function
18:46:31erikmwell, jgarzik's idea was that init() should do what it was meant to do: initialise the device
18:46:42which one is in my rootfs?
18:46:42Russwhich one?
18:47:01erikmwell, the device you're trying to bring up
18:47:05erikmlooks for the log
18:47:41erikm<jgarzik> erikm: I have some ideas about ISA and probing in 2.4
18:47:51erikm<jgarzik> erikm: Namely, when you build the driver into the kernel, you have a list of ports to probe.  You also have a list of ports to probe when built as a module.  Take this list, and call probe1() for each port.  Use alloc_etherdev at the start of probe1() to get a struct net_device, -instead of- the current method of initializating the net_device::init() member, and letting that do the probe.
18:48:00erikm<erikm> jgarzik: sounds sane to me. so you actually want to probe from the init_module() function and let the net_device::init() do what it was meant for: initialising the device
18:48:07erikm<jgarzik> erikm: no need for a net_device::init() at all in the driver
18:48:16erikm<erikm> jgarzik: hmm, actually no. you can do the same from net_device::open()
18:48:26erikm<jgarzik> erikm: init_module calls probe1() once for each port.  probe1() should stay pretty much unchanged, except that it now calls register_netdev at the end
18:48:36erikm<jgarzik> erikm: open()? init()?  init() is not necessary.  open() is :)
18:48:54erikm<erikm> jgarzik: so probe1() returns a pointer to a struct net_device
18:48:54RussI thought you could one have the kernel come back with one device when it called the netcard init function
18:49:11RussI currently do "ether=0,0,0,eth0 ether=0,0,0,eth1" on the command line
18:49:12erikm<jgarzik> erikm: probe1() takes an I/O port (and irq, etc.) as argument, returns zero on success, negative value on error
18:49:47erikmwe can still do that
18:49:59Russmy main issues is how non clean it is
18:50:30erikmwell, if we set it up properly we can do good auto-probing
18:50:36Russmainly, the probe1(), how it behave differently base on the port number value, has all the eeprom stuff mixed in, the media detection stuff
18:58:21Russok, so you are basically saying remove the call for the net subsystem to init the cs89x0, and make it init itself
18:58:38erikmyes, that's what jgarzik proposed
18:59:08Russso they way I'm using ether= would be obsolete
18:59:37Russbut if someone wanted to use it to specify io port/irq, it would no longer work, correct?
19:02:06Russsome people would consider not being able to specify that on the command line broken (I'm not among them)
19:03:56erikmwell, jgarzik has plans to change all device drivers accordingly, so I guess that he'll fix the ether= stuff as well
19:06:15RussI'll be in at work in a bit, gotta go
19:06:59erikmok, cya

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